Black Christian chick: White people just want you to act like normal humans in public. They're not racist.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I wonder what Ruby Bridges was wearing that day? what about Emmett till? Was he acting "normal?" How about the folks in Tulsa in 1921?

How about Abena Horton, who was just trying to sell her house and was lowballed (appraisal undervalued) to the tune of 100k + and the subsequent digging in to the incident that revealed this is common practice for much of the appraisal industry to do to "black" homes?
or stores like Barney's who multiple times have called police on shoppers who made legitimate purchases in their stores? Were those folks not acting normal? Were they doing something weird other than being black and trying to live their lives?

the proliferation of the "karen" videos- and the nickname ones- Barbecue Becky or whatever- the vast majority of those are us minding our own fucking business until they approach and interfere with us.

Their problem with us is THEIR problem not ours. and they would hate us no matter how we dressed or acted.

The behavior some people in here are talking about- we see it on the internet everyday, but much,much less frequently maybe even rarely in real life.
I would argue there's a very small percentage of people doing that kind of shit vs. the vast majority of us who DO act "normal" in public, but the antics are what get posted and circulated online- maybe to the point where people think that's the norm. Ever seen a video online where people are just riding the bus or shopping- minding their business and nothing happens? Exactly, cause it's boring- but that's how it usually is in the real world- but we look on our phones or laptops or whatever and see example after example of ignorance... one incident in Cleveland, one from Atlanta, one from Florida, one in London... some of us get tricked into thinking it's going on everywhere, all the time.

I'd bet money that most people reading this think THEY, THEMSELVES act right in public.. and probably their family does too... and most of their friends and co workers do's just these other ninjas that need to get it together.

How many times have you actually seen with your own eyes- someone get out of pocket ( internet-worthy) in the real world? - a handful of times at most I would wager, vs the hundreds/ thousands of days/times you've gone out in public.

If that's the case, then the math ain't mathing.
If a few fools acting an ass is in public is "proof" to you that your entire race needs to "straighten up" - well, then Dwyght Mann already got you fucked up.

*edit to add a few modern examples before folks come in crying about how long ago 1921 was
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wonder what Ruby Bridges was wearing that day? what about Emmett till? Was he acting "normal?" How about the folks in Tulsa in 1921?
Those are examples on one end of the spectrum and they are wrong. Now let’s look at the other end of the spectrum. Women wearing hair hats, body-suits and house shoes in public looking a hot mess. I’m saying women cuz I see it the most with them but some of us men need to do better also. We should have standards in our community fuck what cacs think. Grown ass black people should be enforcing standards. What are we teaching the next generation if not standards. We should stop making excuses for lazy trifling azz people. I would hope kings and queens would carry themselves better.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Those are examples on one end of the spectrum and they are wrong. Now let’s look at the other end of the spectrum. Women wearing hair hats, body-suits and house shoes in public looking a hot mess. I’m saying women cuz I see it the most with them but some of us men need to do better also. We should have standards in our community fuck what cacs think. Grown ass black people should be enforcing standards. What are we teaching the next generation if not standards. We should stop making excuses for lazy trifling azz people. I would hope kings and queens would carry themselves better.
“Racism is a disease of the white man”…that’s a quote from Albert Einstein; I bet you never heard of that; what black people do it doesn’t matter; so I don’t want to hear any of that dumb shit that these coons FTPrs or any other idiot posters on this board. Obama and Michelle looked dressed acted talked etc etc the part; and they still called them ****** monkeys and all sorts of racist names. So Please shut the fuck up about what black people need to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
“Racism is a disease of the white man”…that’s a quote from Albert Einstein; I bet you never heard of that; what black people do it doesn’t matter; so I don’t want to hear any of that dumb shit that these coons FTPrs or any other idiot posters on this board. Obama and Michelle looked dressed acted talked etc etc the part; and they still called them ****** monkeys and all sorts of racist names. So Please shut the fuck up about what black people need to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See lazy azz no standards having bullshit. Go be a bum somewhere else. Cacs gone be cacs. Stop worrying about them and worry about the black community. Do bedda.