Big as fuck Black titties

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So, you're separated from your wife and reconciliation seems virtually impossible at this point.

Recently, you realized you were in a "sex less" relationship at least on your end, but believe she might have been seeing someone on the side.

So, you go out with your friends and you're trying to get use to the dating scene and viola... you met her.


Database Error

You're right dawg
OG Investor

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You're still not sure about the events that took place last weekend at your niece Talia's house, and can't really explain the how and why? Tamara, decided to throw for her daughter Talia and invited several of her friends and family members.

Overall the party was great and you had a good time the only problem was how were you going to get back to the city (the party was in New Jersey)? One of your nephews was supposed to drive you home, but he "hooked up" with one of Talia's friends and texted you to let you know if he could drive you home the next day (which was Sunday)?

You told him to have fun and that you would see him tomorrow.

Most of the people went home, but Talia's friend Rachel asked Talia if it was okay if she spent the night because she had too much to drink. Talia told her no problem and said that Rachel could sleep in the guest bedroom. Initially, you were thinking you could stay in the guest bedroom, but Rachel won out. Well, actually Rachel felt guilty and felt like she was putting you out, but you told her that you had no problem sleeping downstairs in the basement and that she should take the bedroom.

So you went downstairs and chilled out on the couch and turned on the television and probably fell asleep watching tv when you heard a strange sound coming from the bathroom or was it the television? It sounded like somebody was having sex and maybe some of the guest sneaked downstair for a "secret rendezvous?"

Whoever it was the woman in the bathroom was having a good time, and you listened for a while and then just went back to watching the television.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You must have briefly fallen asleep again and out of nowhere you noticed this sweet aroma fill the room. You weren't sure if this was part of a dream or maybe some of those "Air fresheners" that Talia had placed in the basement to keep that part of the house smelling nice.
Nevertheless, something said "open your eyes," and now you see what appears to be Rachel standing over you.

Now you have some decisions to make and they must be made quickly.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The weather was nice this week and the temperature had hit the mid 60s, so you decided to just sit outside for awhile and get some fresh air. While you were just "chilling," and listening to music you ran into Kelli who was coming home from work and stopped to see how you were doing.

When Kelli wasn't going to work it seemed like Kelli lived in the gym and it showed. Her body was a sight to behold and this caught your attention a few years back when you saw her go jogging one warm Summer day.

Now, Kelli is asking you if you still go bike riding and if so could she ride along with you? You hadn't been out in quite some time, but you told her she was more than welcome to ride with you and when would you want to go bike riding?

Kelli surprised you by saying: "Now."
You were a bit on the tired side, but you figured any opportunity to spend time with Kelli was worth it so you said: "Ok."

When she came back downstairs she had on these workout pants that had you talking to yourself about how good she looked in them, but you had to play it off and remain cool.

You didn't want to press your luck and most of her riding was done in the gym so you only went around once and then came back to her apartment, where you just sat around and talked.

You're still wondering how you were able to keep your composure when she came out the bathroom wearing this...
