BGOL Gamers: Have you ever been called the n-word?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I dont really play games on line like that but a few of my friends have been telling me its REALLY BAD???

A bunch of guys cursing tossing around the N-Word and I saw this article where WOMEN are getting sexually harassed???

I just wanted to ask if any BGOL gamers have encountered this???

In Virtual Play, Sex Harassment Is All Too Real


When Miranda Pakozdi entered the Cross Assault video game tournament this year, she knew she had a slim chance of winning the $25,000 prize. But she was ready to compete, and promised fans watching online that she would train just as hard as, if not harder than, anyone else.

A demonstration at Comic-Con. Trash talking is common in the world of online gaming, but women are often singled out.
Readers’ Comments

"It would be more productive to ask what it is about these 'games' which produces such violent and degrading behavior."

Over six days of competition, though, her team’s coach, Aris Bakhtanians, interrogated her on camera about her bra size, said “take off your shirt” and focused the team’s webcam on her chest, feet and legs. He leaned in over her shoulder and smelled her.

Ms. Pakozdi, 25, an experienced gamer, has said she always expects a certain amount of trash talk. But as the only woman on the team, this was too much, especially from her coach, she said. It was after she overheard Mr. Bakhtanians defending sexual harassment as part of “the fighting game community” that she forfeited the game.

Sexism, racism, homophobia and general name-calling are longstanding facts of life in certain corners of online video games. But the Cross Assault episode was the first of a series this year that have exposed the severity of the harassment that many women experience in virtual gaming communities.

And a backlash — on Twitter, in videos, on blogs and even in an online comic strip — has moved the issue beyond endless debate among gaming insiders to more public calls for change.

Executives in the $25 billion-a-year industry are taking note. One game designer’s online call for civility prompted a meeting with Microsoft executives about how to better police Xbox Live. In February, shortly after the Cross Assault tournament, LevelUp, an Internet broadcaster of gaming events, barred two commentators who made light of sexual harassment on camera and issued a formal apology, including statements from the commentators.

Even so, Tom Cannon, co-founder of the largest fighting game tournament, EVO, pulled his company’s sponsorship of the weekly LevelUp series, saying that “we cannot continue to let ignorant, hateful speech slide.”

“The nasty undercurrent in the scene isn’t a joke or a meme,” he said. “It’s something we need to fix.”

Mr. Bakhtanians, whose actions during the Cross Assault tournament were captured on video, later issued a statement in which he apologized if he had offended anyone. He also blamed “my own inability in the heat of the moment to defend myself and the community I have loved for over 15 years.”

But the issues raised by the Cross Assault episode gained more attention with Anita Sarkeesian’s campaign in May to raise $6,000 on Kickstarter to document how women are portrayed in video games. Her YouTube and Facebook pages were instantly flooded with hate-filled comments. People tried to hack her online accounts. She received violent personal threats.

Ms. Sarkeesian responded by documenting the harassment, posting online the doctored, pornographic images of herself that her detractors had created. Supporters of her efforts, aghast, donated more than $150,000, further angering her critics. A man from Ontario created an Internet game where players could “punch” her, layering bruises and cuts on her image until the screen turns red.

“The gaming industry is actually in the process of changing,” Ms. Sarkeesian said. “That’s a really positive thing, but I think there is a small group of male gamers who feel like gaming belongs to them, and are really terrified of that change happening.”

When Sam Killermann, a gamer in Austin, Tex., saw the reaction to Ms. Sarkeesian’s project, something “broke through,” he said. A few weeks ago, he began a campaign for “Gamers Against Bigotry,” asking people to sign a pledge supporting more positive behavior. The site received 1,500 pledges before it was hacked, erasing its list of names.

Like Ms. Sarkeesian, many women gamers are documenting their experiences on blogs like “Fat, Ugly or Slutty” (whose name comes from the typical insults women receive while playing against others online). It cheekily catalogs the slurs, threats and come-ons women receive while playing games like Resident Evil or Gears of War 3.

The blog publishes screenshots and voice recordings that serve as a kind of universal citation in each new controversy, called upon to settle debates or explode myths. For instance, many of the site’s recordings feature deep voices captured from the chat features of online games, debunking the widely held belief that bad behavior begins and ends with 13-year-old boys.

