Big as fuck hispanic titties

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your buddy Charlie told you an unusual story that occurred over the weekend. Charlie has a 2nd job at the "Courtyard by Marriott located in the Midtown East section of Manhattan. He performs general maintenance duties and sometimes cleans up in a pinch.

Late Saturday evening he gets a call to do a quick clean up in Room 1408. When he arrives he is greeted by Ms. Lupita "Lupu" Maldonado. It appears something didn’t agree with her and she had a slight accident before she could make it to the sink or toilet.

Charlie cleans it up and has to try to freshen up the carpet also. The job itself is not a problem, but appears Ms. Maldonado had a bit to drink and wants to film herself in various stages of undress.

Charlie is conflicted because he knows he wants to do "naughty" things with her, but he is afraid to ask (See, Charlie got suspended from another job on Sexual harassment allegations once).

So you understood why he didn’t make a move on her.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Kendra didn't develope breast until her Senior year in High school and spend years being known as the Vice president of the "Itty-bitty titty committee" (she might have been elected president if it wasn't for Tracy Thompson).

So she bet you that "Rapper's Delight" by the Sugarhill Gang was the first rap record to be played on the nationwide radio. You told her that it was "King Tim III" by the Fatback Band.

You put up $10.00, which she could have easily matched, but she offered to "flash" her titties if she lost (by the way, Kendra loved showing off her body because she was very thin and flat chested growing up and teased by classmates, friends and family).

She looked it up on the Internet and she realized you were correct. You told her that she didn't have to "flash" you, and intially she said okay.

However, about a week later she surprised you.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You've never been a big fan of going shopping with clothes shopping with women, but you end up going anyway last Saturday.

You and your girlfriend go to Macy's at Herald Square and if you could just find a chair to fall asleep in you would be fine. Out of the blue you hear a familiar voice calling you, it's Angelina.

You and Angelina dated for about 3 years and things were going well until she decided she wanted you and her to move to Florida (this would have meant a.quitting your job b. relocation c. having to depend on her job to support you both until you could find work).

You declined her offer, and the arguments lead to you breaking up.

Of course "hell knows no fury like a woman scorned," because now Angelina is openly lowkey flirting with you on front of your girl.

And it doesn't help that she's been working out too!

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You needed to borrow some tools from your friend, Rafael, and he told you to stop by this afternoon and his sister Mikaela would be home.

Mikaela had been staying with him since early July because she was in an abusive relationship and her man was a "psycho."
She was in the process of finding a new place, but in the meantime she felt safe staying with her older brother.

Now, you had a crush on Mikaela since you were in elementary school, but because she's Rafael's sister you felt funny about trying to get with her. Besides, Mikaela was to busy chasing, well, let’s just say guys that weren't ver good for her.

So, you call the house when you on the way over, and Mikaela tells you that she will be home. When you get there Mikaela invites you in, but, you hesitated because you thought she had company?

You asked if she was "entertaining" company and she explained it was just you and her there and that the apartment was very hot. It was, but it wasn't the lack of ventilation.

She broke down her situation and you talked about it for about 40 minutes. Mikaela was looking good, but you kept thinking about her situation and her man, in addition, to feeling funny about getting involved with Rafael's sister.

Damn, the joys of being conflicted.


waking people up
BGOL Investor

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Growing up you had a big crush on Angela, since you were 12 years old. Only problem is that she is about 12 years older than you.

Angela got married and moved upstate with her husband, but after 15 years of marriage they decided to call it quits (rumor has it that he cheat on her with his 18 year old personal assistant).

So, Angela moved in with her mother for awhile to get away from her husband and to try and figure out her next move.

Fate would have it that you were visiting a friend in the building and you noticed a package addressed to Mrs. Colon left in the lobby by FedEx so you decided to take it upstairs to her.

Now, you heard rumors about Angela started drinking, but you never gave it any thought, that is until now...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Karla appeared to be having a hard day at work because some of the people visiting the Post office feel "entitled." Therefore, when you approached her counter you offered some solace by reminding her that she only had an hour before closing.

That brought a smile to her face and then you noticed a sweet aroma that reminded you of cotton candy. You inquired as to what fragrance was she wearing because it was very nice. She told you it was "Prada Candy Eau de Parfum," and "Thank you. You responsed with "tres bien money cheri," she appeared fascinated that you spoke some French as you wished her a pleasant evening, "Thanked her"and gather your money orders.

The next day you had to return to place a few letters in the Post office and then stop by the liquor store. To your surprise you ran into Karla in the liquor store and you joked about the job driving her to drink. She laughed and you actually ended up talking for about 40 minutes.

You ended up giving Karla your phone number, and if you're lucky it could lead to you and Karla playing your own version of "Post office."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
About 2 weeks ago your cousin, Kenny met this young lady named Rebecca. They've gone out at least once before, but now he needs you to play "Wingman."

Her cousin Mia from Houston is visiting and will be here until the Labor day weekend. Rebecca doesn't want to leave Mia in the house alone so Kenny suggest that you come along to run interference.

You end up going to see the "Blue Beetle," and then go to ""Carmine's" for dinner. Mia is a bit shy, but appears to be having fun.
After this you head uptown to Rebecca's place (a nice Condo a few blocks north of Central Park).

Now, the evening could have ended there, but Rebecca invites you and Kenny upstairs. She puts on a movie, turns the lights down, and after about 30 minutes Rebecca and Kenny head to the bedroom.

They leave you and Mia in the living room and you figure that Mia is probably going to say she is going to bed, and leave you alone in the living room. However, before she does this you & Mia starts hearing strange sounds from the bedroom.

Rebecca is moaning and crying out like she's being tortured. You're sure Mia is about to leave now, but the sounds must be turning her on.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You and your friend Mario were "hanging out" tonight at some spots in the Village. Mario is basically out of it, and since you don't drink you decided to drive him home (he lives in Rochdale Village).

You get there in one piece, but you really have to use the bathroom. So while you're in the bathroom the door suddenly opens up (it's his sister Audrey, you recognize her from some family photos he showed you).

Instead of Audrey closes the door she stands in the doorway watching you and tells you she will wait right here until you finish. This is awkward and exciting at the same time because of what Audrey has on.

Now, all the while your in the bathroom, Audrey is literally "burning a hole" staring at your "nether regions." You finish, wash your hands, and then your thinking she had to use the bathroom too.

Nope, she just needed to get a bottle of alcohol from the cabinet. Then she smiled and said she didn't have any in the bathroom near her bedroom.

You didn't say anything about this to Mario, but Audrey was on your mind for the rest of the night.

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Unfortunately, you have to get up early Tuesday morning and Kate sounds like she's having a party upstairs, so you throw on some sweats and drop by her apartment.

You just want to ask her if she could take it easy on the floor since you have to get up early this morning and you hear someone jumping up and down.

You forgot everything when she came to the door, and asked her if you could borrow some batteries for your tv remote.
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