Big as fuck hispanic titties

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You're right dawg
OG Investor




November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Some morning when you run out to get the newspaper you would run into Evelyn Camacho waiting on the bench or in the lobby (if it was cold outside) waiting for her granddaughter's school bus. Sometimes she would look so tired, but no matter how she was feeling that morning she was always there "rain or shine."

She would always greet you with a smile and occasionally you would stop and talk with her. She never brought up whether she had a husband or a boyfriend and you never inquired, so you assumed that she might be available and you would subtly flirt with her.

One of your discussion was about work, and how working and helping her daughter out was like having two jobs and how she could use a vacation, even if it was just a week at home doing nothing but sleeping and resting. You took a mental note of this and stored the information in your "mental databank" for future reference.

Fate has a way of presenting some interesting opportunities, and about 2 weeks after having this conversation with Evelyn someone on your job was sponsoring a Ski trip to the Poconos (February 14 - February 18). You figured the next time you saw Evelyn you would show it to her and maybe her "man" might want to take her for a weekend getaway. She said the accommodations looked nice and she believed that her granddaughter would be off from school for Winter recess.

She said she would like to go, but there are just 2 problems, one was that she doesn't have a "man," and the second problem was that she wasn't in the financial position to go.

You told her that you had an idea, but she must keep this a secret.

You recently won some money on a Lottery Scratch-Off Game and would be willing to treat her. You told her that it would be a gift not a loan with "No strings attached," and that she would have her own private room. Your family is probably going to want to know who are you going with? So you can either tell them you're going alone (which will mean more questions) or tell them you are going with a female co-worker.

Evelyn said: "I'm a grown woman and I'm allowed to have a life."
You said that you understood, but either way you will have your own room and you would have your own private room also. We can "hang out" during the day if you like and catch up on some much need rest at night.

The bus ride was pretty long and Evelyn was just so happy to see a large comfortable bed accompanied with the fact that she just stayed in the whole night. Around 8:00 AM the next morning, you received a text message from Evelyn asking you would you like to join her for breakfast? You accepted her invitation and told her to give you about 20 minutes to get ready and you would come over to her room and then go to breakfast.

Now, when you get to her room, you looked confused because of what she was wearing and you asked her:
"Are you wearing that to breakfast?"
Evelyn never answered the question and started talking about how beautiful the view was and how being able to rest made her feel like a new person. This place reminded her when she was "young and wild."

So, you told her that you couldn't imagine her being "Wild?"
Evelyn said: "We are going to have to do something about that."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Julissa Juarez was a very good friend of your next door neighbor Paula, and you would see her from time to time when Paula would have small but intimate parties.

Paula knew that Julissa was looking for a "man," and she felt that you were a decent guy and decided to play matchmaker with you and Paula. Initially, Julissa seemed reluctant because she had been engaged a few months ago and the relationship when "sideways," she had pretty much sworn off men (Paula shared that information with you).

You decided to take things slow and didn't put any pressure on Julissa to have sex, which probably worked to your advantage because she was so used to men "hitting on her."

One night Julissa came over to visit and you played it cool, and she flat out asked you: "Did you find her attractive?"
You told her that you did and she was curious as to why you didn't try to "jump her bones" yet?
You asked her: "What would you like me to do?"

From that point the fireworks started and Julissa was really into it.

You're not anywhere close to being a "Porn star," but considering the fact that Julissa might have been celibate for a while she was enjoying your company.

Apparently, more than you realized because whatever you where doing caused her to jump out of bed and she started to "shake and quiver."
You started to say something because you had never seen a woman you were with react that way, but you just remained silent.

What's strange now is that Julissa seems to "pop up" unexpectedly and tells you that she figured she would stop by since she was just visiting Paula.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You hadn't seen Jacki in a few months and she was wondering if you had some free time to "hang out" with her? You told her that you were free last Saturday and she you set up a date; however, there was one catch. Josefa's cousin Emelia was in town and wanted to see "The city" (she was coming from the Dominican Republic and had never been to New York before).

Finding things to do with Jacki and Emelia would be a major problem, but there was something important that you forgot about Jacki. Although, you and Jacki have gone out with each other and are "good friends" you've never gone beyond being friends with Jacki (mainly because she was too busy chasing after some guy that was either married or in a relationship).

So, what happens if you and Emelia have a "connection?"

Normally, you would think this shouldn't be a problem, but you know that Jacki has self esteem issues and have a sneaky suspicion that she's goiing to end up feeling a certain way.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeraldi was telling you how much she wanted to see the movie "Novacaine," but didn't really have anybody to go with her. You told her that you wanted to see that movie also and invited her to accompany you.

You set up a date with Yeraldi for Friday night, but the strangest though popped into your head. Suppose Yeraldi wants to go back to her place to "Netflix and Chill?"

On the surface this is exactly what you want, but please remember that Yeraldi runs marathons and goes to aerobic classes at least twice a week. In addition, she is a trained dancer.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You and Richie Sanchez have been friends since elementary school and you grew up together. Richie moved to Denver, but you are still in contact with his family and you stop by every now and then to see how his younger sister Hilda is doing.

About a month ago you remember having a conversation with Hilda about dating in the city. Hilda was a quiet little girl, but "broke out of her shell" when she hit high school, and is now quite outspoken.

So Hilda asked you: "What's up with you guys not being able to pick up on hints?"
You asked: "How so?"
Hilda said: "I be throwing the box at some dudes and they ain't picking it up?"
So you asked her: "Exactly, how are you doing this?"

She said that she might be all alone with a guy and then she'll make a move like this and he still don't get it?