Jessica Hammer, a longtime player of video games and a researcher at Columbia University, said the percentage of women playing such games online ranges from 12 percent to close to half, depending on the game type.
Industry statistics from the Entertainment Software Association say 47 percent of game players are women, but that number is frequently viewed as so all-encompassing as to be meaningless, bundling Solitaire alongside Diablo III.

Women report greater levels of harassment in more competitive games involving strangers. Some abandon anonymous play for safer communities or “clans” where good behavior is the norm.

In other game communities, however, sexual threats, taunts and come-ons are common, as is criticism that women’s presence is “distracting” or that they are simply trying to seek attention. Some have been offered money or virtual “gold” for online sex. Some have been stalked online and in person.​

Stephen Toulouse, who was the head of enforcement for Xbox Live from 2007 until February, policed the most egregious behavior on the network, owned by Microsoft. And women were the most frequent target of harassment, he said. In that role, Mr. Toulouse experienced the wrath of angry gamers firsthand, who figured out where he lived, then called the police with false reports about trouble at his house (more than once, SWAT teams were sent).

If players were reported for bad behavior, they could be disciplined by being muted on voice chat or barred temporarily. At least once a day, Mr. Toulouse said, the company blocked a specific console’s serial number from ever accessing the network again.

But policing the two or three million players who are active on Xbox Live at any given time is hard. Just as on the broader Internet, there are people who delight in piquing anger or frustration in others, or “trolling.” For trolls, offensive language — sexist, racist, homophobic comments — are interchangeable weapons that vary with the target.

“They treat the Internet like a vast game,” where offending others scores points, Mr. Toulouse said. But the standard advice to ignore the taunts (“don’t feed the trolls”) is now, in the wake of Ms. Sarkeesian’s treatment, being accompanied by discussions about “how to kill a troll.” And many people are calling for the gaming industry to do more.

James Portnow, a game designer who has worked on titles including Call of Duty and Farmville, wrote an episode about harassment for his animated Web series “Extra Credits.” In it, the narrator says: “Right now, it’s like we gave the school bully access to the intercom system and told him that everyone would hear whatever he had to say. It’s time we take away that megaphone.”

At the end of the video, viewers were encouraged to e-mail Microsoft’s Xbox Live’s team, asking for changes to communication tools and improvements to reporting systems.

After hearing from gamers, Microsoft called Mr. Portnow and invited him to headquarters. He met with a team of executives, including a vice president, for four hours, and they discussed how Microsoft was developing better algorithms for things like automatically muting repeat offenders. Microsoft confirmed it was working toward improvements to its community tools.

“For the longest time, people have seen games as a children’s pastime, and we as an industry have stood behind this idea,” said Mr. Portnow, who will be speaking on a gaming convention panel later this month called “Ending Harassment in Gaming.”

“But that’s not true any longer,” he added. “We are a real mass medium, and we have a real effect on the culture. We have to take a step beyond this idea that nothing we could possibly do could be negative, or hurt people.”


BGOL Investor
Not me personally cause I just stay in silent mode but listen to those lil white boys talk greasy.

Best remedy is to consistently bust their asses in cod to the point their start crying lol


Rising Star
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to often! Calling them crackers in return just doesn't cut it so I'll say some off the wall shit like "I hope your mother dies a slow painful death from cancer if she didn't already"

Rocky Miavia

BGOL Investor
Not me personally cause I just stay in silent mode but listen to those lil white boys talk greasy.

Best remedy is to consistently bust their asses in cod to the point their start crying lol
Or stay away from games like CoD and Halo that draw that ignorant closet racist crowd.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Few times but that's only cuz they're losing which makes it hilarious...I call them a cracka and keep it moving


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Not me personally cause I just stay in silent mode but listen to those lil white boys talk greasy.

Best remedy is to consistently bust their asses in cod to the point their start crying lol

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to often! Calling them crackers in return just doesn't cut it so I'll say some off the wall shit like "I hope your mother dies a slow painful death from cancer if she didn't already"


Im a little surprised by this, I thought that stuff would be monitored and have like a complaint feature or something...

aint ya'll paying good money for that X Box Live Pass?

