Big Meech has reportedly been released from prison

Dr. Truth

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BGOL Investor
Context my good brethren

I was talking about mofokrs making comments like they have some factual basis for making them, be it paperwork or experience.

and I also think that only the mentally impaired would think being caged is a badge of honor.
Plenty of clown ass fake thugs think prison and the ghetto is a badge of honor . I remember on some hiphop forums niggas have long ass debates about “paperwork” and who is a snitch and docket numbers and all sorts of dumb shit. “Nigga let me see your paperwork”. It’s the corniest most cringe shit possible and not all seems based around hiphop


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
I’m glad he’s out and being positive . Seems like a good dude . Hope he stays away from the dumb shit. Also why his veneers look natural and everybody else get them fucked up horse teeth? He got the best fake teeth I ever seen


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
The look on his face in every picture I see looks like he just wants to be left alone. Dude is in his 50’s and has probably seen it all. Those years in prison look like they turned out a different person.
Yeah, when these dudes get out they don't care about all this shit.

They need to let that man enjoy the time he has left with his family. This shit shouldn't be important having all these parties to be around a bunch of strangers. Family should and always be your first priority.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
I always say, people will celebrate a dude and throw the pussy at him after he did time in prison vs a brotha who graduated college, joined the army, went to trade school etc.

I wished the same energy was for people doing positive things