Big as fuck white titties


Rising Star

shoots gallons of semen in her

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Winnie, who is in your Accounting class, drops by your apartment to drop off a supplemental booklet that was passed out last week when you were out.

Very kind of her, and you invite her in for a minute to explain a few things. Winnie knows that you live with your girlfriend so even when you flirt, she doesn't take you serious. So when you ask her to take off her jacket she hesitates, and then...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
For years you have been trying to replace a book you got from your older brother, "Black on Black: Commentaries by Negro Americans." So you decide to go to your neighbor library on search of a copy.
Nina, attempts to locate it for you, but it's currently not available at that branch, but Nina offers to put a hold on it for you.

About 2 weeks later, you get a phone call from Nina and she tells you that it's available and she offers to bring it to you. To your surprise, Nina actually ordered the book from Amazon and gives it to you as a gift.
You offer to pay for it, but it appears that Nina wants something else from you.

Now, Nina may not be your type, so what might you do?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
You needed to take a few classes for work so you enrolled at Baruch College (evening classes). The guy at the Register office told you that it might take about 45 minutes to see what classes might be available to you (their computer system was down) and suggested you return in about 45 minutes to an hour.

So you go to the cafeteria to get a sandwich while you wait, and this female starts serenading you while you wait.

Yo ok this one hit real close to home

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You're sitting at home watching tv and you start getting text messages from Cassie (you know Cassie through a mutual female friend, Lisa).

Although, you Lisa and Cassie have hung out a few times, you know that Cassie has a boyfriend (I believe you and him share the same first name) and she can hold her liquor.

So, do you respond thinking she sent these text messages by mistake or were they really meant for you?


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Jenicca lives on your floor and you have some interesting conversations. She values your opinion and at the moment she basically been working odd jobs.

She wants to know if you think she could make any money doing "Onlyfans?" Now, Jenicca appears to be on the thin side and she usually has on big clothes so you can't tell what type of figure she has.

So she invited you over the other date to give you a sample.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your friend El tells you a wild story the other day about this strange situation he encountered. El works as a Security guard at this film studio out in Queens and it's a pretty easy job since no one really comes there unless they are filming over night.

He works with this guy named Serge, cool dude who is either from Russia or Ukraine. So one Friday night, Merilyn (Serge's sister) stops by to visit after she came from a club. She's been drinking and lost her keys and wants to borrow Serge's keys, but he doesn't trust her. He tells her that he will drive her home in the morning when he gets off.

So she can either "hang" with him and El or go sleep in one of the dressing rooms. She stays up and starts talking with El, so Serge figures she ok, and take a lunch break and gets some sleep.

Merilyn waits for Serge to leave and then starts flirting hard with El. El don't turn down nothing but his collar so...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Coral wanted you to stop by an help here with an application she needs to submit to FEMA. She called you around 7:30 PM, and told you if you weren't busy and available now would be a good time.

Coral is right next door so you just throw on some sweats and tap on the door. Now the thing is she just invited you over so why is she dressed like this?

And you keep hoping the evening ends like this.

At least, that how it plays out in your mind.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Some of the people you grew up with are involved in some "questionable" activities. So one day, Quincy and Bobby are telling you about a transaction they made with a young white girl. They assumed she might have been "wired" so the simply asked her to strip.

She did...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Very few people at your job have your cell phone number so when you get a text message from a number you don't recognize you become a bit concerned.

The first message:

The second message:

Follow by a message stating:
You don't know me, but I've seen you around walking around the building. At a time of my choosing I will reveal myself.

Now, is this a friend "clowning" you or legit?
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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Last August you had to make a trip to the Department of Health to obtain a copy of your birth certificate. While you're waiting for the train to arrive you can't help but notice this young lady with a head full of red hair.

Yeah, it's hot outside, but damn the top she had on was, well, most of the guys were looking her way also. So you enjoy the show, but figure it's over once the train arrives. Needless to say, she ends up in the same car as you and sits across from you.

You're trying hard not to stare, but after about 2 stops she waves at you to get your attention. She wants to know how to get to 26 Federal Plaza? You tell her and let her know you are going that way also and you and Andrea begin a long conversation on the way there.

Turns out Andrea is going to obtain some information from the Department of Immigration since she's here on a visa from Italy. She gives you her number since she wants you to teach her about this country and she wants to teach you about Italy.

May you have fun learning more...

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You started going to the Harlem YMCA on 135th back in January, basically just to shoot around for exercise. You recall seeing Samantha "Sam" Paige there playing pickup games with some of the fellas. She's stood out because she's a white woman playing basketball with a bunch of guys (but, her game is decent).

So on this particular day, Sam challenges you to a game of "Horse," and even has the nerve to bet you. So you're thinking loser treats the winner to IHOP for dinner. You never realized she played D1 ball at Rutgers and you lose. So afterwards you and her walk over to IHOP, have dinner and you're heading home. You find out that she lives a few blocks away on Lennox Terrace and invites you over. You walk with her and you're not thinking about sex because well to be honest, you're not sure Sam is into guys?

Apparently, this would be the 2nd bet you would have lost tonight.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your coworker, Robert "Bob" McNally is a staunch Republican and is constantly telling low-key racist jokes around you, but when you complain, you get: "Oh, that's just Bob, don't be so sensitive."

So, last Friday, you and some of your coworkers go out to a local bar restaurant near the job to have a few drinks. Bob has one drink too many and needs a ride home.
You and the fellas draw straws and you lose and involuntarily end up having to take this "prick" home.

When you get to his home his wife is there and she helps you get him to his bed. She plans on sleeping in another room because, well Bob reeks of alcohol. So, you're about to leave out and your looking for Mrs. McNally to lock the door.

Unfortunately, you accidentally see her getting ready for bed, and you apologize.
She says: "Don't," and exposes more of herself to you.

Do you leave or do you remember all the Affirmative Action jokes Bob told?
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