Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop them

The Dark Mind

Lifetime Member
Platinum Member
Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop them.

You may think I'm not joking. I'm not. I'm being dead serious.

I'm tired of hearing about how women are the backbone of the community. That's a lie. Black men are the backbone of the community.

I am tired of hearing men are the problem in the black community. No actually it's the black females.

And I'm sure as hell am tired of hearing that there aren't enough black men in the home. This is of course black women's fault. If they would go out and bring MEN into the homes, this wouldn't be a problem. But they don't bring MEN into the homes, instead they go out and chase THUGS and DOGS and bring them into the home.

If they would stop dating and chasing thugs and dogs, that wouldn't be happening, As a matter of fact it is this chasing of thugs and dogs and choosing them over good black men, or the nice guys, that is the epicenter of a great many problem in the black community. What's worse, it has lead to problems that, left unchecked, could actually lead to the demise of the black community as whole.

Now let's break down the problem...

A lot of women who think it is ok to chase dogs and thugs and badboys. And what's worse feel it is ok to pass over generally good dudes. Or worse yet feel it ok to use or abuse or mistreat the positive brotha because they feel he is a simp or that he's weak.

They then feel entitled, after all this is over, to have people feel sorry for them when their badboy boyfriends mistreat them, and to expect good men to come take up the slack and give them the life that they want.

It is this mentality that is the problem.

It's not black men, but black women who are destroying the black community with this.

Black women spend all their time chasing thugs and dogs and turning their noses up to the "nice guy".

I've seen women, both hood rat and college educated, crawl through crowds of good men to get to the dog or thug at the back of the room.

Then five, ten years later...

now that they're fat and flabby,
got three or four kids, and two or three baby daddies,
and now, that they're pushing thir- perry menopause...

Now all of a sudden they want a "good man".

"Oh! Oh! Where are the good men at?" They ask.
My response... "Why? You weren't looking for a good man before."

Here's the deal you don't want a good man. You still want the thugs and bad boys, but they aren't going to put up with your shit or help raise your kids, so now you looking for a good man.

Oh really....

Fellas let me translate.

Where are all the good men at??
Translation: Where are all the simps at? Where are all those men we used to bypass and turn our noses up at because we thought they were weak and we wanted thugs instead??? They couldn't have possibly gone on with their lives??? Right??"

Well guess what? We have gone on. And we don't want women like you? As Tariq Nasheed said, Our stock has gone up, your stock has gone down. The idea that we were always going to be hanging around waiting for you women to stop dating thugs and get with us is absurd. (even though this is what you believed)

Most of us have gotten college degrees, got well paying jobs, and are dating beautiful women of multiple races.

We don't want women like you.

And that's fine because for a long time you didn't want men like us... but nowwww yooou doooo! :yes:

Too bad babes. Accept the fact that this is your fault and move on.

Women will ask...

"What's wrong with dating a woman that has a child if you wanted to date her now that she has a child? You obviously wanted her so what's different. . .oh it would hurt your pride to want a female."

But my answer to women is simply this...

I'm not put here to help take care of some other man's child. :smh:

I know women find this hard to understand, but that's not really not why we're here. :smh:

Evolution (or creation) dictates that we reproduce and raise our own kids.

As women, you don't seem to understand this. This is why you keep wanting to reproduce with the thug population, and then getting us the good men, whom you don't want to want to reproduce with to raise them.

Or in other words, you don't want want to have the nice guy's kids, you want to have the thug's kids, but you want the nice guys to raise them.

This of course produces a problem. And it's unfair.

First the problem...

I had a white friend ask me, what is going on in the black community? We noticed that there is a whole section of the black male populace that isn't reproducing, ie the the nice good men, meanwhile the thug populace is getting their seed out and reproducing. This over time will degrade the type of offspring in the black community.

Now why this is unfair...

Black women want to date thugs and have their kids but they don't want to have ours. I can't tell you how many times I've heard a black woman say" Hmmph, I've already had all the kids I'm going to have" or " I've got my tubes tied!"

Sooo... You get to pass along your genes and the thugs get to pass along their genes, but the good men are only good for spending money??? Fuck that. Has it dawned on you we want to reproduce and pass along our genes too???

But collectively as a group black women have decided to reward thuggatry and punish being a good man, by allowing the thugs to reproduce and by telling good men that we have to just be there to make sure everybody else's offspring survives.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

:hmm: well damn.....tell em how you really feel. i dunno if you're venting out of frustration or what.....but im sorry bruh....i can't agree with all this. it creates an incapacity to solely put the blame on just black women alone. both have to equally be accountable for parts of it.

Jordan Diddy Buk

Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop



Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop



Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

where da gotdamn CP disclaimer?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

What we need to do is stop blaming each other for the problems in our relationships and start being accountable fo the poor decisions we both make in chosing partners.


BGOL Investor
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

this post appeals to my pessimistic side. i don't listen to my pessmistic side that much anymore.

