BGOLer explains the Flat Earth... which one of yall is this?


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
I do not feel like watching no 15 minute YouTube video, man. Seriously. I don’t do that YT ish for discussions, bruh. I ain’t NEVER post a video in our discussions and I’m not about to start debating you AND some video. You should be able to articulate whatever he is trying to say since this is part of your argument(s).

Plus I’m stuck on 32 miles. Trying to comprehend this litte ass sun we supposedly living under and being 3000 miles away.
The nigga in the video made some great discoveries in the field of magnetic imaging, then started talking about astrophysics like the mri discoveries made him a universal science og when he's not even certified in the areas Cashie B tryna cite him for, and they fired his muhfuckin ass for that shit.

Nigga wouldn't stop though, and carried on independently where the entire credentialed astrophysics community basically laughed his ass into obscurity and he's been relegated to doing PowerPoints to rooms of roughly 32 Cashie B's a few times a year.

The funniest shit is he is neither a flat earther nor does he assert anywhere that the sun is 32 miles in diameter or 3000 miles away.

Cashie literally said "oh you don't believe it's 32 miles wide? Well how do you explain this video about pistachio pudding then?"

This flat earth shit is wack tho..

The real shit is the inner earth theory...

Is there a sun in the inner earth...

Does agartha exist???
no. No it doesn't.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
I'm not explaining 32 miles until you refute that video.

And this will also help you understand our "little ass sun" better. There's a difference between sunlight and daylight. Two separate things. If you view the sun through a filter to remove the flares, you will see that it's quite small. Same size as the moon. I've gone over all of this before.

You're so full of fucking shit, all you do is cop out and go get another stupid ass YouTube that you barely understand your gotdamn self.

You trying to get a nigga stuck on some shit that also makes zero sense and got the nerve to hold your response to one of your own claims ransom until @4 Dimensional can explain the newest load of bullshit. As if you had an answer in the first gotdamn place.

You stalling but the stupidest way possible. Not understanding some shit, being called out, and going to find another dumb ass YouTube to hide behind until the process gets repeated has been your MO on this shit since the first fucking thread lol

You an intellectual fraud and you been one from the starter pistol.


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
You're so full of fucking shit, all you do is cop out and go get another stupid ass YouTube that you barely understand your gotdamn self.

You trying to get a nigga stuck on some shit that also makes zero sense and got the nerve to hold your response to one of your own claims ransom until @4 Dimensional can explain the newest load of bullshit.

You stalling but the stupidest way possible. Not understanding some shit, being called out, and going to find another dumb ass YouTube to hide behind until the process gets repeated had been your MO on this shit since the first fucking thread lol

You an intellectual fraud and you been one from the starter pistol.

None of you can refute the video. I get it. All these damned excuses, deflections, insults, etc. This will and DOES go on forever. But sammy, I. don't. give. a. FUCK. So keep that shit coming.

And as for you? We bout to have it out real soon. Consider yourself notified.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
None of you can refute the video. I get it. All these damned excuses, deflections, insults, etc. This will and DOES go on forever. But sammy, I. don't. give. a. FUCK. So keep that shit coming.

And as for you? We bout to have it out real soon. Consider yourself notified.
Nigga shut the fuck up

Ok the sun is liquid instead of gas

Nigga explain the 32 miles shit

You bout one ignant muthafucka man lol ween having shit out. I barely believe you can read


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
Cashie literally said "oh you don't believe it's 32 miles wide? Well how do you explain this video about pistachio pudding then?"

Nope. And I told yall the shit was 32 miles wide 3 years ago. See yall niggas think this works in one direction, asking ME all these dumbass questions. Every time I ask y'all shit you start deflecting. You want me to answer your questions, yall gonna answer mine. Otherwise.......kick rocks.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Nope. And I told yall the shit was 32 miles wide 3 years ago. See yall niggas think this works in one direction, asking ME all these dumbass questions. Every time I ask y'all shit you start deflecting. You want me to answer your questions, yall gonna answer mine. Otherwise.......kick rocks.
Niggas have answered all your autistic ass questions though.

Just because you don't understand and therefore reject the answers, you claim nobody answered you. Nope, that shit ain't gon work.

