Big as fuck white titties

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There are times in life when you second guess some of the decisions you've made, and wonder if you had to do it all over again, would you?

Roza was a coworker of yours who you developed a friendship with upon first meeting her. Her outlook on life was very positive and what was really intriguing was that she was fluent in Russian. Her father was black and her mother was Russian, however, her parents were separated and she lived with her mother in "Little Odessa" (aka Brighton Beach a section in Brooklyn).

You would drive her home sometimes since she worked the evening tour with you and you were usually greeted by her mother, Ms. Vasilishana (or Tatiana) when you brought her home. Ms. Vasilishana was very friendly towards you and actually treated you like family.

One weekend, Ms. Vasilishana called you up and requested a small favor from you. She had limited knowledge on appliances and wanted you to go with her to PC Richards because she wanted to purchase an air conditioner for her home (she felt by purchasing it in the early spring it would be cheaper than waiting for the summer to arrive). So you drove out to her place, picked her up and then went to PC Richards (Roza was not there and had gone to Atlantic City with some friends).

When you get back to Ms. Vasilishana's place she invites you upstairs and offers you something to eat, great, but before that you had to use the bathroom. However, when you came out of the bathroom you can't find Ms. Vasilishana until you heard her calling you from the bedroom.

Now you're presented with a dilemma, although you and her daughter Roza spend time together you're not in a committed relationship with her and are "just friends" at this time. But if you do sleep with "Tatiana" you under no circumstances can let Roza know.

Tatiana just starting whispering something in Russian and you had no idea what she was saying, but it sounded good.

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You started "hanging out" with Joyce in September of 2023, and although you've spent a lot of time with her there's never been a clarification of what your relationship is?

One thing you know it is not, and that is it's not an "intimate relationship." Maybe it's she's on the "Steve Harvey" dating schedule? Maybe, she's got relationship issues? Maybe, she's just "stringing" you along until she can find the next best thing?

These thoughts and many other ideas have crossed your mind, and you shared these thoughts with Katelyn.

Katelyn worked overnight with you, but was employed by a different agency and she was always a good person to "bounce" ideas off of (in addition, she would text you some funny cartoons, and would send you the freakish gif files).

Even though nothing was going on between you and Katelyn it felt like you had a closer bond with her than you did with Joyce.

One evening Katelyn sent you a gif file of a woman being serviced "doggy style," and followed it up by letting you know that you could have access to all 3 of her openings.

Now, I guess the question is do you remain in a "loveless" relationship or get involved with someone who lust after you?

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aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You haven't been down to Little Rock, Arkansas since you were a teenager and those were usually summer vacations spent with your Grandparents.

It was fun to get out of the big city and experience country life. What was especially fun was that you got to see Victoria "Red" McGuire. "Red" lived a few houses down from your Grandparents and across the street from your cousin "Buck."

You're not sure what they were feeding her, but at 14 she had the body of a woman in her 20s, and some of the biggest titties you've ever seen (outside of adult magazines).

Red seemed to be attracted to you for some strange reason, and loved to hear you speak. What was really nice was that she would invite you into the barn for a "kissing session."

This was fun and you were finally getting some actions, plus she use to let you play with her titties (this was exciting because you basically had little to no experience with girls).

So, one day when her family had gone into town she invited you into the barn for one of your "kissing sessions," but this time things were going to be a bit different. This time she was taking her shirt off, and she told you she was going to give you a "blow job."

Your thinking what does "Red" know about "blow jobs?" Because in your mind a "blow job" was one of those haircare kits that they advertised during "Soul Train" to give you a big full afro. You wondered did "Red" watch "Soul Train?"

So she's feeling on you and you're feeling on her and then something happened. You heard the McGuire's truck pull into the yard and you had to high tail it out of the barn.

You didn’t seem to get any alone time with "Red" after that, but you did find out that she still lives in the house she grew up in.

Only problem she's been fooling around with your cousin, Buck.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Unfortunately, you got laid-off when Covid protocols were enacted because people weren't eating out in your establishment as much. Unemployment kept you above water for awhile, but eventually you knew that wold run out.

So you were able to find jobs through a temp agency. Ideally, you were hoping you could find something permanent, but something was better than nothing at all.
In addition, it was kinda of fun meeting new people. That was until you met Ms. Abramson.

Ms. Abramson was the owner of a small Tax service business located near Carnegie Hall in Manhattan. She needed someone to fill in for an employee who was on maternity leave and could also serve as her Personal assistant.

A few things caught your attention when you arrived for an interview. The building was old, but the office was "state of the art." Then there was Ms. Abramson, you were expecting an older mature woman, and you get someone that looks like Christina Hendricks from "Mad Men."

She hired you on the spot and you actually worked the first day. Then she asked you if you would be available to come in Saturday evening and she would pay you for the Overtime. You figured, why not, since you could use the extra money.

You arrived at 5:00 PM and was surprised to see that the office was literally empty, but you had your assignment so you began working. Around 6:00 PM, Ms. Abramson walked in alone, spoke to you for awhile and went into her office.

Around 7:13 PM, Ms. Abramson called you into her office and asked you would you like something to eat for dinner, her treat. She ordered some "Thai" food that arrived about 30 minutes later and she insisted that you eat with her in her office.

The "Thai" food was burning you tongue and Ms. Abramson started laughing at you.

