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Rising Star
Platinum Member



Rising Star


Your good friend, Gene has been dating a young lady named Andrea since January. Andrea has a girlfriend that she wants you to meet.

However, Andrea refuses to show you or Gene her photo because she wants your intial meeting to be a surprise. She just tells you that Anna Marie is a sweet girl.

Andrea wants the 4 of you to "double date" this Friday.

Do you go or bail out?

This is Anna Marie and she wears this on the first date.

She obviously wore this to test you so that she can find out are you actually interested in her or just sex?



The Big One

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You went to a cookout this weekend at your niece's house and there were plenty of her friends in attendance. Most of the guests were using the bathroom on the first floor, but because Talia's (your niece) friend "April" was visiting from out of town she was saying at the house. You went upstairs to use the bathroom and you saw that the door was slightly ajar, but you tap lightly just in case.

You heard a female's voice say that she would be out in a minute and then asked if it was you (you just met, but she recognized your voice). She asked you to come in for a minute and you assume that maybe something was wrong with the faucet or the bathtub was clogged? To your surprise, April walked out of the shower and was now standing in front of you in her "birthday suit," and wanted to ask you a question:

"You're a mature man, do you think most guys prefer me to be 'clean shaven' or have some hair down there, and what is your preference?"

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