Like I said, you're full of shit and will say any dumb ass thing you can to try to cover up your intellectual shortcomings. You are just out of your depth bro.


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
Nigga shut the fuck up

Ok the sun is liquid instead of gas

Nigga explain the 32 miles shit

You bout one ignant muthafucka man lol ween having shit out. I barely believe you can read

Refute the video, I'l answer the question. That's how this shit is GOING to go. Call me a million names and insults. Throw me a million NASA lies. They make my teeth white. They make my white tees shine bright. They shine my jewels. Thanks for the drip dumb fools.


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
Niggas have answered all your autistic ass questions though.

Just because you don't understand and therefore reject the answers, you claim nobody answered you. Nope, that shit ain't gon work.

Like I said, you're full of shit and will say any dumb ass thing you can to try to cover up your intellectual shortcomings. You are just out of your depth bro.




Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Refute the video, I'l answer the question. That's how this shit is GOING to go. Call me a million names and insults. Throw me a million NASA lies. They make my teeth white. They make my white tees shine bright. They shine my jewels. Thanks for the drip dumb fools.
1-The video has zero to do with the entire subject at hand

2-the video is not peer reviewed or accepted by any legitimate body. The burden of proof is always on the one making the claim

Again, your strategy is to always post some crackpot theoretical bullshit that has NEVER been proven, and insist that people disprove that imaginary shit before you will respond to questions about your last claim.

That's your smoke bomb so you can go search YouTube for your next smoke bomb. Niggas done peeped game bro.

Notice how none of the people who know what the fuck they are talking about are trying to make you solve riddles to share their knowledge? That's how actual scholars and people of intellect have discourse.

On the cool, you're right next to crazy, and I think that's probably hard for any crazy muhfucka to accept.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
There it is, 100% gifs lol

I should have some kind of title belt.

I think the first nigga I ran off was the pedo nigga, the one that used to call himself bgol kellz. I can't remeber that nigga name for shit.

Niggas don't deserve to share the same internet with me.


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
There it is, 100% gifs lol

I should have some kind of title belt.

I think the first nigga I ran off was the pedo nigga, the one that used to call himself bgol kellz. I can't remeber that nigga name for shit.

Niggas don't deserve to share the same internet with me.

And one more thing for the fucking record. 4Dimensional asked me how big the sun was and I answered it, then I asked him to refute that video. THEN he asked me to explain 32 miles and I told him I would if he refuted my video. Go look at it. So stop making shit up, get serious and disprove that video and you shall unlock more knowledge from me. Otherwise, you're just pissing in the wind and it's blowing right back into your mouth pleiboi.

Fuck outta here. Sicka this shit.


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
1-The video has zero to do with the entire subject at hand

2-the video is not peer reviewed or accepted by any legitimate body. The burden of proof is always on the one making the claim

Again, your strategy is to always post some crackpot theoretical bullshit that has NEVER been proven, and insist that people disprove that imaginary shit before you will respond to questions about your last claim.

That's your smoke bomb so you can go search YouTube for your next smoke bomb. Niggas done peeped game bro.

Notice how none of the people who know what the fuck they are talking about are trying to make you solve riddles to share their knowledge? That's how actual scholars and people of intellect have discourse.

On the cool, you're right next to crazy, and I think that's probably hard for any crazy muhfucka to accept.




You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
1-The video has zero to do with the entire subject at hand

2-the video is not peer reviewed or accepted by any legitimate body. The burden of proof is always on the one making the claim

Again, your strategy is to always post some crackpot theoretical bullshit that has NEVER been proven, and insist that people disprove that imaginary shit before you will respond to questions about your last claim.

That's your smoke bomb so you can go search YouTube for your next smoke bomb. Niggas done peeped game bro.

Notice how none of the people who know what the fuck they are talking about are trying to make you solve riddles to share their knowledge? That's how actual scholars and people of intellect have discourse.

On the cool, you're right next to crazy, and I think that's probably hard for any crazy muhfucka to accept.

All you're trying to do is attack my credibility rather than dealing with what the fuck I'm saying, which is more some political shit rather than some scientific shit. Real science only requires following logic and sticking to the facts. You're on some other shit.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Exhibit A

You think office furniture brought down building 7 so you can shut all the way the fuck up.
You think the earth is flat like somebody from the 1400s. You should kill yourself you idiot ass nigga. I hope you don’t have kids because we need less retarded people on this earth.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nigga asked me how did fossils all get made at one time.

