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You're right dawg
OG Investor

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You're still not sure about the events that took place last weekend at your niece Talia's house, and can't really explain the how and why? Tamara, decided to throw for her daughter Talia and invited several of her friends and family members.

Overall the party was great and you had a good time the only problem was how were you going to get back to the city (the party was in New Jersey)? One of your nephews was supposed to drive you home, but he "hooked up" with one of Talia's friends and texted you to let you know if he could drive you home the next day (which was Sunday)?

You told him to have fun and that you would see him tomorrow.

Most of the people went home, but Talia's friend Rachel asked Talia if it was okay if she spent the night because she had too much to drink. Talia told her no problem and said that Rachel could sleep in the guest bedroom. Initially, you were thinking you could stay in the guest bedroom, but Rachel won out. Well, actually Rachel felt guilty and felt like she was putting you out, but you told her that you had no problem sleeping downstairs in the basement and that she should take the bedroom.

So you went downstairs and chilled out on the couch and turned on the television and probably fell asleep watching tv when you heard a strange sound coming from the bathroom or was it the television? It sounded like somebody was having sex and maybe some of the guest sneaked downstair for a "secret rendezvous?"

Whoever it was the woman in the bathroom was having a good time, and you listened for a while and then just went back to watching the television.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You must have briefly fallen asleep again and out of nowhere you noticed this sweet aroma fill the room. You weren't sure if this was part of a dream or maybe some of those "Air fresheners" that Talia had placed in the basement to keep that part of the house smelling nice.
Nevertheless, something said "open your eyes," and now you see what appears to be Rachel standing over you.

Now you have some decisions to make and they must be made quickly.
