Biden doesn't want to fight for 50,000 student loan relief. It's too hard

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Its hard voting for democrats which is why I stopped doing it. I'll vote for a no name candidate before I vote for a fucking democrat. As far as cancelling my student loans I'm 51 they won't be paid off under any circumstance whether they are cancelled or not come did me out the grave for that money.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’m just waiting for my loans to be forgive. Done the PSLF before this got announced. But with the overhaul I’m damn near guaranteed to get it. I actually have just at 10k which ain’t shit next to most people. I think the average debt is like 40k? I think it would help a lot of people. However, like someone previously said, it makes more sense to fix the system that perpetuates this debt. Ivy League schools like Harvard have 30 BILLION dollars in endowments. Tuition goes up annually. Are they going to wipe debt away every other decade or something? Additionally, people have got to take some responsibility too. You can’t pick a degree in a field (like say geology or some other obscure degree) and expect to live a nice upper middle class lifestyle with 2 big vacations a year and a comprehensive benefits package. Drs, dentists and professions like that have enormous costs but it’s understood that completion of certification in those fields means you’ll be a high earner. People gotta stop picking jobs and careers based off emotions and feelings and think about longevity. Do u need/want money or not? If not fine. Go be an activist and do something that brings you joy and emotional peace. But don’t complain if you struggle to pay the bills. Starving artists anyone?

So this makes total sense. The system is flawed and broken, but you have to have people in place that know this to get to the root cause. The current Dept. of Education Secretary is a former teacher. The previous Secretary had no educational background. I won't post some of ideas being tossed around here, but there are people fighting and having conversations on how to overhaul the system.

Not sure how much you can make private institutions like Harvard reduce their tuition because there are people who can afford to go there. Just like my alama mater George Washington. They get students who can afford the tuition costs which a large number being international students.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
It should be hard especially when he provided no relief to Veterans who served and are being charged retroactive bills for bonuses that they received years ago, where is their relief? Biden talks so much shit about caring for Veterans when he dont give a shit about anything but sucking up to potential voters.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
It should be hard especially when he provided no relief to Veterans who served and are being charged retroactive bills for bonuses that they received years ago, where is their relief? Biden talks so much shit about caring for Veterans when he dont give a shit about anything but sucking up to potential voters.
All politicians been virtue signaling for veterans for years. It was ridiculous during the Bush years.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Its hard voting for democrats which is why I stopped doing it. I'll vote for a no name candidate before I vote for a fucking democrat. As far as cancelling my student loans I'm 51 they won't be paid off under any circumstance whether they are cancelled or not come did me out the grave for that money.
That's the way it's been setup by the cat folks asking to fix it. I know people making shit pay --50-60k range -- who are completely buried by student loans. Shit is criminal IMHO. Worse than the payday lending shit and the predatory lending folks go on about. A lot of people ain't becoming doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. They end up in middle jobs and being debt slaves.

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's the way it's been setup by the cat folks asking to fix it. I know people making shit pay --50-60k range -- who are completely buried by student loans. Shit is criminal IMHO. Worse than the payday lending shit and the predatory lending folks go on about. A lot of people ain't becoming doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. They end up in middle jobs and being debt slaves.
And as was stated earlier by someone Joe Biden was a major cause of this student loan crisis so why would he do anything to solve it.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I’m just waiting for my loans to be forgive. Done the PSLF before this got announced. But with the overhaul I’m damn near guaranteed to get it. I actually have just at 10k which ain’t shit next to most people. I think the average debt is like 40k? I think it would help a lot of people. However, like someone previously said, it makes more sense to fix the system that perpetuates this debt. Ivy League schools like Harvard have 30 BILLION dollars in endowments. Tuition goes up annually. Are they going to wipe debt away every other decade or something? Additionally, people have got to take some responsibility too. You can’t pick a degree in a field (like say geology or some other obscure degree) and expect to live a nice upper middle class lifestyle with 2 big vacations a year and a comprehensive benefits package. Drs, dentists and professions like that have enormous costs but it’s understood that completion of certification in those fields means you’ll be a high earner. People gotta stop picking jobs and careers based off emotions and feelings and think about longevity. Do u need/want money or not? If not fine. Go be an activist and do something that brings you joy and emotional peace. But don’t complain if you struggle to pay the bills. Starving artists anyone?

Tell your kids, and grandkids a Geology student (which is a easy ass undergrad major), can work for 2 years, and pass a rather easy registration exam after 2 years, an get a job in oil and gas making 100K+ per year


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Does Biden have the authority to cancel student loans en masse?

