Biden doesn't want to fight for 50,000 student loan relief. It's too hard


Zod's Son
BGOL Investor
Repubs will probably take the house....but trumps next shot at Pennsylvania Avenue is 2024
I Say That Becasue if GOP Gets Both Houses.....GOP Are Gonna Go Forward With the Plan to Impeach Biden and Kamala After Making Trump Speaker of the House.....Who Apparently Doesnt Have to be a Sitting Member of Either House....Remember They Still Trying to Out Run That Coup Attempt


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh ok...I see what you mean. Even that way though, you see how hard it is to convict after an unless they win the senate by a large amount, they wouldn't be able to convict. They need 2/3 of the senate to do that.

I Say That Becasue if GOP Gets Both Houses.....GOP Are Gonna Go Forward With the Plan to Impeach Biden and Kamala After Making Trump Speaker of the House.....Who Apparently Doesnt Have to be a Sitting Member of Either House....Remember They Still Trying to Out Run That Coup Attempt


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Facts! I major in broadcasting and mass communication. I'm going back to school for a career change into healthcare. High starting salary(higher now due to covid), longevity (no ageism like in media) and stability (no yearly layoffs)
Thought about healthcare myself a lot lately. I think Tito is in the field too. What you going for if u don’t mind me asking?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Tell your kids, and grandkids a Geology student (which is a easy ass undergrad major), can work for 2 years, and pass a rather easy registration exam after 2 years, an get a job in oil and gas making 100K+ per year
For real? Lol damn didn’t know that. My point still stands. Y’all know what I mean. Mid air basket weaving. Useless fields like that.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I was listening to a radio program today and a brother called in and said as far as voting rights go Democrats only care about voting rights in general elections and they will sabotage the right to vote in primary elections especially if it goes against the selected candidate.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My girlfriend is a doctor and she was telling me that traveling nurses are earning $4K a week because the nursing shortage is so severe.
All FACTS! Traveling nurses bank stupid bank!! I know a few. Most people don’t know but medical technologist (MT) can travel also and they make bank too! MTs one of those slept on careers among others in the healthcare industry


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Plus he doesnt want to fight for OUR voting and discrimination rights either but oh yeah we aren't Black if we didn't vote for him.....FOH


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Man… all this shit is such a joke. Who could’ve been surprised that the BBB plan would be DOA once it was separated from the omnibus bill?

Establishment Dems are cartoonishly weak and outmatched by the neo-fascists, almost guaranteeing a win for Republicans in 22/24 and thereby ringing the death knell on whatever quaint notions of democracy we’ve lived with up until now (as diminished and anemic as it was).

Meanwhile, the corporate powers that bankroll both parties for the most part are quietly drinking our milkshakes in the shade as the world burns down around us. Welcome to late stage capitalism, where billionaires spend untold amounts of untaxed capital (siphoned into their hands via corporate regulatory capture and the plutocratic levers of power) only to gallivant around in low orbit while the plebes clap their hands like seals at the spectacle.

The fact that simple layups like cancelling Student Debt and enacting other EOs to get the ball moving haven’t been implemented months ago speaks to how slow moving and unprepared Dems are for for what’s coming next. Shit is dumb as hell.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Plus he doesnt want to fight for OUR voting and discrimination rights either but oh yeah we aren't Black if we didn't vote for him.....FOH
Man… all this shit is such a joke. Who could’ve been surprised that the BBB plan would be DOA once it was separated from the omnibus bill?

Establishment Dems are cartoonishly weak and outmatched by the neo-fascists, almost guaranteeing a win for Republicans in 22/24 and thereby ringing the death knell on whatever quaint notions of democracy we’ve lived with up until now (as diminished and anemic as it was).

Meanwhile, the corporate powers that bankroll both parties for the most part are quietly drinking our milkshakes in the shade as the world burns down around us. Welcome to late stage capitalism, where billionaires spend untold amounts of untaxed capital (siphoned into their hands via corporate regulatory capture and the plutocratic levers of power) only to gallivant around in low orbit while the plebes clap their hands like seals at the spectacle.

The fact that simple layups like cancelling Student Debt and enacting other EOs to get the ball moving haven’t been implemented months ago speaks to how slow moving and unprepared Dems are for for what’s coming next. Shit is dumb as hell.

Y'all are about to get banned from BGOL.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If that bitch Betsy Devo was still over the dept of education, this shit would not have happened.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man, I had to pay student loans off. Like 80 large. I did that shit! I also got an engineering degree cause them muhfuckas was paying. I don't even like math.....suck at science, but I fought through that shit. These people out here making frivolous decisions with their educations is the problem. There is already a program in place to forgive some amounts of your loans for public service. They need to bolster those plans and make sure that they are working. Other than that, you are on your fucking own! Nobody asked you to go to Harvard and get a fucking art degree. Just like anything else, if you not going to be finanacially responsible, you gone suffer. It's the way it is and the way it's always going to be.