This is what Karen Hunter has built over the past year... knarrative & knubia
Knubia, brand-new social community, powered by Knarrative. This space features a more robust community engagement system which allows you to interact more freely and directly with fellow Knarrative users as well as the Knarrative team itself.
Knarrative is committed to helping Black people, across the Diaspora, know our history, create our own stories, and understand ourselves through explorations of the past so that we can grow brighter futures.
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This is our gift to you for being a part of Knarrative. Knubia was born out of a need to have a space to stream our classes and chat. It has evolved into our gathering spot, a community that we are building brick by brick. And YOU are the brick. Let's share and exchange ideas with a purpose…
Home to the largest Africana studies class in the world.
Home to the largest Africana studies class in the
Jackie Robinson vs. Malcolm X, “Great article about the lesser-known beef between two titans of the civil rights movement.“
Jackie Robinson vs. Malcolm X How two civil rights icons waged a public, ideological feud through op-eds and public speeches Justin TinsleyMay 25, 2016 Eddie Adams/AP Photo, Hulton Archive/Getty Images “I disagreed with Malcolm vigorously in many areas during his earlier days, but I
The fact we have to teach our babies this is INSANE!!!