BGOL Gamers: Have you ever been called the n-word?


Electric Relaxation
BGOL Investor
Its interesting that a majority of you are cool about...

but if the same thing is said in REAL LIFE or even on BGOL a shit storm starts...

Is it because it is a competition?

That you can retaliate with your skill at the game and then they really have no response?

Well usually its after i whoop some ass then they'll say something to the effect of "stupid n*gger"

I usually laugh it off. IF you get offended, then thats what they want.

I mean, theres not much you can do over the internet, send a report and bad gamer review and thats it

i know for a fact he wouldn't say that face to face to me, so he just a pussy.

And like i said before, it it gets annoying, put his ass on mute and go on about whupping ass


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
lol All my childhood friends already know where I stand. I remember being in 8th grade and my classmates asked me "4north1side2, if you have the option of the soon to be released Nintendo Gamecube or the hottest woman in the world, what do you choose?" I said GAMECUBE with no hesitation, as you can imagine I got clowned hard alot in school.

How you feel about games is how I feel about pussy, it'll always be there.


OK I guess this should be a WHOLE OTHER THREAD:lol:

I'm just saying is it REALLY that fun?

YOu ALL just told me you pretty much always win, and get called out your name and PAY for it, right.

You would ACTUALLY tell your girl to go to bed so you could PAY to play some racist punk and beat his ass for the umpteenth time?

I dont have a console beside s my PS2 collecting dust, but because of YOU dudes if I find a used X-Box 360 for like $200 Im going to try this stuff out in the privacy of my own home...

see if it IS better then some new pussy...:lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why do I need to unplug my mic or turn it off cause these losers feel the need to be racist when they're losing?
Well leave your mic on and listen to whatever they have to say.
The fact is,that you do have a choice in the matter and which way you choose to exercise your choice is up to you.Just don't complain about it afterwards.


BGOL Legend
Its interesting that a majority of you are cool about...

but if the same thing is said in REAL LIFE or even on BGOL a shit storm starts...

Is it because it is a competition?

That you can retaliate with your skill at the game and then they really have no response?

what can you realistically do to someone online playing a video game other than beat them? unless youre some hacker supreme lol. understanding that then all you have to say is the truth which is you only say this shit online cause youre a pussy period.

and they have nothing to say to you after

matter of fact most white dudes on your team apologize for the racist ones cause even online they know theyre not brave enough to say that shit

but the key pont everyone is missing here is this shit is a NATURAL REACTION FOR THEM

they dont know Im black...
they have no idea, but its just their natural insult that's supposed to hurt WHITE PEOPLE
they say n'er so they can get white people upset like you called them the lowest shit ever lol.

its not even saying or thinking that you are actually black its just to sayy shit to white people to hurt white peoples feelings...i just happen to be black and they're always surprised when i do speak and do turn out to be black


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Well usually its after i whoop some ass then they'll say something to the effect of "stupid n*gger"

I usually laugh it off. IF you get offended, then thats what they want.

I mean, theres not much you can do over the internet, send a report and bad gamer review and thats it

i know for a fact he wouldn't say that face to face to me, so he just a pussy.

And like i said before, it it gets annoying, put his ass on mute and go on about whupping ass

Im going to ASSUME however that talking shit is one of the major selling points right?

Like u playing ball...talking trash.

ALL I'm saying is when in the hell did n0-word become the default insult?

And when is it EVER cool to trash women especially on a platform that is male dominated and eager for women to participate?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
what can you realistically do to someone online playing a video game other than beat them? unless youre some hacker supreme lol. understanding that then all you have to say is the truth which is you only say this shit online cause youre a pussy period.

and they have nothing to say to you after

matter of fact most white dudes on your team apologize for the racist ones cause even online they know theyre not brave enough to say that shit

but the key pont everyone is missing here is this shit is a NATURAL REACTION FOR THEM

they dont know Im black...
they have no idea, but its just their natural insult that's supposed to hurt WHITE PEOPLE
they say n'er so they can get white people upset like you called them the lowest shit ever lol.

its not even saying or thinking that you are actually black its just to sayy shit to white people to hurt white peoples feelings...i just happen to be black and they're always surprised when i do speak and do turn out to be


that shit right there just about ruined my day with so much truth...


