I can't see menfolx saying no to this. They already get along and they don't seem especially needy. Anyway... @playhaitian when do we get the true story?
you would be surprised.
Its one thing to say you could but to actually be faced with the reality.
To be given that responsibility and that amount of trust and respect?
How many men do you know who have been in a position like that and totally ruined it?
Usually AFTER specifically ASKING for it?
I had stopped doing these threads cause I was getting hate...then I got PMs asking why I stopped. I actually started using them for a script and the Big Homie Bills has got me researching some things...
So I got to hold off for a second...a taste.
It was after college 2 beautiful young Black women I met while volunteering at a non-profit. And they both had a really tough life...abuse, homelessness.
And through sheer strength of will they made a success of themselves.
They really took a liking to me and were really into Pan-African-ism and Harlem Renaissance and Hip hop and art and the Black family. Introduced me to a lot new things. And then...
well the dilemma was based on them and always consider what I should have done differently.