I had this snowflake who wanted to ride the bench and she was telling me her boyfriend worked the night shift and would use ALL his other time to play that on line military game stuff with the headset on and everything..

turning down pussy:smh:


She was sending me vids of her masturbating and using toys with my name on them:eek:

I actually told her she needed to send HIM that stuff, she finally did...


some type of tournament was on...:rolleyes:

He actually called once while I was on the phone for a booty call and she hung up on him...:lol:

I took her out for coffee instead.

these dudes no a days boy:smh:
Is that shit REALLY that addictive fam:confused:


Rising Star
This reminds me my XBOX Live tag used to be Mr Slap Aho412 and Rev Slap Aho412, I got so many "Are you black?" questions. I wanted to do JezusfucingCHRIST but didn't want to be banned for life lol.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member

On Tekken and NBA 2k. Getting the N-bomb dropped on me during Tekken is comedy cause I stay busting ass no matter how mad they get.


Rising Star

Im a little surprised by this, I thought that stuff would be monitored and have like a complaint feature or something...

aint ya'll paying good money for that X Box Live Pass?

I had this snowflake who wanted to ride the bench and she was telling me her boyfriend worked the night shift and would use ALL his other time to play that on line military game stuff with the headset on and everything..

turning down pussy:smh:


She was sending me vids of her masturbating and using toys with my name on them:eek:

I actually told her she needed to send HIM that stuff, she finally did...


some type of tournament was on...:rolleyes:

He actually called once while I was on the phone for a booty call and she hung up on him...:lol:

I took her out for coffee instead.

these dudes no a days boy:smh:
Is that shit REALLY that addictive fam:confused:

We all have our vices, videogames have always been mine so I can relate to him. I'll be completely honest and say I have ignored my family almost a week if I'm really into a game. Usually it's an epic RPG of the likes like Elder Scrolls or Fallout that does that to me.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
This reminds me my XBOX Live tag used to be Mr Slap Aho412 and Rev Slap Aho412, I got so many "Are you black?" questions. I wanted to do JezusfucingCHRIST but didn't want to be banned for life lol.

I ALWAYS assumed it was mostly KIDS on there??


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yea its mostly those 1st person shooters. Its whatever. I talk shit about and go on about my day. I never have problem in sports games because usually those are for the more mature. COD and all those 1st person shooters are games those children play online.


Rising Star
I've been playing online for 8 years. I've been called every single derogatory comment there is. I've listened on convos where i haven't spoken and listened to these people and their thoughts. I've heard every form of nig you can make up. Shit i've never heard of. As for being a female and playing, yeah the harassment is just as real there too. It's no different from bgol though. The cost of being in an interactive enviornment with males who can't feel any repercussions for they do or say.

Le Dofant

Support BGOL
i stay quiet until i hear some shit, then i go smooth the fuck off, 9 times out of 10 they bitch asses will just bounce


Rising Star
Yea its mostly those 1st person shooters. Its whatever. I talk shit about and go on about my day. I never have problem in sports games because usually those are for the more mature. COD and all those 1st person shooters are games those children play online.

Play world of warcraft and then think it's mostly 1st person shooters. I've been on Star Wars, Guild Wars, City of Heroes. Same shit. No matter where you go. It's not just children. Yeah there's a lot of kids. But alot of adults too. The sports games, yeah. It's mostly degrading sexist shit when i'm on Madden. Which is why i stopped playing that, that bothered me for some reason.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
We all have our vices, videogames have always been mine so I can relate to him. I'll be completely honest and say I have ignored my family almost a week if I'm really into a game. Usually it's an epic RPG of the likes like Elder Scrolls or Fallout that does that to me.

F*UCK OUT OF HERE...dude u aint turning down no pussy for a VIDEO GAME:angry:

It aint going no where, you already paid for it, all you gotta do is turn the damn thing on, its a game!!!

And I'll be damned how much id an X Box now son??


how much is that pass like a $100 a year...

And the game is like what $ 60??

