Your coworker, Robert "Bob" McNally is a staunch Republican and is constantly telling low-key racist jokes around you, but when you complain, you get: "Oh, that's just Bob, don't be so sensitive."
So, last Friday, you and some of your coworkers go out to a local bar restaurant near the job to have a few drinks. Bob has one drink too many and needs a ride home.
You and the fellas draw straws and you lose and involuntarily end up having to take this "prick" home.
When you get to his home his wife is there and she helps you get him to his bed. She plans on sleeping in another room because, well Bob reeks of alcohol. So, you're about to leave out and your looking for Mrs. McNally to lock the door.
Unfortunately, you accidentally see her getting ready for bed, and you apologize.
She says: "Don't," and exposes more of herself to you.
Do you leave or do you remember all the Affirmative Action jokes Bob told?