Blade is the best comicbook movie ever made


Potential Star
I think you guys got it twisted BIG TIME! If it wasn't for Superman, the original Richard Donner film, there would be no comic book movies at all. While it is arguable Wesley Snipes would've still threw his hat in the ring to produce the film with or without Superman's much earlier success, one cannot discount how important that Superman film was. It's a little known fact Tim Burton's Batman was pretty much ten years in the making. As soon as Superman was a box office hit and pretty much redefined what a tentpole film is, Warner Brothers quickly looked for the next comic book property to make into a film. Batman of course was the most logical next step.

I take nothing away from Blade or Blade II. Both films were great. But here's the kicker. David S. Goyer wrote the scripts for all 3 Blade films and for Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. It's safe to say, he's the reason most of those films were received so well. The only difference is The Dark Knight raised the stakes by making it even more mature and sophisticated, much to some of the public's chagrin. He took a genre of film which is still in its infancy and pulled it out of the camp and juvenilism it was mired in and brought it up to high art and grade A cinematography.

So in my opinion, Superman (Richard Donner, 1978) and The Dark Knight are the greatest superhero movies ever.

Blade is definitely top 5 though because it paved the way for more realism and grittiness in its own right.

I didn't know that Goyer wrote all the scripts for the films. Even Tim Burton probably has to say he could never make his batman films as gritty and mature as the Blade and present Batman series. Cosign about Superman (1978) making comicbook heroes films relevant again. Supposedly there may be a wonder woman movie in the works.


Rising Star
I Agree 100% that the Blade franchise I&II.....(there was no 3rd film :D) were the best comic book movies thus far! I love Blade but because of the action I like Blade II better, its like they got a bigger budget and it looked more official. Blade was the start of all the marvel films AND it was a Black Man as the lead that did it!! Once they saw the success of that it gave them the green light for the rest of the films.

The Superman Franchise I-IV (there was no 5th movie either :D) did pave the way and I guess it was true to the source if you consider the comics in which it was derived from at that time. However, there was a big gap between the last superman and the next comic book blockbuster Batman. Basically Superman is dated and cant really compare to todays comic book movie talks...but its definitely does get its due.

As we moved into the 90's comics became more violent and action packed so the movies were expected to follow that...and in that regard BLADE was the ONLY one to deliver on that!!! You cant deliver on comic book movies these days, save a few, without making it RATED R plain and simple. That rating gives directors free reign to go all out and make it as true to form as possible.

I dont know about the rest of the world but I dont see what he big deal is about the Dark Knight!! I liked the approach for Batman Begins, but Dark Knight wasnt all of that AND it was probably because it was PG13!! If we talk most successful at adapting comic books to movies my list is as follows:
  1. Blade (I&II)
  2. Superman (I-IV)
  3. Batman (I-II)
  4. Spiderman (I-II)

Mo Pizorn

lawernce fishburne as morpheus >>>> wesley as blade

Not really. Blade could have been played by someone like Mario Van Peebles. Then what would the character have been like?
Wesley MADE Blade what he is today. Before Wesley, he was just a second-tier Marvel comic character. It was Wesley's special blend of acting and martial arts that made Blade pop off. If a martial artist like Michael Jai White had played Blade, the acting would have suffered. If another black actor had played the part, the martial arts would have suffered. Lawrence Fishburne is one of my favorites and I think he's a better actor than Wesley...BUT...there are a lot of other actors who could have played Morpheus. Morpheus didn't even have to be black at all.
Since he was black, Sammy Jack could have played Morpheus and done a good job.
When they made Blade, they didn't expect it to do anywhere near as well as it did. Blade blew up because of Wesley. I really can't think of anyone else who could have played Blade after seeing Wesly as Blade.


I didn't know that Goyer wrote all the scripts for the film. Even Tim Burton probably has to say he could never make his batman films as gritty and mature as the Blade and present Batman series.

I don't think that's really Burton's style to be honest. He's very dark, broody and gothic but he comes from a much more fantastical, dream like aesthetic. Realism isn't part of his formula. I think he likes to create things outside of the norm and challenge us to see things a little different. And as fantasy-like as vampires get, he would've still treated that subject matter, or any subject matter with a touch of the whimsical, satirical and bizarre.


Rising Star
I've always wondered why people didn't think Blade 2 was the absolute shit. Jared Nomak was the PERFECT VILLAIN. The BEST fight scenes.

The BEST use of powers and abilities you wanna see from a physical superhero like Blade is.

Why didn't people like this as much or more than 1st Blade....To me the movie is all about how good the villain is. Nomak was 100's of times better than Frost was.

And i'm with ole boy that 3rd film shoulda never been made. it was ridiculous.

And i'm so SICK of people putting wrestlers in these movies it's just stupid.

I'm Sick of seein them vamps in 1 movie be knockin niggas through walls and shit and then you have them hitting a human and all they get is a bloody mouth. smh.


Rising Star
Not really. Blade could have been played by someone like Mario Van Peebles. Then what would the character have been like?
Wesley MADE Blade what he is today. Before Wesley, he was just a second-tier Marvel comic character. It was Wesley's special blend of acting and martial arts that made Blade pop off. If a martial artist like Michael Jai White had played Blade, the acting would have suffered. If another black actor had played the part, the martial arts would have suffered. Lawrence Fishburne is one of my favorites and I think he's a better actor than Wesley...BUT...there are a lot of other actors who could have played Morpheus. Morpheus didn't even have to be black at all.
Since he was black, Sammy Jack could have played Morpheus and done a good job.
When they made Blade, they didn't expect it to do anywhere near as well as it did. Blade blew up because of Wesley. I really can't think of anyone else who could have played Blade after seeing Wesly as Blade.

Cosign this. Anybody coulda played Morpheus. Nobody coulda been Blade except Wesley

D-Nice 1

I wouldn't even bother watching Watchmen again.
I could watch Blade 1 at least once a week.
real talk.

UNBELIEVEABLE waste of my time and dollars. And I put the blame SQUARELY on my Bruhs here at BGOL for talking me into seeing that sub-par dogpile.:angry:

D-Nice 1 (The Nice One)

william busa

Rising Star



I gotta admit, it was a decent movie............:rolleyes::cool:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So the Superman Franchise Opened the door, and Blade changed the game.

Our generation grew up on comics, video games and anime. We never really stopped watching them. There is a market for R rated superhero type movies. Blade proved that, and Watchmen capitalized on that and drove the point home. Not everyone wants to watch spiderman do broadway songs or superheroes and badguys who don't actually kill anyone.

Didn't blade also make marvel viable again as a company?

I've been thinking about it, and a big factor for me in determining how good a movie was... will you watch it again. I will watch blade again. How many of the other superhero type films would you watch 5, 10, 15 times?


Not really. Blade could have been played by someone like Mario Van Peebles. Then what would the character have been like?
Wesley MADE Blade what he is today. Before Wesley, he was just a second-tier Marvel comic character. It was Wesley's special blend of acting and martial arts that made Blade pop off. If a martial artist like Michael Jai White had played Blade, the acting would have suffered. If another black actor had played the part, the martial arts would have suffered. Lawrence Fishburne is one of my favorites and I think he's a better actor than Wesley...BUT...there are a lot of other actors who could have played Morpheus. Morpheus didn't even have to be black at all.
Since he was black, Sammy Jack could have played Morpheus and done a good job.
When they made Blade, they didn't expect it to do anywhere near as well as it did. Blade blew up because of Wesley. I really can't think of anyone else who could have played Blade after seeing Wesly as Blade.

Cosign this. Anybody coulda played Morpheus. Nobody coulda been Blade except Wesley

Truth is truth...:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:


The Superman Franchise I-IV (there was no 5th movie either :D) did pave the way and I guess it was true to the source if you consider the comics in which it was derived from at that time. However, there was a big gap between the last superman and the next comic book blockbuster Batman. Basically Superman is dated and cant really compare to todays comic book movie talks...but its definitely does get its due.

If we talk most successful at adapting comic books to movies my list is as follows:
  1. Blade (I&II)
  2. Superman (I-IV)
  3. Batman (I-II)
  4. Spiderman (I-II)

When you say Batman (I-II), do you mean Batman (1989) and Batman Returns (1992)? Because if you do, you couldn't be more wrong. Now if you meant Batman Begins and TDK, then you're exactly right.

If you're putting them in order of most accurate, Batman should top the list and Superman should be before Blade as well. If you're putting them as your own list of which you liked better that's one thing and that's, of course, fine, but to say Blade was more accurate than Batman is a bit of a stretch. Though, obviously, Batman and Superman had waaay more source material than Blade, so the argument can be made that the filmmakers behind Blade had more freedom to tweak the story however they see fit, without a bunch of fanboy backlash because people aren't as familiar with Blade as they are with Superman and Batman.

The other thing I wanted to address is how Batman was greenlit at Warner Brothers in 1979. It took 10 years to finally get it to the theaters due to a bunch of legalities. Same thing that happened to Spiderman as well. So although there was a big gap in terms of when the public saw it and technology, the writing is what really made it work. Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns and Year One and Alan Moore's The Killing Joke didn't only influence Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, it also influenced Batman(1989). If it wasn't for the comic books changing direction back to the way Batman was originally intended, I don't think Warner Brothers would've ever gotten it right by hiring Tim Burton for a grittier, darker and more true to the original Batman.


Rising Star
"Some motherfuckers always tryin to iceskate uphill"
wanna the best lines in a movie ever


Not really. Blade could have been played by someone like Mario Van Peebles. Then what would the character have been like?
Wesley MADE Blade what he is today. Before Wesley, he was just a second-tier Marvel comic character. It was Wesley's special blend of acting and martial arts that made Blade pop off. If a martial artist like Michael Jai White had played Blade, the acting would have suffered. If another black actor had played the part, the martial arts would have suffered. Lawrence Fishburne is one of my favorites and I think he's a better actor than Wesley...BUT...there are a lot of other actors who could have played Morpheus. Morpheus didn't even have to be black at all.
Since he was black, Sammy Jack could have played Morpheus and done a good job.
When they made Blade, they didn't expect it to do anywhere near as well as it did. Blade blew up because of Wesley. I really can't think of anyone else who could have played Blade after seeing Wesly as Blade.

The original choice for Morpheus was Sean Connery. That's a fact! He passed up the chance to play Morpheus because he didn't understand what the directors were trying to do and he also passed on Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings! What an idiot?!
When he saw how successful those films were, he quickly tried to get in on the action by signing on to do LXG (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) and that shit tanked! So his luck and ability to pick good scripts has plagued his career since day one really.:lol::lol::lol:

Will Smith was supposed to play Neo. He passed due to a previous obligation to some other movie, which I think was Independence Day, not sure. When they couldn't get a black actor to play Neo and couldn't get Connery to play Morpheus, they decided to flip the races of the two characters because it was important to them to show all races resisting The Matrix.

and I CO-SIGN! Wesley is the only person who should play Blade until further notice!

D-Nice 1

...If we talk most successful at adapting comic books to movies my list is as follows:
  1. Blade (I&II)
  2. Superman (I-IV)
  3. Batman (I-II)
  4. Spiderman (I-II)
I'm gonna steal GhostRed's line..."such a movie does not exist".

"Superman IV"???? Are you serious? For any moviegoer and fan of the first two Superman movies, acknowledgement of that (rumored) fourth movie carries the penalty of death. :hmm:




D-Nice 1 (The Nice One)​


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The original choice for Morpheus was Sean Connery. That's a fact! He passed up the chance to play Morpheus because he didn't understand what the directors were trying to do and he also passed on Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings! What an idiot?!
When he saw how successful those films were, he quickly tried to get in on the action by signing on to do LXG (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) and that shit tanked! So his luck and ability to pick good scripts has plagued his career since day one really.:lol::lol::lol:

Will Smith was supposed to play Neo. He passed due to a previous obligation to some other movie, which I think was Independence Day, not sure. When they couldn't get a black actor to play Neo and couldn't get Connery to play Morpheus, they decided to flip the races of the two characters because it was important to them to show all races resisting The Matrix.

I could see Will doing Neo. That would have been very interesting. But, I'm having a hard time with Connery. Philosophically yes, but Fishburn was able to handle the physical parts of the roll... I don't think Connery has smacked a bitch in quite a few years.


Potential Star
Will Smith was supposed to play Neo. He passed due to a previous obligation to some other movie, which I think was Independence Day, not sure.

I saw him in a interview saying he just didnt understand what the hell was going on in the script, that's why he passed it up.
NOBODY thought it was going to be as big as it got.


I could see Will doing Neo. That would have been very interesting. But, I'm having a hard time with Connery. Philosophically yes, but Fishburn was able to handle the physical parts of the roll... I don't think Connery has smacked a bitch in quite a few years.

Agreed. Once they signed Fishburne they actually saved money. The original idea, if memory serves me correctly, was for Connery to be doing some phenomenal physical shit as an older Morpheus to further stress the point that everything was happening with the mind inside the Matrix. Imagine all the scenes with Connery instead. They would've probably done what Lucas did with Christopher Lee in Star Wars Eps II & III, where they superimposed his head on another, much younger and physically able actor.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
The original choice for Morpheus was Sean Connery. That's a fact! He passed up the chance to play Morpheus because he didn't understand what the directors were trying to do and he also passed on Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings! What an idiot?!
When he saw how successful those films were, he quickly tried to get in on the action by signing on to do LXG (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) and that shit tanked! So his luck and ability to pick good scripts has plagued his career since day one really.:lol::lol::lol:

Will Smith was supposed to play Neo. He passed due to a previous obligation to some other movie, which I think was Independence Day, not sure. When they couldn't get a black actor to play Neo and couldn't get Connery to play Morpheus, they decided to flip the races of the two characters because it was important to them to show all races resisting The Matrix.

and I CO-SIGN! Wesley is the only person who should play Blade until further notice!
agent smith and the guy would played gandolf banked them few years




El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
I wouldn't even bother watching Watchmen again.
I could watch Blade 1 at least once a week.
real talk.


UNBELIEVEABLE waste of my time and dollars. And I put the blame SQUARELY on my Bruhs here at BGOL for talking me into seeing that sub-par dogpile.:angry:

D-Nice 1 (The Nice One)

It was in my opinion the greatest example of a Comic Book brought to the screen. Although I liked the film, it is a bit too heavy and not the type of film one can view on multiple occasions. It's the type of movie one can see maybe once or twice a year. Far from the "sub-par dogpile" stated.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
It was in my opinion the greatest example of a Comic Book brought to the screen. Although I liked the film, it is a bit too heavy and not the type of film one can view on multiple occasions. It's the type of movie one can see maybe once or twice a year. Far from the "sub-par dogpile" stated.
man i cant wait for TNT to start playing watchmen every week, I pretty much catch the lord of the rings trilogy everytime they play

D-Nice 1

It was in my opinion the greatest example of a Comic Book brought to the screen. Although I liked the film, it is a bit too heavy and not the type of film one can view on multiple occasions. It's the type of movie one can see maybe once or twice a year. Far from the "sub-par dogpile" stated.

OK, admittedly, that was harsh. Let's just say I immediately regretted sitting through "Watchmen" as the credits begain to roll. :cool:

D-Nice 1 (The Nice One)


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
man i cant wait for TNT to start playing watchmen every week, I pretty much catch the lord of the rings trilogy everytime they play
Funny, I have the Extended DVD's of each film and haven't popped one of the films into the DVD player in like 2 years, but yeah whenever that shit is on TNT, I do end up watching it for some reason:smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Its not that, but you almost got it.

Thing is Blade is the firtst movie based off of a comic that was actually BETTER than the comic it's based off.
Last edited:

D-Nice 1

man i cant wait for TNT to start playing watchmen every week, I pretty much catch the lord of the rings trilogy everytime they play
If you REALLY like "Watchmen" (and it sounds like you do), then truthfully you'll be fretting the day TNT starts playing it "every week".

