Big as fuck hispanic titties

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Last November, Tonya, your coworker was telling you how important the concept of Thanksgiving was to her and her family. She was well aware of the history behind Thanksgiving, but in spite of that it brought her much joy that most of her family could come together.

She asked you what you were doing for Thanksgiving and you told her that you would probably be alone watching the football games.

That prompted Tonya to invite you over to her family's gathering and you accepted. You decided to bring a few bottles of wine since you didn't want to show up empty handed.

Dinner was at Tonya's parents home in the Bronx and there were probably about 25 to 30 people there. The food was good and there were some dishes that you got to try for the first time (Tonya's family is Colombian).

Now, keep in mind that you and Tonya are just friends, but her Aunt assumed there was more to your relationship. This became evident when Tonya was trying to teach you how to dance to some Salsa music.

Tonya's aunt, Amaretto (who was probably around your age) cut in while you were dancing with Tonya. She was slick about it by telling Tonya that you needed a professional as a teacher (Tonya just laughed and let her aunt take over).

Amaretto had a few drinks, but she appeared to have an aggressive personality anyway. So she told you that you didn't need a young girl like Tonya, but you needed a woman like her.

Although, you were attracted to Amaretto you tried to be cool about it yet, she let it be known that she was interested (or was it the liquor) in you.

Needless to say, you had a good time, thanked Tonya and everyone and caught a cab home a little after midnight. When you got home you started thinking about Amaretto and whether being cool was the right play (considering you came home to an empty apartment)? Should you tell Tonya that your interested on her aunt?

Well, as faith would have it Tonya's family was having a Christmas party and they wanted you to attend. In addition, she told you that her aunt Amaretto didn't live to far from you and you could probably come together (with your permission she gave Amaretto your number).

About a week before Christmas you got a surprise phone call from Amaretto asking you for a big favor. She wanted you to accompany her to the "Crepe House" in the Bronx, and when she found out that you had a car she was elated (you didn’t drive to the first dinner because you were concerned with parking and you figured you might be drinking).

So that Saturday you got in contact with Amaretto and found your way to her apartment on the Upper West side (she had a beautiful view of the Hudson River and New Jersey).

When you arrived at her apartment the concierge announced you and you went upstairs. You remember getting a phone call from her as you were on your way upstairs. She told you that she left the front door unlocked for you, but lock the door when you enter the apartment. Walk straight down the hall and make a left into the living room.

There you saw Amaretto laying on the couch and the last thing you remember her saying was...

"Let's see how good you are at following instructions."

Glad the "Crepe House" is open on Saturdays from 2pm to 3am.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's 1:05 AM, Friday morning and you're sitting at home when you get a series of text messages.

The messages are from your coworker "Bri" (Brianna Sanabria). You lowkey flirt with Bri, but you've never been out on a date with her, not even a lunch date. So, you have to ask yourself why is she texting you so late?

Then it was the nature of the text.

The message said that she wants to "hookup" with you tonight and she's bringing over her girlfriend, Kirara.

The only problem is that you're not sure if those text messages were meant for you or someone else?
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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You and some of the fellas took a trip to the Dominican Republic last month. You were staying at the Hyatt Zilara Cap Cana in Punta Cana, and you immediately noticed they had some fine women staying there as guests.

Upon arrival you unpacked and you and the fellas walked around a bit before returning to the hotel and then you had dinner around 7:30 PM in the hotel.

Gisele was your waitress and the fellas were flirting with her, but she pay a bit more attention to you (you were obviously to this).

Fast forward to later that evening when you'll went out to a club at the resort and you were standing near the bar when a young lady tapped you on the shoulder. It was Gisele and she asked you to buy her a drink (you did).

You and Gisele were having a nice conversation when someone bumped into Gisele causing her to spill some of her drink on your lap. She asked the bartender for a towel and began to wipe up the liquid (you tried to fight it, but Gisele got you excited, and she knew it).

Then she told you that if you went back to your room, she could get some Club soda, and clean your pants to insure that the smell of alcohol would dissipate (plus she could get the dry cleaned for free since she was an employee at the resort.

It sounded like a good plan so Gisele followed you back to your room, and got some Club soda to clean your pants (which she would have dry cleaned for you that morning).

Gisele, had other plans for you too. Oh, she did clean your pants with the Club soda, and then she felt the need to check if the drink had wet your underwear.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your friend Maurice called you tonight around 7:00 PM with a proposition for you (assuming you don't have prior engagements).