They ask questions that make so little sense that you literally have no way to answer and they be like "see!" Lmao

Shit is funny but it's sad

Then on the way home my son says "if somebody didn't know any better, they'd believe him because he sounds like he knows what he's talking about." But then he ran off the gravitic equation and pointed out like 3 things the nigga said that was all prison logic and I was like boy im proud of you.

But his observation is the only thing that bothers me about these niggas, and he's only 17. Somebody who doesn't know any better will believe that bullshit and bam, one less intelligent member of the community. They are converting the intellectually vulnerable ones into card carrying idiots.

Maybe they are just casualties of war that I gotta accept.
It's so much easier to believe this shit because it means your studying and research can be accomplished 100% by watching YouTube videos.

It validates them and proves their failure in STEM was because science is fake and wrong.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
All you're trying to do is attack my credibility rather than dealing with what the fuck I'm saying, which is more some political shit rather than some scientific shit. Real science only requires following logic and sticking to the facts. You're on some other shit.
You don't have credibility you fucking dunce.

Case in point: your requirements for "real science" totally ignore the actual scientific method.

And of course they do, because you have to ignore it to sign on to any of this fucking idiocy you believe lol tf

Like I said bro, science just ain't your thing.

If you just call it science fiction and religion you wouldn't even have to change your posts. You should just be real about it lol

You're a fucking science fiction black Israelite. Pernt blank pirrud.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Yessir. I use my watch only for workouts. It can do a lot more, but I don’t care about any of that other stuff.

I use Runtastic app. Sync with my phone and has GPS on it. The health app on the phone keeps track of my progress as well as he runtastic app. There is the watch activity app that keeps track of progress as well. So essentially I use 3 apps.

I stay running. I need the clarity.

I gotta start up again...

I gotta start slow im planning on doing 3 miles a day then move up.

Can you recommend a good pair of running shoes?

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
You don't have credibility you fucking dunce.

Case in point: your requirements for "real science" totally ignore the actual scientific method.

And of course they do, because you have to ignore it to sign on to any of this fucking idiocy you believe lol tf

Like I said bro, science just ain't your thing.

If you just call it science fiction and religion you wouldn't even have to change your posts. You should just be real about it lol

Your a fucking science fiction black Israelite. Pernt blank pirrud.
The nigga is retarded he lives in an alternate brain universe. He’ll believe dumb ass YouTube niggas over people who have PhDs, have actually been in space and devote their life to science. You can’t take niggas like him serious he’s one of them prison educated smart dumb niggas


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
The nigga is retarded he lives in an alternate brain universe. He’ll believe dumb ass YouTube niggas over people who have PhDs, have actually been in space and devote their life to science. You can’t take niggas like him serious he’s one of them prison educated smart dumb niggas
Correct on all counts


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah and you RAN from that video I posted.

I wanna see you disprove what he's saying. You can do it right? Should be a piece of cake?

I'm not explaining 32 miles until you refute that video.

And this will also help you understand our "little ass sun" better. There's a difference between sunlight and daylight. Two separate things. If you view the sun through a filter to remove the flares, you will see that it's quite small. Same size as the moon. I've gone over all of this before.


4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I'm not explaining 32 miles until you refute that video.

And this will also help you understand our "little ass sun" better. There's a difference between sunlight and daylight. Two separate things. If you view the sun through a filter to remove the flares, you will see that it's quite small. Same size as the moon. I've gone over all of this before.

Of course you would post ANOTHER video. So you want me to watch a now total of 31 minutes of video on some shit you should be able to articulate yourself?

You think by answering a question you can just deflect to another video and expect me to watch it?

Dude, you said the sun is 32 miles in diameter. I’m NOT interested in anything else but that. That’s what I’m stuck on...a 32 mile wide sun that is 3000 miles above earth, which is roughly the same distance between Boston and Los Angeles. That shit makes no sense to any stretch of the imagination.


I get it. You're scared. But, you can do it. Make me proud.