Ocasio-Cortez, Schumer, and Warren also argue that Biden has the executive power to cancel student loan debt en masse.

“He doesn’t need [Sen. Joe] Manchin’s permission for that, and now that his agenda is thinly sliced, he needs to step up his executive action game and show his commitment to deliver for the people,” Ocasio-Cortez said on Instagram on Oct. 28. “We need to get this done.”

Biden has previously disagreed with this assessment.

“I don’t think I have the authority to do it by signing [an executive order],” Biden said during the February 2021 town hall. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi agrees with Biden, saying that this type of debt cancellation could be accomplished only by an act of Congress.

“People think that the president of the United States has the power for debt forgiveness,” Pelosi said in July. “He does not. He can postpone, he can delay, but he does not have that power.”

Trump didn't give a fuck and did whatever he thought would benefit him. Where's the candidate who will do the same on the other side?

The American people give a fuck about protocol and precedent.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Should be this and much more. I ain't got time to list what true reparations packages should look like.

Like Cube said, our debt has already been paid to this country.
I personally have always thought that a good start to reputations is to provide free training in a certification or degree plan of your choice. For example, if I want to be a doctor, my entire academic career is provided for. Housing allowance, book and supply stipend included. In return agree to a 3 yr contract in government service. I know the service contract seems redundant given all the forced servitude we’ve endured but from what makes these evil ass politicians move is a guarantee they get something in return. If they can be benefited in some way they’ll play ball.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Basically, when you look at the youth as an investment instead of investing in the youth for a better future, you get a generation of debt not one of prosperity.
The reason why we cannot get out of it now is that pandora's box cannot be closed.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
Wow. I am shocked, shocked and appalled that Pelosi doesn't think he has the power. If the president were republican, and they wished to do such a thing, it would have been done months ago.

The democrats are GELDINGS. The progressive wing is actually the group that hold true to the values too many people ASSUME moderate democrats do.

All he has to do is sign the goddamned executive order. Neither congress, nor the scotus have an army to enforce their "theories" to the contrary. This was made clear when Jackson ignored the court and congress to orchestrate the Trail of Tears debacle.

Moderate (corporate dems):

Universal health care won't work.

Student debt cancellation won't work.

Banning assault weapons won't work.

Expelling members of congress who orchestrated the coup won't work.

Getting rid of the filibuster to pass voting rights legislation won't work.

In the real world, corporate democrat types are called "enablers".

And they are right this moment enabling white supremacists to turn the U.S.A. into a de-facto
literal racist, fascist state. This is not hyperbole.

Doesn't sound like you know what he can do. You just talking like Fox news and AOC homie. Biden and Pelosi been around longer than anyone. I would shove it down the GOP's throats but that don't make it legal.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
It should be hard especially when he provided no relief to Veterans who served and are being charged retroactive bills for bonuses that they received years ago, where is their relief? Biden talks so much shit about caring for Veterans when he dont give a shit about anything but sucking up to potential voters.

Yeah, you a bot. You talking out yo ass.



Rising Star
Doesn't sound like you know what he can do. You just talking like Fox news and AOC homie. Biden and Pelosi been around longer than anyone. I would shove it down the GOP's throats but that don't make it legal.

Republicans don't care about what is legal. They do what needs to be done to get what they want: power.

AOC and Fox news are nothing alike. This comparison makes no sense, and belies a lack of understanding on your part.

Being around a long time does not a good Speaker of the House make. Effective and good are not the same.

Faith in Pelosi is not well placed. Corporate/establishment democrats got us into this mess, by being overly timid
and accommodating to republicans.
Obama led with his nuts on every issue, and was ineffective at best. Obamacare is just a blowjob to the insurance industry.
We should have had single payer (government) health care in the 8 years he was in office. He was too stuck on trying
to please republicans and big business, both of which treated him will contempt.

And therein lies the issue: believing time after time, election after election, generation after generation,

that corporate democrats have YOUR interest at heart. They do not.
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The Legend
BGOL Investor
Republicans don't care about what is legal. They do what needs to be done to get what they want: power.

AOC and Fox news are nothing alike. This comparison makes no sense, and belies a lack of understanding on your part.

Being around a long time does not a good Speaker of the House make. Effective and good are not the same.

Faith in Pelosi is not well placed. Corporate/establishment democrats got us into this mess, by being overly timid
and accommodating to republicans.
Obama led with his nuts on every issue, and was ineffective at best. Obamacare is just a blowjob to the insurance industry.
We should have had single payer (government) health care in the 8 years he was in office. He was too stuck on trying
to please republicans and big business, both of which treated him will contempt.

