Heather worked as a barista in your neighborhood Starbucks and you would see her quite frequently. She was always pleasant and seemed to have a very outgoing personality.
One day while placing you order she noticed the book you were currently reading, "Racial Innocence, Unmasking Latino Anti-Black Bias And The Struggle For Equality," by Tanya Kateri Hernandez inquired what the book was about.
The subject matter pique her interest because she also happens to be a Graduate student at NYU working Masters in Sociology. She felt the subject would be a good topic to write her final thesis paper on.
While she was fluent in Spanish she wasn't sure if she could "pass" as a Latina? But, she would try and she also wanted to see people's react to her and a friend if they saw a black man with a white woman (she wanted the study to be based on how people n this so called "Post racial society" would react to an interracial couple in a liberal Northern city)
Heather wanted you to be her "boyfriend" in this study. She laughed and said she was basically broke, but could pay you in tea bags and coffee beans, lol.
You'll try to keep things professional, but you know your mind might wander at times.