And ya'll saying CACs are calling me N*gga on TOP OF THAT????:angry:

So about $500 to play a kids game and I'm turning down good disease free pussy:hmm:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Play world of warcraft and then think it's mostly 1st person shooters. I've been on Star Wars, Guild Wars, City of Heroes. Same shit. No matter where you go. It's not just children. Yeah there's a lot of kids. But alot of adults too. The sports games, yeah. It's mostly degrading sexist shit when i'm on Madden. Which is why i stopped playing that, that bothered me for some reason.


These dudes...

of course the BGOL fam excluded:rolleyes:

According to YOU are CHILDREN or racist basement dwelling punks spewing this trash...

AND KNOW YOUR WOMAN and continue to do so?

And you cant report them or nothing??

Not one of these trolls tried to spit PROPER game (if they could manage it) knowing your a woman?


Electric Relaxation
BGOL Investor
:roflmao3: have i ever???? I get called "******" daily on Xbox Live

That just means i'm whupping ass though


Rising Star

These dudes...

of course the BGOL fam excluded:rolleyes:

According to YOU are CHILDREN or racist basement dwelling punks spewing this trash...

AND KNOW YOUR WOMAN and continue to do so?

And you cant report them or nothing??

Not one of these trolls tried to spit PROPER game (if they could manage it) knowing your a woman?

As soon as they hear me they know i'm an ethnic female. "I dig black chicks."

"It's all pink"

The most common. And then of course when you beat them at something you're a "****** bitch". And how i instantly have babydaddies and i'm on welfare. You could report them. But for what? Nothing will happen. The best and only way to get them is to have them type it.
If they type it you can screen shot it and send it in. Or something to that effect.

8 years. You get used to it. On COD it's the same thing.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Here comes more complaints when all any adult or child has to do is turn the mic off or just unplug it all together.A simple solution to a simple problem.

I've been called worse,and I've said things myself that weren't so flattering.But I'm an adult and I know that it's part of the game,we choose to play.Besides this is America,we can't subpress everyones thoughts and speech.It's really just a reflection of this great country of ours.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
:roflmao3: have i ever???? I get called "******" daily on Xbox Live

That just means i'm whupping ass though

Its interesting that a majority of you are cool about...

but if the same thing is said in REAL LIFE or even on BGOL a shit storm starts...

Is it because it is a competition?

That you can retaliate with your skill at the game and then they really have no response?

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
As soon as they hear me they know i'm an ethnic female. "I dig black chicks."

"It's all pink"

The most common. And then of course when you beat them at something you're a "****** bitch". And how i instantly have babydaddies and i'm on welfare. You could report them. But for what? Nothing will happen. The best and only way to get them is to have them type it.
If they type it you can screen shot it and send it in. Or something to that effect.

8 years. You get used to it. On COD it's the same thing.

my ps3 caught the YLOD about 3 months ago...

I can honestly say that I do not miss it.:smh: Going to learn me an instrument instead.


BGOL Legend
LBOP, what was your response?

Nothing 99% of the time they say the shit while they're rage quitting and I'm not gonna chase them down profile stalking and shit fuck them Ijust block em so I never play with them again.

The ones that do stay I check them and straight call them out for being the pussy filled estrogen laced failures at life that they are. Just talk major shit to them and continue to beat them and then point out how I'm beating them in life too and I don't stop until they do leave.... and then i report them but it don't matter that report shit is just to say that you can report people... they never check that shit...ever.


Electric Relaxation
BGOL Investor
its not a crowd
its a culture

i dont play those games

i play other shit and it happens all the damn time.

all the time its just how they are....

:smh: i'll be damned if i let some punk ass kiddie kkk member stop me from playing a game.

It's called the Mute button, and i use it often


BGOL Legend
Here comes more complaints when all any adult or child has to do is turn the mic off or just unplug it all together.A simple solution to a simple problem.

I've been called worse,and I've said things myself that weren't so flattering.But I'm an adult and I know that it's part of the game,we choose to play.Besides this is America,we can't subpress everyones thoughts and speech.It's really just a reflection of this great country of ours.

Why do I need to unplug my mic or turn it off cause these losers feel the need to be racist when they're losing?