And therein lies the issue: believing time after time, election after election, generation after generation,

that corporate democrats have YOUR interest at heart. They do not.

You said a whole lot of nothing. All always complaining about Democrats while the GOP strips black voters of our rights, support the clowns killing us in the streets, and cater to all racist. And you got nothing to say about that. You sound like house negro scared to come off the porch.
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Rising Star
You said a whole lot of nothing. All always complaining about Democrats while the GOP strips black voters of our rights, support the clowns killing us in the streets, and cater to all racist. And you got nothing to say about that. You sound like house negro scared to come off the porch.

You sound like someone unable to understand simple concepts, and apparently read with a modicum of comprehension.

But, if calling me a house negro makes you feel better, by all means.

Pelosi and Obama took single payer health care off the table BEFORE negotiations started. They would not even propose it.

EVERY developed nation in the world provides health care for its citizen, EXCEPT the USA. Even Costa Rica, a developing nation, provides health care for its people.

Now, the usual suspects, Biden, Pelosi, and Obama from the peanut gallery, are casting doubts on everythig that would benefit
people who committed the crime of trying to get an education.

Clearly, this is something you know nothing about.

Let's move on.

Obama: voted for the Patriot Act, refuse to support REAL health care.

Pelosi: see above.

Biden: opposed bussing, helped get Clarence Thomas on the SCOTUS, and refuses to consider single payer health care or to
cancel student debt.

However: ALL parties above were more than happy to facilitate the bailing out of big banks, GM, and other giant corporations with YOUR money.

And you call me a house negro because I do NOT support them.

YOU are confused. You need to get your memory banks organized.

All of this is a way of saying that you have a whole lot of mouth, but very little substance.

I have presented points supporting my position. Several, in fact.

You insult me, dismiss what I have said, and offer absolutely nothing to support your bullshit POV.

Basically, sir, you are full of shit.

Please...prove me wrong. I am awaiting your response. (CAC, cracker, tranny...feel free to use
as many insults as needed to cover up the fact that you clearly don't know jack shit.)

Please respond soon; the edibles are starting to kick in. I need some surreal comedy right about now.

This is going to be funny...
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The Legend
BGOL Investor
You sound like someone unable to understand simple concepts, and apparently read with a modicum of comprehension.

But, if calling me a house negro makes you feel better, by all means.

Pelosi and Obama took single payer health care off the table BEFORE negotiations started. They would not even propose it.

EVERY developed nation in the world provides health care for its citizen, EXCEPT the USA. Even Costa Rica, a developing nation, provides health care for its people.

Now, the usual suspects, Biden, Pelosi, and Obama from the peanut gallery, are casting doubts on everythig that would benefit
people who committed the crime of trying to get an education.

Clearly, this is something you know nothing about.

Let's move on.

Obama: voted for the Patriot Act, refuse to support REAL health care.

Pelosi: see above.

Biden: opposed bussing, helped get Clarence Thomas on the SCOTUS, and refuses to consider single payer health care or to
cancel student debt.

However: ALL parties above were more than happy to facilitate the bailing out of big banks, GM, and other giant corporations with YOUR money.

And you call me a house negro because I do NOT support them.

YOU are confused. You need to get your memory banks organized.

All of this is a way of saying that you have a whole lot of mouth, but very little substance.

I have presented points supporting my position. Several, in fact.

You insult me, dismiss what I have said, and offer absolutely nothing to support your bullshit POV.

Basically, sir, you are full of shit.

Please...prove me wrong. I am awaiting your response. (CAC, cracker, tranny...feel free to use
as many insults as needed to cover up the fact that you clearly don't know jack shit.)

Please respond soon; the edibles are starting to kick in. I need some surreal comedy right about now.

This is going to be funny...

Answer my questions first. What happened with the GOPs Repeal and Replace? How'd that work out? During his first campaign for the Senate in Texas, George H.W. Bush opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. What have Republicans done for black people? What about McConnell for refusing to let senators vote on a bill that effectively would restore the Voting Rights Act? What have Republicans done for black people? Why is it that Republican state lawmakers are pushing forward with new voting restrictions that disproportionately affect people of color and are resisting legislation designed to prevent police brutality? What have Republicans done for black people?

Republican's don't give a fuck about black people. We don't fuck with them. So save all that dumb shit you talking. I'm voting for the lessor of two evils. You worried about dumb shit.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Biden Won’t Extend Student Loan Relief And Confirms Student Loan Payments Restart February 1

The Biden administration won’t extend student loan relief and confirmed student loan payments restart February 1, 2022.
Here’s what you need to know.

