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Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member





November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Last night you probably should have stayed home, but the fellas wanted to "hangout," and go to a strip club in the Bronx.

You go and end up meeting this young stripper named "Candy." She appears to take a liking to you and ends up giving you her number (after a few lap dances).

Fast forward to Sunday afternoon you get a phone call from a number you don't recognize and it's "Candy," and she lives a video message too.

Maybe she's playing you for the "Long con," but you might consider playing the "Sugar Daddy" role for a minute or two.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You were heading to the Post Office a few weeks ago when you run into Robin, who you haven't seen in years. She's still attractive, but you can see that she has "a bun in the oven."

You briefly catch up on what's going on in your lives and she asks you if you are seeing anyone? You explain that you're dating various women, but nothing serious at the moment and she goes on to tell you that you need a "Good woman" that is going to be supportive of you and your endeavors and supply you with plenty of "good sex."

You smile and say "okay," and then she repeats the line about you needing a woman that is going to give you plenty of "good sex."

Now, you're thinking: "Is she talking about herself, and do you try to "hook up" with her? Or just leave it alone since she's pregnant even though she never mentioned the guy who got her pregnant while you're talking to her?