Rising Star
I ain't played in a few years Xbox live but when I did I couldn't stand hearing these lil 13 year old white boys callin you N and all type of other nonsense. I used to politely ask to speak with they mommies :lol:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I ain't played in a few years Xbox live but when I did I couldn't stand hearing these lil 13 year old white boys callin you N and all type of other nonsense. I used to politely ask to speak with they mommies :lol:

now THAT is funny


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
OK you gonna need to translate son:lol:

I got First Person shooter, right?



how u send hate-mail?

My bad family.

Ok you got FPS - First Person Shooter.

Camping is a term for someone who spends all their time in a FPS hiding in a corner or the most abscure place waiting for someone to pass them so that they can kill them. They likely wont ever leave that spot or stray very far from it. I personally have no respect for campers and it brings me great joy sticking a grenade to their coward asses.

TDM - Team DeathMatch. Basically a game mode where the first team to reach "X" amount of points wins.

And in either PSN or Xbl gamers can send you voice messages or emails talking all sorts of reckless sh*t to each other. You get some n*gger this and monkey that, but I need my hate to be well thought-out and inspired.

:yes: Yessir :yes:


Support BGOL
The very first time in my whole life that I was called a "n*****" directly was on the original XBOX's Live while playing Halo 2 and Ghost Recon. Even back then I knew those people were none other than cowards. No better than the KKK racists who hate so much, but still hide their faces behind white hoods. To hell with them! I don't mute my mic and I don't back down. I'm probably more educated than most of those closet racists that are talking trash to me. I let them know it when I shut them down verbally and by pwning the shit out of them in the games.

But on another note, I was talking to some BGOLers while playing Battlefield 3 earlier this week. I think that one defense we can have from this stupid crap is to rent a server. Now I know some of you don't want EA getting more of your hard earned, but I think it's a good idea. Any racist fools come in talking trash we ban them. And it gives BGOLers a place to play together instead of with randoms. In fact, I think all games should start renting servers. A Battlefield 3 server only costs about $25 per month, but there are also weekly and daily rental options as well. Anybody interested can hit me up at my gamertag: The Elite X1 it send me a comment at in the forums.


Support BGOL
what can you realistically do to someone online playing a video game other than beat them? unless youre some hacker supreme lol. understanding that then all you have to say is the truth which is you only say this shit online cause youre a pussy period.

and they have nothing to say to you after

matter of fact most white dudes on your team apologize for the racist ones cause even online they know theyre not brave enough to say that shit

but the key pont everyone is missing here is this shit is a NATURAL REACTION FOR THEM

they dont know Im black...
they have no idea, but its just their natural insult that's supposed to hurt WHITE PEOPLE
they say n'er so they can get white people upset like you called them the lowest shit ever lol.

its not even saying or thinking that you are actually black its just to sayy shit to white people to hurt white peoples feelings...i just happen to be black and they're always surprised when i do speak and do turn out to be black
Ever had any white friends or co-workers on your XBL list and joined a game in progress unannounced to see if you could catch them using racial slurs? I used to do that from time to time when I set my profile to invisible.

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Listen like i said AT THE START...

I am not a gamer so I was surprised by this..

but my nieces and nephews have been on it a lot so I am educating myself.

I was really surprised how many ADULTS play these games and interact with children..


Not that im a prude its just its supposed to be a video game...

And when that chick told me her man and his friends were ADDICTED to it...

And play as a group shouting n-words to other players..

cursing at female players:hmm:

When in reality dude is charmin soft.

And people don't get into reported this behavior or nothing..

Hey if you PAY for that and accept that behavior...


I was just ignorant to that culture.

Well your now enlightenedon this subject.

