Big as fuck hispanic titties

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You're right dawg
OG Investor

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wanda Campos, who lives across the street from you asked you to come by and look at her fan and air conditioner because they both appeared to be malfunctioning. Not a problem, but all the while you were trying to figure out the problem (fan needed to cleaned and oiled, and the air conditioner required a new filter, but cleaning it did the trick) she was watching you and asking questions.

To make matters worst, she keeps complaining about how hot it is in her bedroom and keeps fanning herself.
And why aren't you trying to "hit it?"
She's got a crazy "off and on" boyfriend, and you're not sure if you want to deal with the drama that comes with being involved with Wanda.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your friend Lisa wanted to introduce you to a very good friend of hers named "Becky," short for Rebecca. Initially, you laughed and said does she have blond hair and blue eyes. Lisa said: "No, unless she had a dramatic makeover in the last few days."

Lisa said that Becky was the art teacher at the elementary school that they both taught at, in addition to that she is a professional dancer with the "Dance theater of Harlem." She apologized for not having a photograph of Becky, but told you that she's a very attractive young lady.

It's not like you haven't been on "blind dates" before, and you've been lucky because even if you didn't continue dating the young lady, the overall dates went well. However, this time you figured you'd try something different and showed up about 20 minutes before Lisa's school let out. That way you could meet Lisa before your "blind date."

You called Lisa went you got to the school and she was surprised that you made a special trip to the school to meet Becky (she thought it was cute). So she gave Becky the "head's up" and they both came out together.

You were pleasantly surprised and felt an instant attraction to Becky and took a chance by inviting Becky and Lisa to have an early dinner with you at "Amy Ruth's" on 116th. Becky seemed a bit shy and having Lisa with you could serve as a "buffer" allowing you both to be more comfortable.

Dinner goes well and this is where things get tricky, you see Lisa drives to school and Becky lives in "Tracey Towers in the Bronx. No problem, you go back to the school and Lisa drives you and Becky back to Becky's house. When you arrive at Becky's building, Lisa wants to know if you need a ride home, but Becky said: "No, Lisa, he is going to walk me to my door because I might need protection."

Lisa gave you and Becky her blessing and drove off. You assume that Becky felt safe because she changed clothes and got real comfortable and said that:

"I don't want you to get the wrong impression of me and I don't normally do this, but do you have any protection on you."
Your head dropped as you replied: "No."

Becky said: "It's okay, we can do other things."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Imagine going on a lunch date with a woman only to end that date with a potential dinner date with another woman? You hadn't seen your friend Stephanie in a long time although you often converse with each other via phone calls or text messages. So you thought it would be nice to treat her to lunch during her break at work.

You had to travel to the Bronx, but that's was no big deal since you've only known her since you were 7 years old, and she is a long time friend, in some ways like a "sister" to you.

When you arrived at her job, you were greeted by the receptionist, Ms. Violet Negron. Angela was an attractive you lady and very pleasant, in fact, she was kind enough to offer you some bottled water as you waited for Stephanie (Stephanie came downstairs about 10 minutes later). Stephanie suggested that she wanted to try some Italian restaurant in the area and that's were you ate (the portions were large so you both had enough food left over for dinner).

You walked Stephanie back to work and told her not to work too hard and you headed home. Later that evening Stephanie called you to "thank you again," and said she had some "good news" for you.

"What is it?" you asked
Stephanie explained that Violet (the receptionist) thought you were nice and was wondering if you were single?

Stephanie looked out for you and by Saturday, you had a date with Violet.

Now, you had only seen Violet briefly, but you had no idea what type of body she had because she was sitting down. Furthermore, she had on a blazer so you couldn't tell if she was busty or not? For all you knew she could weigh well over 250 lbs and be built like "Lizzo."

Nevertheless, she was nice to you and it's not like you go out every week anyway, so you met in Midtown Manhattan. When you met her you still couldn't tell exactly what type of shape she had because she had on an oversized dress and a light sweater.

The date went well and Violet was surprised that you took her to see "Hell's Kitchen," the play loosely based on Alicia Keys and then to dinner. You then caught a cab back to Violet's place (she lives in the Park Slope section of Brooklyn) and you figured that was the end of the date and you would head home.

Instead, Violet invited you in, and told you to relax (kick your shoes off). Violet told you that since you were so nice to her and took her to a show she felt the need to treat you to a show also, and she begin to entice you with a slow strip tease.

You finally got to see Violet's body "live and in concert," and although you would never admit this you were somewhat intimidated.

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You were enjoying a lazy Sunday afternoon when you heard a woman let out a scream in the hallway. You looked out the peephole to see your neighbor Mrs. Catalina Velasquez (divorcee) standing near the elevator in fear. You opened your door to see what the problem was?