Just like you scared to go to the ice wall or the edge of the earth?

But you can do it. Make me proud.

The nigga in the video made some great discoveries in the field of magnetic imaging, then started talking about astrophysics like the mri discoveries made him a universal science og when he's not even certified in the areas Cashie B tryna cite him for, and they fired his muhfuckin ass for that shit.

Nigga wouldn't stop though, and carried on independently where the entire credentialed astrophysics community basically laughed his ass into obscurity and he's been relegated to doing PowerPoints to rooms of roughly 32 Cashie B's a few times a year.

The funniest shit is he is neither a flat earther nor does he assert anywhere that the sun is 32 miles in diameter or 3000 miles away.

Cashie literally said "oh you don't believe it's 32 miles wide? Well how do you explain this video about pistachio pudding then?"

no. No it doesn't.


I’m not getting caught up in that bullshit either.

You're so full of fucking shit, all you do is cop out and go get another stupid ass YouTube that you barely understand your gotdamn self.

You trying to get a nigga stuck on some shit that also makes zero sense and got the nerve to hold your response to one of your own claims ransom until @4 Dimensional can explain the newest load of bullshit. As if you had an answer in the first gotdamn place.

You stalling but the stupidest way possible. Not understanding some shit, being called out, and going to find another dumb ass YouTube to hide behind until the process gets repeated has been your MO on this shit since the first fucking thread lol

You an intellectual fraud and you been one from the starter pistol.

Dude ain’t doing nothing but rambling in that video. Another prime example of a mofo that tries to tak above everyone’s head to the point they won’t be able to ask questions. He know damn well he can’t do that shit in front of astrophysics that will light fire to his ass.

I watched a little of the video and there is really nothing to refute. It doesn’t prove or disprove anything. It’s just an idea on what he thinks is happening based on how HE defines shit.

None of you can refute the video. I get it. All these damned excuses, deflections, insults, etc. This will and DOES go on forever. But sammy, I. don't. give. a. FUCK. So keep that shit coming.

And as for you? We bout to have it out real soon. Consider yourself notified.

There is nothing to refute. You should have been able to articulate that dude’s point. Why didn’t you?
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And one more thing for the fucking record. 4Dimensional asked me how big the sun was and I answered it, then I asked him to refute that video. THEN he asked me to explain 32 miles and I told him I would if he refuted my video. Go look at it. So stop making shit up, get serious and disprove that video and you shall unlock more knowledge from me. Otherwise, you're just pissing in the wind and it's blowing right back into your mouth pleiboi.

Fuck outta here. Sicka this shit.
You pulled the number out of your ass.

You cant exaplin how you came up with that diameter, nor what limits the suns Ray's from traveling.

You cant exaplin how you came up with the 3000 miles up, nor the ramifications of the sun transiting the earth at that height .

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I gotta start up again...

I gotta start slow im planning on doing 3 miles a day then move up.

Can you recommend a good pair of running shoes?

I started doing 2 miles walk/run until I was able to run two miles straight. Then I got my two miles down to 22 minutes.

Once I did that I did three miles. My aim was to keep 11 minute or lower per mile. Ultimate goal was to do 5 miles in less than an hour. Once I accomplished that, I would do 7 to 10 mile runs at least 2 times a month, but my average was 3 to 5 miles per run.l and about 12 to 20 miles per week.

I don’t have recommendation for running shoes. I’m cheap, so I went to shoe carnival and picked up some Nikes and rolled with those $40 sneakers. They serve me well.


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
Oh look, a caravan of dummies coming at me. Makes sense, y'all need to seek asylum (an insane asylum).

I gave y'all the ground rules. Otherwise, bout to run get some food, chill, smoke sum.

Y'all should check out the Globebusters channel on YouTube. It can save me a lot of time. If you really think I'm bout to be going back and forth with 9 different niggas, yeah....keep thinking that.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member

This your girl? I mean you did say space was water...

I told you man

The whole thing is about this nigga being a religious nut

He's trying to hide it

You notice he hasn't responded to any of the religious comments I've made lol

We been bamboozled by Hebrew Israelite
I just wanted to say Hello from 35 degrees south. I can't see Polaris from here, I wonder why?
definitely lost that nigga at 35 degrees