A female friend of his, Shanna was in town visiting her family in the Bronx and she brought her friend Brianna with her (they both currently reside in Atlanta).

Maurice plans on taking Shanna to dinner tonight at "Sammy's Fish Box" (City Island) and would like you to be his "wingman," and accompany Brianna.
He told you that he met Brianna before and said that she was very attractive.

In addition, one night Shanna and Brianna were bored and took videos of themselves pretending to be strippers (he only shared the video of Brianna with you with the promise that it was for your eyes only).

So, he gave you a "heads up," and told you that he was picking up the tab for him and Shanna. However, how your decision on treating Brianna is totally up to you.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So, you have a few things to consider before you meet up with Shanna and Brianna. Normally, you have a rule that irrespective of what the young lady looks like as long as she's a decent person you'll pay for her meal.

However, if she's a total bitch, all bets are off. All this crossed your mind, but you decided on the way to meet them that you would treat her anyway.


Any confrontation between you and Brianna could ruin the entire evening, in addition, to potentially putting a damper on Maurice and Shanna's evening.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your friend Harlan called you on Thursday evening and he sounded a bit stressed out. He started off the conversation with a question:

"Is it possible to be in love with 2 women at the same time?"

You answered, "Yes."

But, you felt the need to remind him that if you're talking about yourself you should recall there's a woman that lives with you named Monica, your wife.

Harlan said he knew that and went on to tell a story about how him and Monica hired someone to help keep the place clean.

Harlan, worked as an Attorney and spent a lot of time at work and keep late hours. A lot of times he would be working late and would run into the cleaning staff. That’s how he developed a relationship with Mrs. Sanchez.

Mrs. Sanchez was an elderly woman and she treated Harlan like he was her son, and was usually happy to see him. That was until one day Mrs. Sanchez looked very upset.

She explained to Harlan that her daughter, Katiana recently had to move in with her to get away from her abusive husband. Katiana was reluctant to call the police, but also needed mone because she just wanted to start anew (Mrs. Sanchez told her that she was welcome to stay with her, but Katiana said that she would eventually move out when she had saved some money).

Mrs. Sanchez asked you if you knew of anyone hiring at the moment. You told her she could apply for various jobs, but in the meantime you would be willing to hire her as a housekeeper for his place.

Initially, Monica wasn't crazy about the idea of Katiana working there because, well, let’s be honest, Katiana was attractive. She felt that her being there might be lead to infidelity (she felt if she was working from home, ok, but Citibank now required her to be in the office).

After much thought, Monica reconsider and allowed Katiana to work there and overtime began to see her as a younger sister, and all was well in the Harrington household.

That was until the first weekend of "March Madness." Monica would be out of town attending a business conference in San Francisco and that would leave Harlan and Katiana alone for the weekend.

Harlan was usually under control and never said or did anything inappropriate around Katiana. So this particular Saturday would be out of the ordinary. Katiana was complaining about how her feet were bothering her and Harlan suggested that she sit down for awhile.

Harlan has a good rapport with Katiana and asked her what would she do if she was a billionaire? She said she would hire, a butler, a maid, a chef and a driver, and a masseuse to rub her feet.

Harlan said he laughed and took off her shoes and started rubbing her feet (like he would often do to Monica). Katiana was in heaven as she laid back on the couch with one foot in Harlan's hand and the other resting on his thigh. That was until his hand slipped and her foot feel into his lap.

Katiana noticed that Harlan was aroused and was surprised because she didn't think Harlan was attracted to her, so to be sure she put her foot back in his lap, but this time on purpose.

Now, Katiana was giving him a massage and that was the start of how things happened between them.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Last month your nieces threw a surprise Birthday party for their mother in New Jersey which you attended. The party was great and went on late into the night and because of this you decided to stay overnight.

However, you weren't the only one because Talia's (your youngest niece) girlfriend Venus stayed over also. You weren't sure, but if you didn’t know any better it felt like Venus was flirting with you during the party.

Now you usually stay up all night and it was it was difficult to fall asleep since you don't stay over often, so you were up watching television.

Around 2:00 AM, you get a text message from Talia asking you to come upstairs because there is a large spider in her bedroom. So being the responsible Uncle you run upstairs to the second floor prepared to take on the spider.

When you arrive at Talia's room there's no one there? After a few seconds you here someone calling you from the bathroom. You tap on the door, and they whisper come in.

It's Venus and she's in the bathtub. You look away and she tells you that the spider was near the front side of the tub (this is forcing you to look at her again while she is in the tub).