Student Loans
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirmed to reporters during a press briefing that the Biden administration won’t extend student loan relief — and the student loan payment pause will end January 31, 2022. (No, Biden won’t extend student loan relief again). Here are some highlights from her comments:
  • “In the coming weeks, we will release more details about our plans”
  • “We will engage directly with federal student loan borrowers to ensure they have the resources they need and are in the appropriate repayment plan.”
  • “We are still assessing the impact of the Omicron variant.”
  • “A smooth transition back into repayment is a high priority for the administration.”
  • “The Department of Education is already communicating with borrowers to help them to help to prepare for return to repayment on February 1.”
  • “41 million borrowers have benefitted from the extended student loan payment pause, but it expires February 1, so right now we’re just making a range of preparations.”
Student loan relief: this won’t sit well with progressives and advocates
Progressive members of Congress, leading advocacy groups and student loan borrowers have lobbied President Joe Biden to extend the student loan payment pause beyond January 31, 2022. (Here’s a list of everyone who wants Biden to extend student loan relief). They cite potential financial devastation for millions of borrowers if temporary student loan forbearance isn’t extended. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) say that 89% of student loan borrowers feel financially unprepared to restart student loan payments. They also argue that nine million student loan borrowers in default will suffer further financial detriment. (5 ways Biden could cancel more student loans). With other U.S. senators, they have pressured Biden to postpone the return to student loan payments for at least several months and at most until the end of the Covid-19 health emergency. Despite these pleas, the Biden administration seems definitively focuses on ending this student loan relief on January 31.

Student loan cancellation won’t happen either
Some student loan borrowers have hoped that Biden will deliver a last-minute financial lifeline by enacting wide-scale student loan cancellation. (Here’s how to get student loan forgiveness during the Biden administration). However, there is no indication that Biden will cancel everyone’s student loans. Therefore, don’t expect Biden to cancel student loans before student loan relief ends. On the contrary, Psaki provided an update on Biden’s actions to date to enact student loan forgiveness. Since becoming president, Biden has cancelled $12.5 billion of student loan debt for approximately 640,000 student loan borrowers. When questioned by a reporter about the Biden administration’s plans to help student loan borrowers, Psaki made no mention of any future plans for wide-scale student loan forgiveness. (How to qualify for automatic student loan forgiveness). Psaki’s posture has been consistent with Biden’s in that the president supports wide-scale student loan cancellation of up to $10,000, but Congress should pass legislation on mass student loan forgiveness.

With less than 60 days remaining until the end of temporary student loan relief, it’s essential that you understand all your options for student loan repayment. Here are some popular options to save money on your student loans:


Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor

The irony!!! Will the BGOL #bootygang say anything about this? This is their man's man! :lol:

Buttigieg's husband mocks Biden admin restarting student loan payments next month: 'No thank you'


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
The irony!!! Will the BGOL #bootygang say anything about this? This is their man's man! :lol:

Buttigieg's husband mocks Biden admin restarting student loan payments next month: 'No thank you'

:lol: Fuck that pillow biter. They all fell in line before Super Tuesday and backed Biden. Could have backed the progressive candidate. Hate all these fake ass politicians and their flunkies.

But since the bots have memories of fruit flies, they can get away with it.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
‘Killing the middle class’: millions in US brace for student loan payments after Covid pause
Student debt in America has become a crisis for millions of citizens that often feels like it will last for people’s whole lives

Jennifer Rae Wilson, a social worker and single mother of three children in Richland, Washington, has struggled with student loan debt since she went back to school and graduated in 2000 – more than two decades ago.

Struggling to raise three boys with very little child support, Wilson decided to attend college 10 years after graduating high school to improve her career prospects. She was eventually able to move out of low-income assistance housing and off government assistance programs.
“But then the school loans hit,” said Wilson. “I couldn’t afford the payments on top of rent and all of the other things. There was no way that I could make those payments.”

She is not alone, as student debt in America has become a crisis for millions of citizens that often feels like it will last for people’s whole lives, or at least blight them for many years after graduation. About 44.7 million Americans have outstanding student loan debt, totaling over $1.86tn, with 42.3 million Americans holding federal student loan debt.

The US Department of Education paused repayment, collections and interest on federal student loans in response to the Covid-19 pandemic under Trump, with the final extension on the pause scheduled to expire on 31 January 2022.

But now millions of Americans are bracing for resuming payments on federal student loans after nearly two years of relief – and the crisis is set to roll on again.

