Ben Affleck Sick of J Lo's shit!! We all been there!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It definitely makes sense to thank the press for videotaping you walking back from getting a cup of coffee.

Yeah...Don't think he was thanking them though.



Rising Star
Platinum Member

That bitch is extra average.
If smedium were a person average.
I understand why Brad left Anniston for Jolie.
If you have to choose between being irritated by a bad bitch and irritated by a plain Jane, you may as well let the bad one get on your nerves. Both Anniston and Bullock have won People magazine's most attractive. Shows how fake that shit is.


Transnational Member
I think Ben has a touch of autism. This movie was his best role imo.

Just yesterday, I got ground pounded swarmed hard by gay men and WS, it is very scary. Many of them are on drugs and look demonic.

Because of their ideology, a retard will believe they are equal, and will engage with you. They believe you should drop what you are doing and waste your time on their games.

I don't know how they can be walking around like that, when that swarm hits, your security can buy you a couple of seconds to get away. They will lull you into a false sense of safety and comfort.

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor