Blade is the best comicbook movie ever made


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Blade is one of the best comic book movies to be made, but I have to agree with others that have posted & state that Watchmen was the best so far.

Mo Pizorn

He also played "V" in V for Vendetta!

Watchmen was a phenomenal film as well. I think the real issue here for some people is to them comic book movies should be action packed when in actuality not all comics are "POW! BANG! ZOOM!" in every panel.

Road To Perdition, A History of Violence, etc. are all examples of comic book or "graphic novel" films which didn't score high on the action meter but were still really great films. Same goes for Watchmen. If you aren't really familiar with the source material I can totally see why you were disappointed. You see a bunch of costumed superheroes in a trailer showing things blowing up every five seconds and then when you pay your money and sit down expecting to watch a major action thriller, you instead get a film with poignant social commentary and philosophical debates about humanity. I would be pissed too. All I can say is, go back and watch the film knowing you aren't going to see an action film based on a comic. Go back and watch the film knowing what its true intentions were and I think you would appreciate it much more. Maybe you still won't like it, but I think you wouldn't bash it as much for not being what you projected it to be.

I gave it a 9.5 out of 10 stars easily!
You are very generous with your scores, then.
If it doesn't stand on its own, its not good.
That said, I can see the attraction to the movie by its fans. I understand. It was a comic book movie that fell under the category of a drama/thriller rather than an action film. From that perspective, I see your point.
Blade was a success in all aspects of being a comic ACTION film.



Whilst David Goyer may have written all three Blade movies, he thankfully only directed one. The terrible Blade Trinity.

Steve Norrington and Guillermo Del Toro did excellent work directing Blade's 1 & 2 respectively only to have David Goyer destroy the Blade legacy with that bullshit excuse for a movie he unleashed on Blade fans at the end.

The shit was watered down crap that had Blade relegated to the background just to showcase two new characters who brought nothing new to the franchise other than cheesy one-liners and related bullshit.

David Goyer can go fuck himself for ruining what could have been an incredible trilogy of movies. :angry:

I think there was an alterior motive behind all that. Like I said, Whitey sure as hell don't want to make any heroes for any other race. Add to that Goyer trying to make it more "mainstream"(read: white) to further the franchise and Snipes being a real difficult person to work with in general and you have the perfect formula for a very imperfect film.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Anyone notice Number 3 is usually when a Marvel Movie goes to shit?!

1. Blade Trinity
2. X3 The Last Stand
3. Spiderman 3


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I'm gonna steal GhostRed's line..."such a movie does not exist".

"Superman IV"???? Are you serious? For any moviegoer and fan of the first two Superman movies, acknowledgement of that (rumored) fourth movie carries the penalty of death. :hmm:




D-Nice 1 (The Nice One)​

:smh: @ that movie looking like its budget was 200 dollars LOL

Nuclear Man: "Where is the WOMAN??" :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
All you're really saying is you weren't into the source material of The Watchmen all that much (which the movie stayed VERY true to, and brought to life marvelously). Blade, the movie, is actually alot better than the comic. Blade also isn't nearly as deep, so I can get the argument of being able to see Blade more often.:cool:

I made it a point to read the watch men comics before I went to the movie. If I hadn't I might have been disappointed with the regular people being heroes no one has powers except Manhattan thing. Instead, I understood the story of the comic, and accepted it for what it was first. The watchmen was never going to be my favorite comic book, but I did end up really enjoying the story. So, seeing it brought to life on screen in the way it was made it an excellent movie for me. If you didn't like the watchmen movie then you didn't like the comic book, and vice versa.

But, if you liked Blade as a comic there is a chance that you may feel like the only 2 Blade movies ever made were an improvement on the story.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Will Smith was supposed to play Neo. He passed due to a previous obligation to some other movie, which I think was Independence Day

Believe it or not the movie he passed on the Matrix for was "Wild Wild West!!!


Potential Star

Whilst David Goyer may have written all three Blade movies, he thankfully only directed one. The terrible Blade Trinity.

Steve Norrington and Guillermo Del Toro did excellent work directing Blade's 1 & 2 respectively only to have David Goyer destroy the Blade legacy with that bullshit excuse for a movie he unleashed on Blade fans at the end.

The shit was watered down crap that had Blade relegated to the background just to showcase two new characters who brought nothing new to the franchise other than cheesy one-liners and related bullshit.

David Goyer can go fuck himself for ruining what could have been an incredible trilogy of movies. :angry:

I heard Wesley attempted to sued that cat and the studio that made that abomination(won't say the name cuz it doesn't exist:rolleyes:) because he gave Jessica Biel and that other dude more screentime. I heard Wesley requested to have more screentime and have it just be him solo for most of the movie and fighting dracula. David Goyers and the studio that made that shit had the audacity to blame Wesley for it failing. Wesley actually didn't want the sidekicks and he was right because they fucked up the movie.

When that chick put on the headphones to listen to triphop bullshit while fighting vampires:itsawrap:, I walked out of the fuckin theatre to eat some food with the Misses.


Potential Star
Here here.

Blade 1 and 2 were the truth

That was the first time I ever saw a superhuman, having superhumans fights.

Blade vs. Nomak was groundbreaking.

Blade 3, was David Goyer shitting on Wesley and the fans.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I heard Wesley attempted to sued that cat and the studio that made that abomination(won't say the name cuz it doesn't exist:rolleyes:) because he gave Jessica Biel and that other dude more screentime. I heard Wesley requested to have more screentime and have it just be him solo for most of the movie and fighting dracula. David Goyers and the studio that made that shit had the audacity to blame Wesley for it failing. Wesley actually didn't want the sidekicks and he was right because they fucked up the movie.

When that chick put on the headphones to listen to triphop bullshit while fighting vampires:itsawrap:, I walked out of the fuckin theatre to eat some food with the Misses.
I remember when that bullshit came out and commercials hit and I was like "Where's Wesley at?" Then he didn't show up for the premiere. I knew it was some bullshit then. Made up my mind not to see that shit then. When that shit be on tv I flip the channel. Fuck that shit. I didn't watch that SPIKE bullshit wit that lazy eye rapper either.

Mr MajestiK

Rising Star
I think there was an alterior motive behind all that. Like I said, Whitey sure as hell don't want to make any heroes for any other race. Add to that Goyer trying to make it more "mainstream"(read: white) to further the franchise and Snipes being a real difficult person to work with in general and you have the perfect formula for a very imperfect film.

David Goyer and the film studio totally slandered Wesley Snipes and tried to portray him as this "big bad scary black dude with an attitude" just to cover up the fact that they'd produced a watered down, over commercialized pile of dogshit that had more product placement than actual story.

They royally fucked Wesley Snipes over on Blade and further destroyed the legacy with that bullshit Spike series featuring Sticky Fingazz of Onyx infamy as some bargain basement Blade who got his ass handed to him by the Vampire Nation on a regular basis. :angry:

Mo Pizorn

I think there was an alterior motive behind all that. Like I said, Whitey sure as hell don't want to make any heroes for any other race. Add to that Goyer trying to make it more "mainstream"(read: white) to further the franchise and Snipes being a real difficult person to work with in general and you have the perfect formula for a very imperfect film.

Nah, man. It was personal to Goyer. Ryan Reynolds and David S. Goyer are friends. Ryan and David would sometimes write Ryan's lines TOGETHER (I don't know if these two are undercover fags or what). David didn't get along with Wesley by the time "the movie that shall remain unspoken" was being shot. Wesley felt that the studio and Goyer were trying to undermine him (and they were), so he was being a bit difficult with them. David was also writing Batman at the time. There was talk of him being able to direct it as well back then but he didn't have the experience so the studio let him direct "that other movie" and it was a disaster.
Being the director of the film you wrote is like editing your own book. It was a mistake on the studio's part but they were so caught up in the Batman frenzy they didn't care.
They deliberately destroyed the Blade series. Goyer wanted to help his buddy out by giving him more screen time plus he was focused more on Batman. They used "that movie" for their own personal Hollywood shit. Anybody who was on the Blade boards back in the day before they shut them down will attest to this. Goyer posted there. Even Wesley posted a couple of times. All of the studio insiders posted there, too. People saw this shit going south long before it hit the fan.


