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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Mia has been a good friend of your sister, Melanie since elementary school, and because of the 8 year difference you always saw her as little girl.

Fast forward to you driving her home one night and you're in your 40s and she's "developed."

You're sitting in her apartment late at night while she tells you how you're like "family," and how she sees you as a brother.

"That's why I feel I can do this around you and not expect you to react."

You left and went to "Go cry in the car."

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
To add insult to injury, you later found out that your cousin Dante was "fooling around" with Mia. The circumstances were "wild and crazy," when you think about it (but Dante doesn't have good sense anyway).

Back in April, Melanie (your sister) and Mia were going to attend a "Surprise Birthday party" at your sister-in-law's house in New Jersey, and since you had to work that day, Melanie called him and asked him for a ride.

However, they had to stop by Mia's parents home in Queens to pick up a few items and Mia had to change. So Dante took them out to Queens and he got to meet Mia's parents. While they were downstairs talking to her parents, Mia asked Dante to help her move a large chest that was behind her dressers so she could get a few items out.

Dante soon found out that the chest behind the dresser was not what she wanted moved, but he knew he had to be quick about it.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You notice that your friend Malik seemed to be "Obsessed" with women that had on hijabs, and everywhere you went with him that was all he seemed to be talking about. So one day you had to ask him: "What's up?"

He explained to you that he works in "Macy's" at the Herald Square store and that he is currently working in the "Theft Prevention Unit." His job is to walk around the store in plain clothes and arrest shoplifters. After the arrest, he processes the paperwork , photographs them and drives them down to "Central Booking" in lower Manhattan.

About a week ago, he caught this woman stealing underwear and tucking it under her clothing. He watched her for a good 10 minutes and allowed her to take a few more items before he approached her. He eventually apprehended her and explained that she was under arrest.

He escorted her into the processing room where she was searched by one of his female officers (who recovered the items from her) and then he began filling out the necessary paperwork. It was close to closing time and he told his female coworker that he was okay from here and she could leave if she wanted to (she did).

Now the woman that he arrested is standing there in handcuffs and basically begging and pleading with Malik to let her go, and that her family must not find out about this. Then she tells Malik she will do whatever he wants if he lets her go.

So, Malik locks the door and takes her cuffs off and asked her:
"Why should I let you go?"


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You've never worked in a restaurant as a member of the "Waitstaff," but you have had positions were you had to deal directly with the public.

Based on observations they tend to be the hardest working people and yet the lowest paid. Which may sometimes cause them to pick up a "side hustle."

So when Danny invited to take you to dinner at "Jakarta Munch" you had no idea what to expect because you had never had Indonesian cuisine.

However, you suspected something was up the way Danny interacted with your waitress, in addition to the fact the seemed very familiar with each other.

It also seemed odd that Danny excused himself for about 20 minutes with his meal half eaten.Only to return later with beads of sweat running down his forehead. He ended up requesting a "Doggy bag."

Danny explained after you left that they serve more than what you see on the menu.

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