Blade is the best comicbook movie ever made


Potential Star
The most gritty, action packed comic book adaption ever to hit the big screen.

What movie got an intro like this-


"Cat's Always trying to Iceskate uphill" :lol:


Blade II-



Best Scenes with Might Mos on the track- I Against I

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Rising Star
im gonna have to agree with u fam none of that bullshit ass hollywood watering down....i just wish other studios and directors could take a fucking hint from this if the source material is good enough to make a movie out of then there is no reason to make major changes just to satisfy your artistic ego.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yep. And when Marvel saw how successful Blade was they jumpstarted Spiderman. Blade was the catalyst for Marvel.


Potential Star
im gonna have to agree with u fam none of that bullshit ass hollywood watering down....i just wish other studios and directors could take a fucking hint from this if the source material is good enough to make a movie out of then there is no reason to make major changes just to satisfy your artistic ego.

Word, and they kept this flick gritty. They didn't rape it with CGI, they got you thinking with the storyline, and they let the main character's purpose carry the flick.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
I think Watchmen is the Greatest Comic Book movie ever made

but this is the Greatest Superhero movie ever made.



Rising Star
Watchmen is better made, grittier, and more accurate to the source material than Blade.

With that said, Blade is certainly ONE of the best comic book movies ever made.

*thinks a bit more deeply*

Oh wait, Watchmen is from a GRAPHIC NOVEL, not a comic.

Hmmm...still don't think its quite as good as The Dark Knight, Batman Begins, The Crow (that was a comic, not a graphic novel, right?), the ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY VERSION OF The Crow - City of Angels (it was never officially made, but a fanedit of it exists), X-Men 2 (I know X-Men haters are abundant), Spiderman, or Spiderman 2. But after those...I basically agree with you.


aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator
The only bitch i have about blade 1
wuz there choice for Deacon frost.....:smh:

n i just noticed that dude in the begining is LEM from " The Sheild"...:cool:

n dam...didnt 11 yrs fly by.....:eek:

When David S. Goyer first pitched the idea of doing a Blade movie, the executives of New Line felt there were only four actors who could possible do the role:
LL Cool J, Denzel Washington, Martin Lawrence and Laurence Fishburne, but in Goyer's mind, Wesley Snipes was always the perfect choice for the character of Blade.

hell naw....:eek:....thank god they went with wesley....
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El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Watchmen is better made, grittier, and more accurate to the source material than Blade.

With that said, Blade is certainly ONE of the best comic book movies ever made.

*thinks a bit more deeply*

Oh wait, Watchmen is from a GRAPHIC NOVEL, not a comic.

Hmmm...still don't think its quite as good as The Dark Knight, Batman Begins, The Crow (that was a comic, not a graphic novel, right?), the ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY VERSION OF The Crow - City of Angels (it was never officially made, but a fanedit of it exists), X-Men 2 (I know X-Men haters are abundant), Spiderman, or Spiderman 2. But after those...I basically agree with you.
:rolleyes: "Graphic Novel" was a buzz word comic geeks came up with to defend the fact they were reading stories centered on grown ups wearing tights fighting crime. It was released as a single issue comic and then collected and released as a "Graphic Novel."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hmmm... watchmen did a great job. They really represented that graphic novel (glorified name for a limited run comic?) beautifully.

I didn't even really know that Blade was a comic book character till later on. I still haven't read any of the comics, but I will say that the movie did kick ass.


Potential Star
i thought the same..
until the Dark Knight came out..
on a side note: does anyone think that the next Batman movie will be able to top Dark Knight?


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
i thought the same..
until the Dark Knight came out..
on a side note: does anyone think that the next Batman movie will be able to top Dark Knight?
I guess its just me but while the dark knight wasnt horrible, I thought both movies were drawn out to the point of being boring, especiallly part 2 which seemed like 2 movies in 1


I think you guys got it twisted BIG TIME! If it wasn't for Superman, the original Richard Donner film, there would be no comic book movies at all. While it is arguable Wesley Snipes would've still threw his hat in the ring to produce the film with or without Superman's much earlier success, one cannot discount how important that Superman film was. It's a little known fact Tim Burton's Batman was pretty much ten years in the making. As soon as Superman was a box office hit and pretty much redefined what a tentpole film is, Warner Brothers quickly looked for the next comic book property to make into a film. Batman of course was the most logical next step.

I take nothing away from Blade or Blade II. Both films were great. But here's the kicker. David S. Goyer wrote the scripts for all 3 Blade films and for Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. It's safe to say, he's the reason most of those films were received so well. The only difference is The Dark Knight raised the stakes by making it even more mature and sophisticated, much to some of the public's chagrin. He took a genre of film which is still in its infancy and pulled it out of the camp and juvenilism it was mired in and brought it up to high art and grade A cinematography.

So in my opinion, Superman (Richard Donner, 1978) and The Dark Knight are the greatest superhero movies ever.