Rising Star
Not really. Blade could have been played by someone like Mario Van Peebles. Then what would the character have been like?
Wesley MADE Blade what he is today. Before Wesley, he was just a second-tier Marvel comic character. It was Wesley's special blend of acting and martial arts that made Blade pop off. If a martial artist like Michael Jai White had played Blade, the acting would have suffered. If another black actor had played the part, the martial arts would have suffered. Lawrence Fishburne is one of my favorites and I think he's a better actor than Wesley...BUT...there are a lot of other actors who could have played Morpheus. Morpheus didn't even have to be black at all.
Since he was black, Sammy Jack could have played Morpheus and done a good job.
When they made Blade, they didn't expect it to do anywhere near as well as it did. Blade blew up because of Wesley. I really can't think of anyone else who could have played Blade after seeing Wesly as Blade.

I completely agree, but I think because of how linear the character was written, Michael Jai White could have played him as well. If you think about it, it was more of Wesleys vibe that brought the role to life because the dialog were a bunch of grunting 1-liners. THEN after seeing that cockeyed sticky fingaz do what he did for the series I really can appreciate what Wesley brought, but still think MJW could have done something as well...


Rising Star
I've always wondered why people didn't think Blade 2 was the absolute shit. Jared Nomak was the PERFECT VILLAIN. The BEST fight scenes.

The BEST use of powers and abilities you wanna see from a physical superhero like Blade is.

Why didn't people like this as much or more than 1st Blade....To me the movie is all about how good the villain is. Nomak was 100's of times better than Frost was.

And i'm with ole boy that 3rd film shoulda never been made. it was ridiculous.

And i'm so SICK of people putting wrestlers in these movies it's just stupid.

I'm Sick of seein them vamps in 1 movie be knockin niggas through walls and shit and then you have them hitting a human and all they get is a bloody mouth. smh.

I totally agree as I said, the action in Blade II was way better and made it seem like Blade was actually super human regardless of him drinking blood or not (i.e. that scene in his base with the 2 vampire ninjas, or the opening scene with him running through the building and leaping off).

However the overall plot/story was better in Blade I...


Rising Star

Whilst David Goyer may have written all three Blade movies, he thankfully only directed one. The terrible Blade Trinity.

Steve Norrington and Guillermo Del Toro did excellent work directing Blade's 1 & 2 respectively only to have David Goyer destroy the Blade legacy with that bullshit excuse for a movie he unleashed on Blade fans at the end.

The shit was watered down crap that had Blade relegated to the background just to showcase two new characters who brought nothing new to the franchise other than cheesy one-liners and related bullshit.

David Goyer can go fuck himself for ruining what could have been an incredible trilogy of movies. :angry:

WTF is Blade Trinity??? :lol:
Last edited:

Mo Pizorn


They royally fucked Wesley Snipes over on Blade and further destroyed the legacy with that bullshit Spike series featuring Sticky Fingazz of Onyx infamy as some bargain basement Blade who got his ass handed to him by the Vampire Nation on a regular basis. :angry:

Just to add insult to injury. :yes: :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

JD Walker

I think Watchmen is the Greatest Comic Book movie ever made

This shit was GAY.

JD Walker

Thinking about it, for now I'm gonna have to roll with Blade 1. Very Good points.

I did enjoy Sin City, that to me was what a GRAPHIC NOVEL to film translation.

JD Walker

Fixed that for you.:cool:

Dude, when fools including myself are hollerin throughout the movie, "PUT SOME MUTHAFUCKIN PANTS ON" then you know the shit is Faggotry.

Now I did like the Rorschach character. That hot grease scene was classic.

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor

Whilst David Goyer may have written all three Blade movies, he thankfully only directed one. The terrible Blade Trinity.

Steve Norrington and Guillermo Del Toro did excellent work directing Blade's 1 & 2 respectively only to have David Goyer destroy the Blade legacy with that bullshit excuse for a movie he unleashed on Blade fans at the end.

The shit was watered down crap that had Blade relegated to the background just to showcase two new characters who brought nothing new to the franchise other than cheesy one-liners and related bullshit.

David Goyer can go fuck himself for ruining what could have been an incredible trilogy of movies. :angry:


Rising Star
Dude, when fools including myself are hollerin throughout the movie, "PUT SOME MUTHAFUCKIN PANTS ON" then you know the shit is Faggotry.

Sounds like a wack immature crowd more than anything else.

