Your landlord has an unusual request for you. Vanessa, who is a personal friend of her's, and a former tenant has been struggling a bit financially. Your landlord knows that you have 3 bedrooms, and proposes that if you let Vanessa stay with you for a few months she will reduce your rent.
You have mixed feelings, but agree because it will save you some money and your landlord has looked out for you in the past. In addition, Vanessa looks good.
The first 2 months was ok, except you would hear strange noises coming from Vanessa's bedroom at times.
Even thought Vanessa works during the day as a Nurse's Aide, you're still curious as to these strange sounds coming from her bedroom in the middle of the night.
One night you walked passed her bedroom (for some reason the bedroom door was slighty open) and heard her talking to someone. You were curious so you peeked in, but got caught.
You figured Vanessa was about to curse you out, but instead she invited you into her bedroom and said she needed you to
help get her in the mood.
You're thinking that you and her are going to have sex, but after a few minutes she stops. At this point, you're "down for whatever" she wants, but she tells you that although she finds you attractive, sleeping with you would complicate things.