(0_0)..l.. finger

Certified Pussy Poster
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

:smh:...get ready for the bullshit comments're bashing black women, you're gay, you really want a white woman, white people do it to, where's the solution...etc :lol::lol::lol::lol:...the real issue is that black women and black men need to throw all theirs egos out of the we can get to the root of the problem...both parties are not trying to listen and because of that the cycle will never end:smh:.....o Yea... I co-sign 100000%:cool:
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Support BGOL
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

black women are causing global warming.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

There's just too many Brain-Dead Bitches (and Thug Wanna-Bees) permeating our community.

I just fuckin' give up.


Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

Start dating black women from other cultures..........


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

What about the sorry ass black fathers who abandon their kids nukka. Let me guess thats the sistas fault also because they chased the brothas away




Potential Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

just like he said,tell them like it is:angry::angry::angry: A lot of women who think it is ok to chase dogs and thugs and badboys. And what's worse feel it is ok to pass over generally good dudes. Or worse yet feel it ok to use or abuse or mistreat the positive brotha because they feel he is a simp or that he's weak.

They then feel entitled, after all this is over, to have people feel sorry for them when their badboy boyfriends mistreat them, and to expect good men to come take up the slack and give them the life that they want.

It is this mentality that is the problem.

It's not black men, but black women who are destroying the black community with this.

Black women spend all their time chasing thugs and dogs and turning their noses up to the "nice guy".

I've seen women, both hood rat and college educated, crawl through crowds of good men to get to the dog or thug at the back of the room.

Then five, ten years later...

now that they're fat and flabby,
got three or four kids, and two or three baby daddies,
and now, that they're pushing thir- perry menopause...

Now all of a sudden they want a "good man".


Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

What about the sorry ass black fathers who abandon their kids nukka. Let me guess thats the sistas fault also because they chased the brothas away





Potential Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop


The Dark Mind

Lifetime Member
Platinum Member
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

:hmm: well damn.....tell em how you really feel. i dunno if you're venting out of frustration or what.....but im sorry bruh....i can't agree with all this. it creates an incapacity to solely put the blame on just black women alone. both have to equally be accountable for parts of it.

FALSE. We aren't equally accountable here. :smh: :smh: :smh:

This is a myth that quickly needs to be dispelled. WOMEN ARE THE ONES WHO DECIDE WHO THE NEXT GENERATION OF FATHERS ARE GOING TO BE. Men do not. They (women) are the ones who decide who gets between their legs and impregnates them.

They keep choosing wrong.
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Support BGOL
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

Cancel "The Way It Is".


Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop


I disagree, but your experiences must have been jacked. You're obviously hurt. It'll be OK.

But let me give you some insight. And take it from someone who was seen as the "Bad Boy" that had no problem getting black women.

You know why black women go for the thugs and bad-boys? Two things: They're challenging and there's some security. Simps, to a black woman, is a man that is as predictable as simple math. And they have no edge to themselves. They're simps, or simple, or predictable.

Oh, and they have no swagger. That quiet overt confidence that says that you aren't the person to be fucked with. In other words, it goes to the basic question: If you're in a club and Mike Tyson grabs your girls ass and calls her a ho, what would you do? Or, what does your girl think you would do? If you try to weasel out of fighting Mike Tyson, or you pretend that you aren't with her, then she thinks you are a simp. But if she thinks you would step up and protect her, then that's what the kind of guy that she would want.

Go back and read the thread. I can act like I don't care if my wife goes and hangs out; but if she calls me about some craziness, she knows that it would be handled. If the black woman doesn't have that kind of security, she moves on.


Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop


I disagree, but your experiences must have been jacked. You're obviously hurt. It'll be OK.

But let me give you some insight. And take it from someone who was seen as the "Bad Boy" that had no problem getting black women.

You know why black women go for the thugs and bad-boys? Two things: They're challenging and there's some security. Simps, to a black woman, is a man that is as predictable as simple math. And they have no edge to themselves. They're simps, or simple, or predictable.

Oh, and they have no swagger. That quiet overt confidence that says that you aren't the person to be fucked with. In other words, it goes to the basic question: If you're in a club and Mike Tyson grabs your girls ass and calls her a ho, what would you do? Or, what does your girl think you would do? If you try to weasel out of fighting Mike Tyson, or you pretend that you aren't with her, then she thinks you are a simp. But if she thinks you would step up and protect her, then that's what the kind of guy that she would want.

Go back and read the thread. I can act like I don't care if my wife goes and hangs out; but if she calls me about some craziness, she knows that it would be handled. If the black woman doesn't have that kind of security, she moves on.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

i agree with your post. but its not only black women, its women of all races. Women was known since the beginning of time to chase after "alpha male". it has always been like that and it will be like that as long as a human being exist on the planet. The best thing you can do is to just leave them alone and move on with your life. your just wasting your time complaining about something that can't be solved. Women can be that stupid when it comes to dating.


Super Moderator
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

Classic BGOL thug, thug, badboy, thug rant

Ya'll lose me every time with that. Every time. It's so obvious.

Wrote all that, just to ask one question and your looking in the wrong place for the answer.

Rocky Miavia

BGOL Investor
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

Fuck all that reading. Where the White, Latin, Asian, Native American women at?

NOTE: The bitches at forum would be ready to burn The Dark Mind at the stalk if they read this.


Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop


Naw, just a black man that have nor had any problems attracting and maintaining relationships with black women. Frankly, I'm baffled by those black men who can't.