I saw the film twice in the theater and no one said anything like that.:smh:

But those were exactly like in the graphic novels. So, as I edited in your post, you just didn't really like the graphic novels. That's no fault of the film, just the source material you weren't feeling. Nothing wrong with that.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I've always wondered why people didn't think Blade 2 was the absolute shit. Jared Nomak was the PERFECT VILLAIN. The BEST fight scenes.

The BEST use of powers and abilities you wanna see from a physical superhero like Blade is.

Why didn't people like this as much or more than 1st Blade....To me the movie is all about how good the villain is. Nomak was 100's of times better than Frost was.

And i'm with ole boy that 3rd film shoulda never been made. it was ridiculous.

And i'm so SICK of people putting wrestlers in these movies it's just stupid.

I'm Sick of seein them vamps in 1 movie be knockin niggas through walls and shit and then you have them hitting a human and all they get is a bloody mouth. smh.


The franchise took a major fall with that one:smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What would be dope is if they made the DC/Vertigo "Sandman" with Johnny Depp. That shit would be off the hook. A director/producer team of Burton/Goyer would be great for this. No chance on purposely fucking it up because a black dude is getting his shine...know what I mean? :cool:


Sleeping Deity.
BGOL Investor
I'll say its one of the best comic book movies ever made, but I agree the first was the best of the series period. Guillermo Del Toro gave the 2nd one a stronger visual style which made up for the weaker story. The third one, while entertaining, was a major letdown.:smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'll say its one of the best comic book movies ever made, but I agree the first was the best of the series period. Guillermo Del Toro gave the 2nd one a stronger visual style which made up for the weaker story. The third one, while entertaining, was a major letdown.:smh:

Great synopsis...I couldn't have said it better! :yes:

Rocky Miavia

BGOL Investor
Watchmen is better made, grittier, and more accurate to the source material than Blade.

With that said, Blade is certainly ONE of the best comic book movies ever made.

*thinks a bit more deeply*

Oh wait, Watchmen is from a GRAPHIC NOVEL, not a comic.

Hmmm...still don't think its quite as good as The Dark Knight, Batman Begins, The Crow (that was a comic, not a graphic novel, right?), the ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY VERSION OF The Crow - City of Angels (it was never officially made, but a fanedit of it exists), X-Men 2 (I know X-Men haters are abundant), Spiderman, or Spiderman 2. But after those...I basically agree with you.
Co-sign on Watchmen comment.

Rocky Miavia

BGOL Investor
You are very generous with your scores, then.
If it doesn't stand on its own, its not good.
That said, I can see the attraction to the movie by its fans. I understand. It was a comic book movie that fell under the category of a drama/thriller rather than an action film. From that perspective, I see your point.
Blade was a success in all aspects of being a comic ACTION film.
What it boils down too is the average moviegoer nowadays are dumb asses who want wall-to-wall action every 5 minutes. If it looks like some comic book based movie these simps expect non-stop action. Why? The comic book movie genre has been ruined by hack directors and producers. Motherfuckas downplay the storytelling of the comics and replace it with bullshit action sequences to satisfy A.D.D. teens and idiots instead of making strong plotlines. Watchmen was the truth. It wasn't meant for everyone because it requires some thinking and analyzing afterwards. People go to movies and miss out on "the message" some of these films carry. Then again, I'm preaching to motherfuckas who made Crank 2: High Voltage a box office success.


Potential Star
What it boils down too is the average moviegoer nowadays are dumb asses who want wall-to-wall action every 5 minutes. If it looks like some comic book based movie these simps expect non-stop action. Why? The comic book movie genre has been ruined by hack directors and producers. Motherfuckas downplay the storytelling of the comics and replace it with bullshit action sequences to satisfy A.D.D. teens and idiots instead of making strong plotlines. Watchmen was the truth. It wasn't meant for everyone because it requires some thinking and analyzing afterwards. People go to movies and miss out on "the message" some of these films carry. Then again, I'm preaching to motherfuckas who made Crank 2: High Voltage a box office success.

Truth is the comic book movies has gotten infinitely better in the last 10 years.

Since Blade we've had some really solid movies based on comics.


Potential Star
Blade is the best comic book movie ever straight raw, i liked dark night but ny problem was the the batman voice it sounded forced