BGOL, how do you like your steaks cooked?

How do you like your steaks cooked?

  • Extra Rare

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rare

    Votes: 2 1.1%
  • Medium Rare

    Votes: 59 32.1%
  • Medium

    Votes: 89 48.4%
  • Well Done

    Votes: 34 18.5%

  • Total voters

Pack Rat

BGOL Investor
Medium well :yes::yes::dance:



BGOL Investor
Medium or medium well, don't mind medium rare from time to time


8 vs 80
OG Investor
For me, it depends on the thickness & cut of beef: i like 1.5 inch thick ribeyes cooked medium well, but I like a nice 2 inch fillet cooked medium.

For t-bones, it varies bc sometimes the fillet side is tender but the loin side is tough as hell; the t-bone is the hardest to cook right imo.

I even cook my burgers medium to medium well but THAT'S BC I GRIND MY OWN BEEF! if you're cooking ground beef from the store, there is no telling what's in it & i suggest well done to "leave that shit alone."

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When I didn't know any better I'd get well done. When I started working with whites they schooled me on that shit. Then I went to medium well. Now I get medium and love it. The only place I eat rare Is Fogo De Chao.

Wobble Wobble

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Raised on well done. Went to an upscale restaurant and ordered but got a medium rare. Lots of red and red juice on the plate. But I did not want to send it back. With a knot in my stomach, and feeling a little queasy and not willing to tell my dinner partners, I took a bite and thought: "Wow, that's what beef is supposed to taste like!"


Tensei - Admin
Staff member
I like mine cooked by naked women with a pretty face big tits round apple ass and a great singing voice. Oh and onions and mushrooms.

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Support BGOL
Raised on well done. Went to an upscale restaurant and ordered but got a medium rare. Lots of red and red juice on the plate. But I did not want to send it back. With a knot in my stomach, and feeling a little queasy and not willing to tell my dinner partners, I took a bite and thought: "Wow, that's what beef is supposed to taste like!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Exact same thing happened to me, except it was medium. I realized how many steaks I ruined in my younger years having all the extra taste and texture burned out. Now I order medium or medium rare depending on the establishment.

charlie dark

Raised on well done. Went to an upscale restaurant and ordered but got a medium rare. Lots of red and red juice on the plate. But I did not want to send it back. With a knot in my stomach, and feeling a little queasy and not willing to tell my dinner partners, I took a bite and thought: "Wow, that's what beef is supposed to taste like!"



Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Raised on well done. Went to an upscale restaurant and ordered but got a medium rare. Lots of red and red juice on the plate. But I did not want to send it back. With a knot in my stomach, and feeling a little queasy and not willing to tell my dinner partners, I took a bite and thought: "Wow, that's what beef is supposed to taste like!"


im not eating anything bloody



Rising Star
BGOL Investor to wife and kids well.

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