Blade is definitely top 5 though because it paved the way for more realism and grittiness in its own right.


Potential Star
blade trinity

Such a movie does not exist.........

n dam...didnt 11 yrs fly by.....:eek:
Trust, I remember seeing this in theaters.

When David S. Goyer first pitched the idea of doing a Blade movie, the executives of New Line felt there were only four actors who could possible do the role:
LL Cool J, Denzel Washington, Martin Lawrence and Laurence Fishburne, but in Goyer's mind, Wesley Snipes was always the perfect choice for the character of Blade.

hell naw....:eek:....thank god they went with wesley....




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think you guys got it twisted BIG TIME! If it wasn't for Superman, the original Richard Donner film, there would be no comic book movies at all. While it is arguable Wesley Snipes would've still threw his hat in the ring to produce the film with or without Superman's much earlier success, one cannot discount how important that Superman film was. It's a little known fact Tim Burton's Batman was pretty much ten years in the making. As soon as Superman was a box office hit and pretty much redefined what a tentpole film is, Warner Brothers quickly looked for the next comic book property to make into a film. Batman of course was the most logical next step.

I take nothing away from Blade or Blade II. Both films were great. But here's the kicker. David S. Goyer wrote the scripts for all 3 Blade films and for Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. It's safe to say, he's the reason most of those films were received so well. The only difference is The Dark Knight raised the stakes by making it even more mature and sophisticated, much to some of the public's chagrin. He took a genre of film which is still in its infancy and pulled it out of the camp and juvenilism it was mired in and brought it up to high art and grade A cinematography.

So in my opinion, Superman (Richard Donner, 1978) and The Dark Knight are the greatest superhero movies ever.

Blade is definitely top 5 though because it paved the way for more realism and grittiness in its own right.

I didn't know that about Goyer. Makes sense in hindsight, looking at the kind of movies they were. Not the traditional campy made for kids not so serious takes that we had been seeing.


Such a movie does not exist........

I thing the concept of sarcasm escapes him! :lol:

He keeps trying to prove to you there was one, but I totally agree. Blade Trinity was an attempt at wresting such a phenomenal franchise from the hands of a black man and placing it neatly at the feet of some demons for them to idolize. As always, they try to suppress our heroes and express theirs!

Kind of like they made Xerxes a cross-dressing giant in 300. Anything to keep them at the top and everyone else at the bottom.

I can't wait for directors and producers to start making movies of heroes from other races and cultures! You'd think they would've learned something from the horrible box office of The Alamo! Who in the fuck wants to see oppression and Demons stealing land on the silver screen?!?!?!

Last of the Mohicans? a white guy
The Last Samurai? a white guy
The Forbidden Kingdom? Who has to fight and become the hero at the end? a white guy
Dances with Wolves? Who defends the "little" indians? a white guy

There are tons of examples of this.

Burn, Hollywood Burn!!!!:angry:


Support BGOL
The only bitch i have about blade 1
wuz there choice for Deacon frost.....:smh:

n i just noticed that dude in the begining is LEM from " The Sheild"...:cool:

n dam...didnt 11 yrs fly by.....:eek:

When David S. Goyer first pitched the idea of doing a Blade movie, the executives of New Line felt there were only four actors who could possible do the role:
LL Cool J, Denzel Washington, Martin Lawrence and Laurence Fishburne, but in Goyer's mind, Wesley Snipes was always the perfect choice for the character of Blade.

hell naw....:eek:....thank god they went with wesley....
I would have chosen Denzel 1st would have to see hime play that role though hes never done a super hero before, Fishbourne could have pulled it off but Snipes was prob the right choice considering he is a talented actor and matial artist.

And Blade one is by far the best comic/super hero movie ever madeMarvel catapulted all the rest of the bs movies off of the success of blade 1. Blade 2 was cool but too much CGI and an anticlimatic final battle, and Blade 3 would have been so much better if they made Dracula ruthless, got rid of the side kicks, made the battle end with blade killing him with his sword instead of medicine, and if they took out the killer palmeranians.


Support BGOL
Then marvel does have a thing for mutated puppies as villains because in Hulk, Hulk had to fight a hulked out poodle which was lame

Mo Pizorn

Watchmen is better made, grittier, and more accurate to the source material than Blade.

With that said, Blade is certainly ONE of the best comic book movies ever made.

*thinks a bit more deeply*

Oh wait, Watchmen is from a GRAPHIC NOVEL, not a comic.

Hmmm...still don't think its quite as good as The Dark Knight, Batman Begins, The Crow (that was a comic, not a graphic novel, right?), the ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY VERSION OF The Crow - City of Angels (it was never officially made, but a fanedit of it exists), X-Men 2 (I know X-Men haters are abundant), Spiderman, or Spiderman 2. But after those...I basically agree with you.

I wouldn't even bother watching Watchmen again.
I could watch Blade 1 at least once a week.
real talk.