One of the many amenities of your cousin Darius's apartment building is that there is a laundry room in the basement that's open 24/7. You had been "hanging out" with him last night and well, let's say he had an accident from having too much to drink.
Yeah, you could leave him "stewing in his own mess," but you'd feel guilty and you're pretty sure he would look out for you under the same conditions. So, you end up throwing his dirty clothes in a bag, grabbing some detergent and taking them downstairs to the laundry room (meanwhile he is sprawled out on his sofa).
Now, because it's about 2:00 AM, you assumed that the laundry room would be empty, but as you approach it sounds like there's someone in there. When you get to the room you see a young lady doing her laundry, which under normal circumstances would be unusual, but, well, ah...