You look around, but no spider? Venus said maybe he ran back into the room.

"Where's Talia?" You asked.
Watching a movie with her mother, I used her phone to text you, I was scared.
No problem, if the spider comes back let me know.

About 15 minutes later, another text message from Talia's phone about the spider is now in the bedroom. So you run upstairs and this time Venus is laying on the bed.

Ok, Talia is probably sleeping by now and Venus is giving you the "Greenlight," but you can't risk the chance that Talia could walk in on you.

And "Oh," you still can't find the spider?

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This afternoon your presents was requested by the Rosario sisters (actually it was Migdalia who needed your assistance and she lives with her sister Carolina).

Migdalia wanted to treat her son Willie to a baseball game between the Los Angeles Dodgers vs. New York Mets sometime in late May (she wanted to reward him for doing well on school).

When you came over you showed her the seating chart, prices, and ticket availability on her laptop. She had never ordered tickets before and really wasn't sure what was considered a "good seat" so she appreciated your help.

You must have spent a good hour or more there and now she had to check Willie's schedule (he was visiting some friends).

Now, when you arrived at her place you didn't see Carolina because she was sleeping in her bedroom (you passed her bedroom on the way to the kitchen, but the lights were out and the door was halfway open).

Before you left you wanted to say "hello" to Carolina (Migdalia told you she was awake now). So on your way out you stopped by Carolina's door and Whoa!
Carolina was taking topless selfies.

Carolina knew Willie wasn't back yet, but had no idea that you were in the apartment.

You quickly apologized as Carolina quickly covered up. All Migdalia could do was laugh and joke about when Carolina was younger she wanted big titties like her.

As you can see the Rosario sisters are "blessed" in that department.
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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A lot of times dudes are not honest about how they feel when the break up with a girl. Most of the time they will act like it doesn't bother them, but if she was a "decent woman" they may not admit that it hurts.

So, when Romaire told you that he was having a party at his place and that he had invited your ex-girlfriend Julia, you pretended like it didn't bother you (Romaire's girlfriend and Julia were good friends before you started dating Julia. In fact, Romaire's girlfriend introduced you to Julia).

To add insult to injury, Julia is going out of her way to flirt with a few guys at the party (and some of the guys there that were unaware that you and her used to be a couple are talking amongst themselves about how many "freaky" things they would do with her).

But, this shouldn't bother you, right?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So, you have a few things to consider before you meet up with Shanna and Brianna. Normally, you have a rule that irrespective of what the young lady looks like as long as she's a decent person you'll pay for her meal.

However, if she's a total bitch, all bets are off. All this crossed your mind, but you decided on the way to meet them that you would treat her anyway.


Any confrontation between you and Brianna could ruin the entire evening, in addition, to potentially putting a damper on Maurice and Shanna's evening.

Man stop bull shitting around and drop the bad bitches onlyfan or something. Fucking up the prexisting format!

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You get a phone call at 12:30 AM tonight, and it's Daisy, who lives in your building on the 2nd floor. Now, you're thinking maybe Daisy finally wants to "hookup" because she sure enough talks enough stuff when you see her (from you can't handle this WAP, how you'll be strung out, etc.).

What adds to it is that (if no one is around) she starts playing with her titties in front of you (but, she won't let you touch them). So you're thinking tonight could be the night.

Daisy tells you that she needs you to come down to her apartment now. You tell her give you 20 minutes and she said, "Ok." You run downstairs probably with beads of sweat dripping all over you like you took a 2nd shower, and Daisy comes to the door.

Then she tells you the words you thought you would never hear from her.
"Could you run to the All night store and pick up some milk for me, I'm watching Inez's kids and they don't have any milk for their cereal in the morning."

You go, and rush back still thinking that something is going to happen. Daisy, true to form, tells you she wants to do something with you, but the kids might wake up (they're about 3 and 4 years old).

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Skye ran a bodega in East Harlem not too far away from "La Marqueta,"on Madison Avenue. Her husband actually owned the building that she managed as well as other property throughout the city. Their situation was to say the least an unusual one and not only because of the age difference (Skye probably in her mid 20s or early 30s and her husband was probably in his mid 80s). Rumor has it that unfortunately, he is no longer able to "perform," so he allows Skye to entertain young men to keep her satisfied.

Sometimes, some of the guys in the neighborhood may be a bit "strapped for cash," and Skye will extend them a line of credit. However, if they are unable to repay their debt after 2 months, then sometimes she might expect payment in another way.

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