They're gonna chop that shit to an unrecognizable mess. :smh:

D-Nice 1 (The Nice One)


agent smith and the guy would played gandolf banked them few years

He also played "V" in V for Vendetta!

Watchmen was a phenomenal film as well. I think the real issue here for some people is to them comic book movies should be action packed when in actuality not all comics are "POW! BANG! ZOOM!" in every panel.

Road To Perdition, A History of Violence, etc. are all examples of comic book or "graphic novel" films which didn't score high on the action meter but were still really great films. Same goes for Watchmen. If you aren't really familiar with the source material I can totally see why you were disappointed. You see a bunch of costumed superheroes in a trailer showing things blowing up every five seconds and then when you pay your money and sit down expecting to watch a major action thriller, you instead get a film with poignant social commentary and philosophical debates about humanity. I would be pissed too. All I can say is, go back and watch the film knowing you aren't going to see an action film based on a comic. Go back and watch the film knowing what its true intentions were and I think you would appreciate it much more. Maybe you still won't like it, but I think you wouldn't bash it as much for not being what you projected it to be.

I gave it a 9.5 out of 10 stars easily!
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Mr MajestiK

Rising Star
compared to xmen, fantastic four, wolverine, daredevil, eltectra, catwoman, and yes eventhe dark knight, none of them are close to blade 1

The fucked up thing is that Blade gets less recognition than all of the other comic book movies combined due to the fact that he looks like most of us as opposed to all those other whitebread "heroes".


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

UNBELIEVEABLE waste of my time and dollars. And I put the blame SQUARELY on my Bruhs here at BGOL for talking me into seeing that sub-par dogpile.:angry:

D-Nice 1 (The Nice One)


I have yet to see that shit out of respect to the creator Allan Moore not wanting to have anything to do with it.



I have yet to see that shit out of respect to the creator Allan Moore not wanting to have anything to do with it.

I think you should. If you have respect for Alan Moore and you don't want to see it because he refuses to have anything to do with it, I think you're missing out for all the wrong reasons. Alan Moore also wrote LXG and when he saw how bad they fucked up his story he swore off Hollywood, but Watchmen was as accurate to the book as they could've been due to time constraints.

I think if Alan Moore were to give it a chance, he would like it much more than he would expect.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think you should. If you have respect for Alan Moore and you don't want to see it because he refuses to have anything to do with it, I think you're missing out for all the wrong reasons. Alan Moore also wrote LXG and when he saw how bad they fucked up his story he swore off Hollywood, but Watchmen was as accurate to the book as they could've been due to time constraints.

I think if Alan Moore were to give it a chance, he would like it much more than he would expect.
Ehhh. I actually like LXG. He agreed to LXG before the comic was even produced. THey got at him and he optioned it. However he was VEHEMENTLY against Watchmen being made from the get go. I haven't watched Blade 3 yet for the same reason. I may download Watchmen one day but just not particular about seein it.

Mr MajestiK

Rising Star
I didn't know that about Goyer. Makes sense in hindsight, looking at the kind of movies they were. Not the traditional campy made for kids not so serious takes that we had been seeing.

Whilst David Goyer may have written all three Blade movies, he thankfully only directed one. The terrible Blade Trinity.

Steve Norrington and Guillermo Del Toro did excellent work directing Blade's 1 & 2 respectively only to have David Goyer destroy the Blade legacy with that bullshit excuse for a movie he unleashed on Blade fans at the end.

The shit was watered down crap that had Blade relegated to the background just to showcase two new characters who brought nothing new to the franchise other than cheesy one-liners and related bullshit.

David Goyer can go fuck himself for ruining what could have been an incredible trilogy of movies. :angry:


Rising Star
I wouldn't even bother watching Watchmen again.
I could watch Blade 1 at least once a week.
real talk.

All you're really saying is you weren't into the source material of The Watchmen all that much (which the movie stayed VERY true to, and brought to life marvelously). Blade, the movie, is actually alot better than the comic. Blade also isn't nearly as deep, so I can get the argument of being able to see Blade more often.:cool: