BGOL, how do you like your steaks cooked?

How do you like your steaks cooked?

  • Extra Rare

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rare

    Votes: 2 1.1%
  • Medium Rare

    Votes: 59 32.1%
  • Medium

    Votes: 89 48.4%
  • Well Done

    Votes: 34 18.5%

  • Total voters


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
Raised on well done. Went to an upscale restaurant and ordered but got a medium rare. Lots of red and red juice on the plate. But I did not want to send it back. With a knot in my stomach, and feeling a little queasy and not willing to tell my dinner partners, I took a bite and thought: "Wow, that's what beef is supposed to taste like!"

I ate some of the same shit you described yesterday at a BBQ.

I feel like I need to throw up today. Shit is nasty. :puke:

I'll ask you rare done dudes this: Can you eat that shit cold? I'm talking about leftovers. I can eat well done meat cold, but that bloody shit? :lol::lol::lol:

Y'all can have it.


Uncle Juice
BGOL Investor
This thread always gets at least 3 pages.. :lol:

Oh medium rare to medium for me.

I won't get into the usual well done vs not well done pissing match. Order the steak however you want, but I'd caution you not to order well done at a fine restaurant/steakhouse.....


Uncle Juice
BGOL Investor
I ate some of the same shit you described yesterday at a BBQ.

I feel like I need to throw up today. Shit is nasty. :puke:

I'll ask you rare done dudes this: Can you eat that shit cold? I'm talking about leftovers. I can eat well done meat cold, but that bloody shit? :lol::lol::lol:

Y'all can have it.

I don't fuck with rare. I'm not that extreme.


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
I love a "medium well" truly cooked right. I've had some medium rare, but I'm not that mature in the taste buds yet. If you go to a 5 star restaurant and order a "Well Done" ass steak, those cooks are going to CHARCOAL BRICK that shit and laugh about your black ass wanting that over cooked ass shit. I once went to a sushi house and ordered the Hot Rock Filet(comes with raw slices filet mignon and a 400* lava rock to cook them on) and my white homeboy grabbed a slice and killed that shit RAW!! White people can eat whatever, like the mescans.

That's because the "5 star" chefs were taught to serve you that raw shit. I don't like the taste of pink meat. the shit disgusts me to the fullest.

I like my steak cooked and my vegetables damn near raw. The way it's supposed to be.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I ate some of the same shit you described yesterday at a BBQ.

I feel like I need to throw up today. Shit is nasty. :puke:

I'll ask you rare done dudes this: Can you eat that shit cold? I'm talking about leftovers. I can eat well done meat cold, but that bloody shit? :lol::lol::lol:

Y'all can have it.

if you referring to "steak tartare"..




leave that to the CACs :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You kats talking about well done has no flavor must not know how to cook

That must be it!


cant bring myself around to eating under cooked pork. :smh::smh::smh::smh::smh:


As you shouldn't.

If it's seasoned like how black people season their meat, medium well to well done is nice, if it's more lightly seasoned, then medium rare to medium is the ticket.

I don't like an over-seasoned steak or a spiceburger.

If you pay for a nice cut of meat, the marblization should provide most of the flavor.



Rising Star
Super Moderator
I like my steaks medium well, I have to see a little bit of pink and to me well done steaks are dry and flavorLESS.

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Rising Star
eating bloody meat is devil shit

if that is childish to you...sobeit

but i have never had dinner with a person of color(ricans included) who ate red meat...ever!

really man you need to get out a little more then...:smh::smh::smh::smh:


Rising Star
well done. everyone dont know how to cook a well done steak. i dont give a dam how many stars a restaurant got. you can cook well done and it be tender, juicy and flavorful. u just gotta know how to cook it

Duval's King

Rising Star
That's because the "5 star" chefs were taught to serve you that raw shit. I don't like the taste of pink meat. the shit disgusts me to the fullest.

I like my steak cooked and my vegetables damn near raw. The way it's supposed to be.

I like all my veggies to have a crunch and my steak can only be slightly pink in the middle...

I've tried all forms of steak excluding "blue rare" and i must say the texture on uncooked meat is an acquired preference..It's gelatinous :smh::puke:

Mid well.. To well done for me...


Rising Star
Super Moderator
I tell you what I don't like is steak sauce to me it ruins a good steak. IMO

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One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
I like all my veggies to have a crunch and my steak can only be slightly pink in the middle...

I've tried all forms of steak excluding "blue rare" and i must say the texture on uncooked meat is an acquired preference..It's gelatinous :smh::puke:

Mid well.. To well done for me...

Yeah man.

I can eat medium well as long as it's not sloppy pink like that shit MB posted.

Ninjas eating tartar and getting Mansausges claiming I don't have any culture. :lol::lol:


I used to be on the well done bandwagon, until I worked at a dining hall where they served steak from time to time. The white dudes there used to ride me relentlessly for getting well done steaks. One day one of them talked me into trying a medium steak. I took one taste and haven't had a well done steak sense. I had a medium rare steak once and it was okay but something I could eat regularly. Medium and Medium Well for me, depending on my mood. Burgers must be well done tho.

Duval's King

Rising Star
And for you bros claiming that well done steaks arent juicy..If your meat ( no mailboxpimp/stickyfingaz:hmm:) is quality it's not gonna be dry unless you char it..Well done doesn't meant charred..I'd cook you a med well to well done new york strip and you'd be able to cut it with a fork...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Went out to dinner earlier. Ordered a medium steak. One part was rare while the other part was cooked to long. I sent that shit back. What also got me about the steak was tere was no juice on the plate.


8 vs 80
OG Investor
I tell you what I don't like is steak sauce to me it ruins a good steak. IMO

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for a good cut of meat... cooked properly and seasoned well, you don't need anything but a knife, a fork, and some teefus.

:lol: at people who STILL think that the 'juice' from a steak is blood. :smh:
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Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member
Sometimes it depends on the restaurant. Most of the time medium well, but sometimes well done...NEVER UNDERCOOKED!!!