***Before and After weight shedding thread,semi-eye candy edition***


Platinum Member
Over 100lbs



Platinum Member


#Throwback to when these pants fit me like spandex... SW: 280 pounds | size 22/24-XXL • CW: 166 pounds | size 6/8-M, 5'6", timeframe: 5 LONG YEARS.. . When are you gonna reach your breaking point? When is enough gonna be enough? How many times are you gonna tell yourself 'tomorrow', 'next ...


Platinum Member
Mom of 4, turn powerlifter



FbF One year of heavy squats on the left was right about when I was just getting into powerlifting, I had already lost a lot of fat from being consistent at the gym but it was when I started Powerlifting that changed my shape I was a cardio bunny for EVER. And all I did was lose weight and gain it back. Never shaped my body. Cardio is important, but it won't build you a booty or powerful legs. I'm still a work in progress can't wait to see where I'll be in another year!



Platinum Member

"I have struggled with being over weight since I was 5 years old. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at the age of 10. It seemed like no matter what I did to lose weight a little would come off but then I would gain double the amount I lost in the first place right back. I always gotten looked past by guys because of my weight. I met an amazing man in 2015 and he never once judged me by my weight. I couldn't believe it was true, finally a man who could see me for me. We started dating.
After 3 months of dating we went on vacation to Los Angeles and tried to go on the Hollywood Hike. I didn't last 5 minutes before giving up. I was at my highest weight. I weighed 327 lbs. I decided enough was enough. I had gastric bypass surgery in May of 2016. I have lost 110 lbs since surgery. I've learned how to eat right and how to take care of my body. I wouldn't trade this decision for the world. It saved my life. My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years now.
I hope this helps others realize to not give up. Thank you for reading my story."


Platinum Member

Not at the point I want to be at but man I'm getting close!! I can't even find the words of gratitude for @themarkpentecost , this opportunity has truly changed my life!! Can't wait for my next #itworksadventure So these are the same pants, I tried pulling them lower like the first photo since someone's stated once I was "hiding my rolls with my pants" lol I can't wait to hit my final goal and tell y'all just how much weight I've lost!!


Platinum Member

Ome day at a time. One workout at a time. One meal at a time (size 3x to a L)❤️


Rising Star
OG Investor

"I have struggled with being over weight since I was 5 years old. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at the age of 10. It seemed like no matter what I did to lose weight a little would come off but then I would gain double the amount I lost in the first place right back. I always gotten looked past by guys because of my weight. I met an amazing man in 2015 and he never once judged me by my weight. I couldn't believe it was true, finally a man who could see me for me. We started dating.
After 3 months of dating we went on vacation to Los Angeles and tried to go on the Hollywood Hike. I didn't last 5 minutes before giving up. I was at my highest weight. I weighed 327 lbs. I decided enough was enough. I had gastric bypass surgery in May of 2016. I have lost 110 lbs since surgery. I've learned how to eat right and how to take care of my body. I wouldn't trade this decision for the world. It saved my life. My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years now.
I hope this helps others realize to not give up. Thank you for reading my story."
kudos to her but she had the lap band surgery. most of her weight can off from the surgery.