Big as fuck white titties

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You have to drop off some legal documents at Luna's apartment (who you have never met, but you are doing a favor for a friend). You call Luna when you arrive at her building and in lieu of you leaving the documents with the concierge she request that you come upstairs.

You oblige, but when she opens the door...

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Darin's (childhood friend) wife invites you and and some of his friends to a small gathering at the family home in Connecticut (they also offer you the option of staying over since liquor will be served).

So, you arrive Friday evening, and I know her sister, Rose is technically home, but, does she really feel that comfortable walking around like this for breakfast?


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You haven't hung out with your friends in about 2 years, and you all promise to get together to watch the Final Four tonight.

You haven't been around your girlfriend for the last 2 weeks because she had to quarantine.

She wants you to come over tonight also.
What cha gonna do?


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your friend El calls you today with an interesting story. El works 11:00 PM - 7:00 AM at this Upper East side hi rise building.
About 3:00 AM, he notices 2 cars enter the underground parking lot (his post this week) and he decides to check the 2nd driver since the didn't use their key fob.

El is very smooth and explains that he didn’t see her use her key fob to gain enter into the parking garage. She explains she must have missed placed it? So, El just asked her name and apartment number, she told him, and he wished her a good evening.

I guess because El didn’t give her a hard time, she'd give him one.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Remember when you were a little kid and it seemed like each summer your parents would drive down south so you could spend time with your grandparents?

If you were from the city, some of the girls were fascinated by your accent. Well, Elvira Bradshaw had a crush on you, but she was too "big boned" for you at the time.

Well, she's kinda grow into her body, kinda.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Laura, who works IT at your job, offered to help you add a Western Digital Elements to your laptop if you bring it to work. She keeps reminding you each week until finally she asked where do you live?

You discover she's only 5 blocks from you and she offers to come over on Saturday afternoon if you're not busy.

You both agree, but when she arrives you are a bit surprised because she's dressed like she is going out (Laura usually dresses in jeans, and large shirts). So you ask her if she is going out tonight?

She tells you most people at work think she's the nerdy/bookworm type, but they don't really know me.



Rising Star
OG Investor
Laura, who works IT at your job, offered to help you add a Western Digital Elements to your laptop if you bring it to work. She keeps reminding you each week until finally she asked where do you live?

You discover she's only 5 blocks from you and she offers to come over on Saturday afternoon if you're not busy.

You both agree, but when she arrives you are a bit surprised because she's dressed like she is going out (Laura usually dresses in jeans, and large shirts). So you ask her if she is going out tonight?

She tells you most people at work think she's the nerdy/bookworm type, but they don't really know me.

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You're right dawg
OG Investor

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your niece, Talia sometimes gets you involved in things you don't need to be in. Talia went to Law school with Jazmen and they are still very good friends today.

You happened to be visiting Talia when Jazmen came over upset and angry that she jus had an argument with her roommate. Apparently, her roommate is not paying her fair share of the cable bill, and it's probably due to her boyfriend renting movies on cable and not paying for them (the guy doesn't work, and might have a drug problem).

Jazmen would prefer he leave, but when she ask her roommate for the cable money she's always short. An argument ensues and when Jazmen starts complaining about her roommate's man, the girl tries to say Jazmen is jealous because she doesn't have a man.

This prompted Jazmen to do this, and told her roommate that she could probably have her man if he was worth a damn.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lana worked in Payroll and before you applied for Direct deposit you would stop by her department to pick up your check. She exchanges numbers with you in case you needed her to mail your check if you were going to be out or on vacation.

From time to time she would call you just to talk, but then "out of the blue" she started sending you photos of herself.

You questioned if that was her and she followed with...

Only thing, you have to keep everything "hush, hush" because there's some old dude (He's the Purchasing Manager) who might be paying her bills and "hitting it."