The majority of the times the adult gamers isolate themselves from the kids and jerks.You play with your own group of friends and family,rather than strangers(not all of the time).

But don't get it twisted,there are some adults who game,it's serious for them.Back when I used to play Socom I was in a clan of older black guys(older than me) and we were the equivalent of the "Black panthers" on there and it was fun saying "I just blasted that cracker","them ______ aint got shit on me,today" and awhole bunch of other negetive shit.

It's just apart of what goes on....


Electric Relaxation
BGOL Investor
Im going to ASSUME however that talking shit is one of the major selling points right?

Like u playing ball...talking trash.

ALL I'm saying is when in the hell did n0-word become the default insult?

And when is it EVER cool to trash women especially on a platform that is male dominated and eager for women to participate?

Yeah, I love talking shit in Gears of War. But if you're playing a white guy in ball and your beating him, he's not gonna say "You ******* are stupid", cause he knows a swift roundhouse to the face will follow.

Real world rules don't apply online. Like i said, I'll go back and forth all day talking shit, but once it gets ignorant and annoying, i just mute you.

All these cats saying that they unplug mics and don't play certain games are ridiculous. The mute button is my best friend:lol:

As for females, usually they get harassed too, but its because the nerds have no real fear of repercussion, so they just need to hit the mute button too.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The very first time in my whole life that I was called a "n*****" directly was on the original XBOX's Live while playing Halo 2 and Ghost Recon. Even back then I knew those people were none other than cowards. No better than the KKK racists who hate so much, but still hide their faces behind white hoods. To hell with them! I don't mute my mic and I don't back down. I'm probably more educated than most of those closet racists that are talking trash to me. I let them know it when I shut them down verbally and by pwning the shit out of them in the games.

But on another note, I was talking to some BGOLers while playing Battlefield 3 earlier this week. I think that one defense we can have from this stupid crap is to rent a server. Now I know some of you don't want EA getting more of your hard earned, but I think it's a good idea. Any racist fools come in talking trash we ban them. And it gives BGOLers a place to play together instead of with randoms. In fact, I think all games should start renting servers. A Battlefield 3 server only costs about $25 per month, but there are also weekly and daily rental options as well. Anybody interested can hit me up at my gamertag: The Elite X1 it send me a comment at in the forums.

I dont play nor do I have a X Box 360...

but I think this is an EXCELLENT ideas..

but what doI know???




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Or stay away from games like CoD and Halo that draw that ignorant closet racist crowd.

I play both of those games online but, my Kinect is turned off when I'm playing. People always getting grimy. So, I just kill em(often), tea bag em, and keep it movin'.

I know they know I'm black because of my gamer picture. I don't let their ignorance rile me up (anymore). The really bad ones, I just file a complaint and avoid them so we can't play together anymore.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Well your now enlightenedon this subject.

The majority of the times the adult gamers isolate themselves from the kids and jerks.You play with your own group of friends and family,rather than strangers(not all of the time).

But don't get it twisted,there are some adults who game,it's serious for them.Back when I used to play Socom I was in a clan of older black guys(older than me) and we were the equivalent of the "Black panthers" on there and it was fun saying "I just blasted that cracker","them ______ aint got shit on me,today" and awhole bunch of other negetive shit.

It's just apart of what goes on....

its all good fam:cool:

I had NO IDEA you could block ignore and ONLY play with people you know...

I think I need to tell my sisters about that for the kids...



Rising Star
Yeah, I love talking shit in Gears of War. But if you're playing a white guy in ball and your beating him, he's not gonna say "You ******* are stupid", cause he knows a swift roundhouse to the face will follow.

Real world rules don't apply online. Like i said, I'll go back and forth all day talking shit, but once it gets ignorant and annoying, i just mute you.

All these cats saying that they unplug mics and don't play certain games are ridiculous. The mute button is my best friend:lol:

As for females, usually they get harassed too, but its because the nerds have no real fear of repercussion, so they just need to hit the mute button too.

