Big as fuck white titties


Rising Star

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You and about 5 other guys took a trip to the Dominican Republic and stayed at an All Inclusive Resort.

You tend to be an "Early riser," and like to get in a few swimming laps early in the morning (it also allows you to have the pool all to yourself).

One particular morning you notice a young lady seems to think like you do and you strike up a conversation with her.

As your speaking with her you notice that she keeps looking around as if she is expecting someone. Then as she's looking directly at you she begins to "self pleasure" herself.

How do you respond?

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Every now and then some women will walk into a store and flash their breast (while a friend films them).

However, some women have taken it to the next level.

One day you're in the grocery store shopping (predominantly white patrons/predominantly non-white staff), and you see this young lady "flash" her breast. One of the guys stocking the shelf noticed this and smiled.

So, she figures she can take advantage of the situation and so does he. He walks her into the "meat locker" (No pun intended) and she let's him play with her breasts for a little while in exchange for steaks, lamb chops, etc.

They obviously either know the positions of the security cameras or manage to distract whoever is monitoring the cameras when she comes in the store.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Last September you were just sitting in the house when you received a phone call from your friend, Lamar.

You've know Lamar since you were babies, and your families go back for years. However, you only get to see him since he moved to the Bronx with his girlfriend/fiance.

Lamar basically wants to get out the house so you suggest you take a ride down to the "Feast of San Genarro," which is held each September in "Little Italy."

The crowd is pretty diverse, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't keep your "head on the swivel" for a few "Tony Soprano wannabes."

Sure enough, Lamar starts talking to these Italian girls at one of the food booths, and their giving him a brief lesson on Italian desserts. Of course he manages to throw in a few sexual connotations (the girls are with it too), and manages to get Luna's number.

Fast forward to next Friday, Lamar calls you up and wants to "hang out" again, but then calls you back 15 minutes later to tell you that you're his alibi because he's going to meet Luna.

Then later that morning Lamar sends you photos of Luna and tells you to hold them (he's afraid his girl might check his phone).

At least bring a brother some Cannolis.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Food for thought (No pun intended)
True Story...

I was talking to a good friend of mine and he was telling me about this young lady he started dating last year.

He explained to me that they took turns performing "Oral sex" on each other (No Condom, No Dental Dam).

In essence, there were no barriers present to prevent the exchange of "bodily fluid."

Nevertheless, she refused to have "Sexual intercourse" (Vagina penetration) with him until he obtained a Condom?

PS. She is Post Menopausal.
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