It doesn't deter me from playing and it isn't even anything that makes me upset makes me laugh but to say well let's ignore them and turn the other cheek on some shit that you can't escape don't make sense to me... like I bought this game too lol and want to play online as well....


Rising Star
F*UCK OUT OF HERE...dude u aint turning down no pussy for a VIDEO GAME:angry:

It aint going no where, you already paid for it, all you gotta do is turn the damn thing on, its a game!!!

And I'll be damned how much id an X Box now son??


how much is that pass like a $100 a year...

And the game is like what $ 60??

And ya'll saying CACs are calling me N*gga on TOP OF THAT????:angry:

So about $500 to play a kids game and I'm turning down good disease free pussy:hmm:

lol All my childhood friends already know where I stand. I remember being in 8th grade and my classmates asked me "4north1side2, if you have the option of the soon to be released Nintendo Gamecube or the hottest woman in the world, what do you choose?" I said GAMECUBE with no hesitation, as you can imagine I got clowned hard alot in school.

How you feel about games is how I feel about pussy, it'll always be there.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Its interesting that a majority of you are cool about...

but if the same thing is said in REAL LIFE or even on BGOL a shit storm starts...

Is it because it is a competition?

That you can retaliate with your skill at the game and then they really have no response?

Oh yeah. A win speak much louder than a losers words:yes:

All they can do is be mad when they lose and you laugh the entire time they are spewing the hate.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
A few of my boys and I play into it.
We changed our clan tag to "JeWz" and nothing makes them angrier losing in an FPS to dudes that clearly sound like they're from NY and rock a tag like that. It helps being MUCH better than they are without camping.
I can't take credit for this one, but after losing by 3000 on TDM in MW3 they started talking all sorts of racist sh*t to my boy MC and he was like "it must suck being a n*gg*r and a jew." To that he said, "Hell no cracka! I got all the money AND I have a big dick!"
Needless to say, that dude logged off and sent plenty hate-mail his way.

:yes: Yessir :yes:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Here comes more complaints when all any adult or child has to do is turn the mic off or just unplug it all together.A simple solution to a simple problem.

I've been called worse,and I've said things myself that weren't so flattering.But I'm an adult and I know that it's part of the game,we choose to play.Besides this is America,we can't subpress everyones thoughts and speech.It's really just a reflection of this great country of ours.

Listen like i said AT THE START...

I am not a gamer so I was surprised by this..

but my nieces and nephews have been on it a lot so I am educating myself.

I was really surprised how many ADULTS play these games and interact with children..


Not that im a prude its just its supposed to be a video game...

And when that chick told me her man and his friends were ADDICTED to it...

And play as a group shouting n-words to other players..

cursing at female players:hmm:

When in reality dude is charmin soft.

And people don't get into reported this behavior or nothing..

Hey if you PAY for that and accept that behavior...


I was just ignorant to that culture.


Rising Star
A few of my boys and I play into it.
We changed our clan tag to "JeWz" and nothing makes them angrier losing in an FPS to dudes that clearly sound like they're from NY and rock a tag like that. It helps being MUCH better than they are without camping.
I can't take credit for this one, but after losing by 3000 on TDM in MW3 they started talking all sorts of racist sh*t to my boy MC and he was like "it must suck being a n*gg*r and a jew." To that he said, "Hell no cracka! I got all the money AND I have a big dick!"
Needless to say, that dude logged off and sent plenty hate-mail his way.

:yes: Yessir :yes:

:lol: Your typical CoD match.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
A few of my boys and I play into it.
We changed our clan tag to "JeWz" and nothing makes them angrier losing in an FPS to dudes that clearly sound like they're from NY and rock a tag like that. It helps being MUCH better than they are without camping.
I can't take credit for this one, but after losing by 3000 on TDM in MW3 they started talking all sorts of racist sh*t to my boy MC and he was like "it must suck being a n*gg*r and a jew." To that he said, "Hell no cracka! I got all the money AND I have a big dick!"
Needless to say, that dude logged off and sent plenty hate-mail his way.

:yes: Yessir :yes:

OK you gonna need to translate son:lol:

I got First Person shooter, right?



how u send hate-mail?