Mrs. Velasquez explained that she was coming home from Sunday brunch and saw a mouse run in the hallway near her front door. You told her to come inside your apartment for a minute and you got a broom and checked to see if the mouse was still roaming around.

After a quick perusal of the hallway you felt that the "coast was clear," and told Mrs. Velasquez that it was safe to go into her apartment.

She was still scared and told me that "you are coming with me," and grabbed your arm with a grip that would have made the "Rock" tap out. As you walk her to the door your mind and body are conflicted because her grip is literally causing you some pain, but at the same time you finally noticed her outfit.

Her titties are huge, and your sick perverted mind is thinking, "Does Mrs. Velasquez have a strong grip in other parts of her body?"

Whew, you made it to her door safely and she invited you in and offered you some of the pastries that she brought home from brunch, in addition, she made some fresh tea.

The pastries and the tea were great, but in the process of Mrs. Velasquez pouring you a 2nd cup she accidentally spilled some tea on your lap and she instinctively grabbed a kitchen towel to wipe up the mess.

However, in the process of cleaning up your lap her hand took "liberties," and she briefly "felt you up."

She apologized and smiled, but then she said she needed to rinse the towel in the bathroom. About 2 minutes later Mrs. Velasquez yelled out, and you're thinking that maybe the mouse managed to get into the apartment so you ran to the bathroom.

However, the bathroom was empty because Mrs. Velasquez was on the bed and she said:

"I saw you checking out my tetas, and I can tell you want more."

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sometimes you have to "Rob Peter to pay Paul," and although you just got a check on Tuesday, it's going to be gone by the weekend because you owe a few people some money. It would be nice if you could seek help from a few friends, but more than likely they aren't going to lend you a dime since you probably owe them anyway.

Perhaps, Adria Mendoza might be able to help you out. Adria dances at "Dream," a club out in Queens, in addition, she has a "Webcam" set up and between the 2, she's actually making "good money."

There was a time that you considering trying to date Adria, but you felt conflicted because of the line of work she's in. Nevertheless, you and her were always cool.

So, you gave her a call and explained your situation to her and she was okay with lending you some money. So, you threw on some sweats and walked over to her place (she's about 3, 4 blocks away).

Adria is happy to see you and hands you the money, but wants to know when you plan on paying her back?
You tell her that you should have her money back to her by the first week in October.
Then, she tells you that she wants a little interest on the principle.
"How much," you ask?

Adria wants to know have you ever heard the song "Munch," by Ice Spice?


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You and Maggie are good friends, and although you've been on several dates with each other, you've never made the transition to a more intimate relationship.

So, one afternoon when you're "hanging out" with Maggie she asks you to take a trip with her to "Washington Heights," because she wants to check in on her mother. When you arrive at her mother's place you're greeting by her cousin Minerva, who tells you that "Aunty" went to the supermarket about 10 minutes ago.

Maggie wants to know, "why didn't you go with her?" and Minerva said that, "she wanted to go alone since she only wanted a few items and wanted me to continue cooking."

Maggie seemed a bit upset and called her mother, who was still in the supermarket. Maggie calmed down at that point and said that she was going to meet her mother so that she could help her carry her groceries.

However, she told you she would be right back and that you could stay her with Minerva (Minerva, had given you a small plate of food to sample before Maggie left).

Now, Maggie once told you that even though her and Minerva are close, Minerva has always been a bit jealous of her and on more than one occasion has tried to "steal" Maggie's boyfriends.

Minerva saw an opening and asked: "So, what's up with you and mi prima, she "hooking you up?

"You need a freak like me that will feed you and give you plenty of good coocha."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your Dental Hygienist who loves to "accidentally" place her breast on you each time she is prepping you for cleanings, extractions, etc.

She scheduled a "follow-up" visit and tricked you into asking her out.

After the date she remembered that some new dental hygiene products had recently arrived at the office a few days ago.

She had a few at home and suggested when you take her home and that you come upstairs and take a few (or whatever else you find in her place that might help your mouth).


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Last Thursday you and your friend Vincent were just "hanging out," and he suggested you go to the "Inwood Bar and Grill" in the Inwood section of Manhattan. He told you on more than one occasion that the food was good and that there would be plenty of single women in attendance. You were just happy to be out for a change and found yourself watching the US Open tennis matches.

Although, you've tried to play tennis (keyword here is tried) you weren't very good at it, but you do have a pretty good understanding of the game. A very attractive young lady at a table near yours commented on your enthusiasm for the match being played and noticed you were really into it.

Brisa: "You're really into this, huh?" She continued and stated: "I like tennis, but I have no idea how to keep score?"

When you turned and made direct eye contact with Brisa (whose name you would learn later) you got a little nervous.

There was just something about her eyes.

You said to her, "If you have time pull up a chair, and you will attempt to explain the game to her if she's interested in learning."
Brisa: "Ok."