However, not soon after that the laughter stopped.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your nephew was telling you a strange story that happened to him last week. He sometimes parks his car on the same side of the neighbors' home (they live across the street from him).

Anita, who lives there with her sister and brother in law sees him getting into the car and comes running out the house and asked him if could drop her off at the supermarket (she'll probably catch a n Uber back home or have her sister pick her up).

Now, your nephew is thinking why can't she just take the car, shop and come home. She said that her brother in law might need to use it to get to work. Furthermore, the other car needs to go in the shop.

Your nephew is driving along and then Anita starts complaining about how her bra straps are hurting her.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
C-19 Protocols when into effect in March 2020 in your office, and now 4 years in you are able to work from home the majority of the time, but have to appear in the office at least 4 to 6 times a month.

Unfortunately, the updates on your system are causing you problems and IT will have to make a "house call." Jennifer Ambler called you Friday afternoon and asked if it would be ok if she stopped by on Saturday around 5:30 PM.

That was fine since you planned on watching the NCAA tournament that weekend. You actually know Jennifer because she's helped you in the past before while you were in the office.

Jennifer's nice, and physically she petite and well, think "Velma" from "Scooby-Doo"
type. Surprisingly, Jennifer is able to solve the problem in about 40 minutes and figures she'll chill and watch some of the games with you (after all, she's on the clock, and if someone needs her they will have to call IT, and the calls are forwarded to her cell).

You ordered pizza, opened some white wine, and "hanging" with Jennifer is almost like having some of the fellas over (she watches basketball). Then Jennifer starts telling you how they need to box out Eddy by putting a body on him, and she wants to demonstrate on you.

She gets you to stand up and starts "boxing you out" her ass cheeks are all up on your privates, and "yes" she got a reaction from you. You excused yourself and went to the bathroom because to be honest you're not sure if you should make a move or not (remember she's a female coworker on the clock).

However, upon returning...

You had no clue that Jennifer was built like that since she always wore big sweatshirts or sweaters.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Its Monday, April 8, and you were just sitting down relaxing at a small neighborhood coffee shop while you waited for the bank to open. The tea was nice and sweet with enough sugar in it to guarantee you'd be up for a few hours (you needed that boast since you had been up all night).

You were so busy watching the clock that you never noticed the buxom brunette that sat down next to you. Apparently, she noticed you. The news was on and they had a segment about today being Jonathan Majors sentencing date. She felt he got "Railroaded,"and that her race played into the decision.

You had a brief conversation on it and then she said it gave her an idea for a book about the power dynamics in a relationship between Black men and white women.

Then the conversation got weird. She said that men are usually the aggressors in a relationship, but how would you react if I told you I want to take you home now?

She noticed you looked confused and she said: " I'm very serious."

Now, you're confused and then you remember you had to stop by the bank (4 blocks up the street). You told her that you need to take care of some business and that you would come back to the coffee shop (15 minutes).

Then Anitta (she formally introduced herself) tells you that she lives in a high rise apartment on 72 Street and Park Avenue. You walk here home, greet the concierge and you ride up to the 9th floor with her.

Apparently, when you get to her place it's just you and Anitta (Trust and believe you're thinking this is a setup). After about 17 minutes she comes out wearing this.

What's your next move?
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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You would see Alexa at work and you basically acknowledge each other, but it never seemed to go further. That was until "Presidents Day weekend."

She would get off work at 1:00 AM, and usually one of the guys that worked in her department would give her a ride to the Staten Island Ferry. When she got to Staten Island she would either catch a bus or cab home.

When she got home she would give her sister a call to let her know she was safe (when she worked evenings her sister would watch her 9 year old son, Anthony).

So, it's a 3 day weekend and Alexa is working the evening tour and you pass her in the hallway, but this time she stops you and asks you about your plans for the weekend?

In addition, she said that she would probably take her son to a museum or do something around Staten Island (Alexa was a divorcee, and had joint custody of Anthony).

It was basically "small talk" then she asked you of you've ever been to Staten Island? When you said "No" she told you that you needed to visit. You also told her you had never been on the Ferry either.

Now as fate would have it, her usual ride wasn't available and now she was probably going to have to call an Uber. You were getting off soon and you offered her a ride to the Ferry, which turned into a ride home (you felt bad leaving her waiting for the Ferry because it was freezing outside).

You drove Alexa to her front door, and you were about to leave and she invited you in to have some tea and warm up a bit.

Her apartment was nice and she called her sister to tell her that she would see her and Anthony in the morning. Then she said instead of tea would you like some Brandy?

So you had some and she said if you like you can spend the night and offered you the couch. You accepted her offer, but what bothered you was that she had changed into her version of "sleep wear."

Alexa gave you a pillow and a blanket and told you if you needed anything to just come and ask. You "Thanked" her and tried to get comfortable (it was difficult though, not because of the couch, but because she was looking really good in that red lingerie).

About 5 minutes later, Alexa came back into the living room, and told you that since it's so cold you might be more comfortable in her bedroom. You asked her "Are you sure?" She said "Yes, but don't try anything." You said "okay."

About 15 minutes later you start hearing this strange sound and you try to turn away, but it's persistent. You finally look up, and Alexa is having her own "Private party."

You thinking this can't really be happening and then she tells you to "Join me."