This... Best thing to do is just bust they ass.... Specially in GOW :lol:

Keep bussin they ass all they can do is cry, call you more names (mute) or leave


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I play both of those games online but, my Kinect is turned off when I'm playing. People always getting grimy. So, I just kill em(often), tea bag em, and keep it movin'.

I know they know I'm black because of my gamer picture. I don't let their ignorance rile me up (anymore). The really bad ones, I just file a complaint and avoid them so we can't play together anymore.

OK what is teabag?


But earlier it was said that they arent effective?

you can use Kinect with a FPS? (im getting better:D)


i have heard such racism on games online. but then again it varied depending what i play. i dont play FPS online. usually only fighting games and dont hear much


Rising Star
Its interesting that a majority of you are cool about...

but if the same thing is said in REAL LIFE or even on BGOL a shit storm starts...

Is it because it is a competition?

That you can retaliate with your skill at the game and then they really have no response?

It's not about being COOL. I don't think anybody's cool with it. It hurts me in a small place. But it's the place that comes with experience. I've been a social worker, worked in a Miami law office. Been in 5th district Miami courts. Being called a ****** spic bitch is nothing new. It's just a part of life you become accustomed too living in this country.

And it's not like you can DO anything to them. Other than beat them. Or Mute them. You get tired after awhile and distracted lol.


In BF3 if i come across a racist, I use the usas-12 and just stay killing that one person the entire match. Nothing better than coming up and getting that knife kill. Then they get to watch me on killcam getting my tea bag on! lol.

But ive also found most people have their xbox accounts linked to something online. a quick google search usually shows me a youtube page, facebook and twitter account. Once you have that, if you want to put the time and effort into it, you can probably hack they xbox account.


International Member
if i'm playin with some of my boys and people are talking that kind of shit, we usually shout them down, and it gives the extra amp to mash their asses, which usually happens...other than that i just mute them. calling them out on their cowardness can shut them up as well. once i turn the game off i forget bout them though.


i have heard such racism on games online. but then again it varied depending what i play. i dont play FPS online. usually only fighting games and dont hear much

i rarely use my mic when i play super street fighter iv... but i get racist messages after a match that i win.:smh:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
In BF3 if i come across a racist, I use the usas-12 and just stay killing that one person the entire match. Nothing better than coming up and getting that knife kill. Then they get to watch me on killcam getting my tea bag on! lol.

But ive also found most people have their xbox accounts linked to something online. a quick google search usually shows me a youtube page, facebook and twitter account. Once you have that, if you want to put the time and effort into it, you can probably hack they xbox account.

OK whats this teabag thing?

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I dont turn my mic on unless its a person I know personally, or some of the bgol fam. I got over that mic shit waaaaay back on the first X-Box while playing Tiger Woods with a black character... Shit was all gentlemen like til they started missing putts and you pull away.:smh: Never failed.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I dont turn my mic on unless its a person I know personally, or some of the bgol fam. I got over that mic shit waaaaay back on the first X-Box while playing Tiger Woods with a black character... Shit was all gentlemen like til they started missing putts and you pull away.:smh: Never failed.

WOW I didnt realize that so many of the BGOL fam played...TOGETHER!

Nice To Know...

So for a noob like me, what is the easiest FPS to pick up and play?

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
WOW I didnt realize that so many of the BGOL fam played...TOGETHER!

Nice To Know...

So for a noob like me, what is the easiest FPS to pick up and play?

Honestly I dunno. I dont play shooters, mainly racing, RPGs, and sports titles. But yeah, anytime a game drops I always ask if the fam wanna play a dynasty, career, association or whatever. Playing with anonymous people aint whats hot anymore.:smh:


searching for the remaining 143,999
Platinum Member
Not me personally cause I just stay in silent mode but listen to those lil white boys talk greasy.
walking home one late night i passed about seven of these little fuckers.

i was ready to kill them all if some shit would've jumped off. they all could see that in my body language.

they are more racist than young white girls. i fuckin' hate them.