Between rent, bills and daycare costs, Wilson went into default after not being able to keep up with student loan payments. Then her paychecks started being garnished in 2010 to pay off the loans, reducing her pay by about $1,000 per month – and that was just paying off the interest.

The pause on student loan repayments during the pandemic allowed Wilson to catch up on other bills and buy a home, but she worries about the payments restarting.
I’ve been making payments for 20 years and my balance has only gone up
“It kind of concerns me a little bit with it coming back with what they’re going to be able to offer us in terms of payment plans,” added Wilson. “I’ve been making payments for 20 years and my balance has only gone up. That doesn’t make any sense. If I made a $1,000 per month payment on my car, or on my house, I would be paid off and I would not have a home loan or would not have a car loan. But with this, it doesn’t seem to make a difference.”

A recent survey of more than 33,000 student loan borrowers conducted by the Student Debt Crisis Center found 89% of borrowers are not financially secure enough to resume payments on 1 February. Before the pandemic, more than half of all student loan borrowers were either in default, forbearance, deferment, or otherwise not making payments on their student debt.

PJ Rivera of Texas is one of the borrowers not prepared to resume student loan payments. His initial student debt wasabout $80,000, but has increased with interest to $110,000, even though he makes payments of $1,000 a month.

“Student loans have crippled my ability to have personal savings but the inability to help my family who are struggling with hospital bills and other medical bills,” said Rivera. “The system doesn’t work. It’s not the students’ fault because you need money to pay for your career. Maybe tuition shouldn’t be so high to start with. Everyone should be able to study and learn about whatever they are passionate about without going broke or living to pay and nothing else.”

The average student loan debt for new college graduates is about $30,000. Joe Biden campaigned on cancelling $10,000 in student loan debt per person and cancelling student debt for Americans who attended Historically Black Colleges and Universities and public colleges, but the Biden administration has yet to cancel debt for these Americans.
It’s not the students’ fault because you need money to pay for your career. Maybe tuition shouldn’t be so high to start with

Beverly Dunker Brown of New York City completed her undergraduate and graduate degrees in the 1980s and 90s, but with high interest rates and taking on parent plus loans for her son, her student loan debt has increased from about $43,000 to more than $150,000.

“I will be in my late 80s paying student loans off of social security income,” said Dunker Brown. “I have Federal Family Education Loan Program loans which were not paused. I can’t afford to pay them and continue to request forbearances on them.”

Despite making a six-figure salary in business administration, she is unable to properly save for retirement, and she cares for her disabled husband who is a cancer survivor and regularly requires dialysis. Her own student loans are $862 monthly and the parent plus loans for her son will add another $362 a month when the federal student loan pause ends.

“The interest and penalties are just crazy. My student loan balance increases each month. Black and Brown people can’t get ahead,” added Dunker Brown. “I have no generational wealth, retirement savings or savings for an emergency, yet I have an MBA that I earned in 1996. Having a fancy degree wasn’t the answer it was supposed to be.”

Black college graduates owe an average of $7,400 more in student loans than white college graduates, and that gap more than triples to nearly $25,000 after four years from graduation.

Sabrina Elliott of Charlotte, North Carolina, couldn’t afford to make payments toward her student loans for the first eight years after graduating law school. By the time she could afford to start making payments, the debt had ballooned from about $72,000 to more than $166,000.

For the past seven years, Elliott has made monthly minimum payments of nearly $1,400 a month, but still owes more than the original loans despite paying over $90,000 toward the debt in that time.

“Student loans should not impair a person from being a homeowner, starting a family or [be] a badge of shame,” said Elliott. “I have made payment for over seven years and the balance is the same. As you can see, I have repaid the original loan. The minimum payment is a mortgage payment but not high enough to reduce the debt.”
Student loans should not impair a person from being a homeowner, starting a family or [be] a badge of shame
Kaida Flowers, a family and child therapist in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has struggled to pay her student loans from her undergraduate and master’s degree She makes about $50,000 a year working a job she pursued to try to help people, and emphasized that student debt is causing her and others who pursued similar career paths to struggle to get by.

When the payments resume, she will be forced to pay $300 a month again toward her student debt, most of which goes toward interest.

“They’re killing the middle class,” said Flowers. “Part of the American dream is you go to school, you try to do something to have a better life, but it’s just not what it is.”



Rising Star
Extending it would help all people and not just black people. So who care. We want an extension for black people only.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Extending it would help all people and not just black people. So who care. We want an extension for black people only.

You big dummy. First of all, it wouldn’t help the majority of Black people one way or the other. The point is that this is just another example of Biden failing to follow-thru on an issue that many in the Democratic base want and expected to see positive action on.