Soooo disappointing.
All Marvel/Disney had to do was make a Blade movie with BOTH Mahershala Ali AND Wesley Snipes... with Wesley
"handing the torch" to Mahershala by the time the final credits rolled.
The concept is not that hard to understand.
Everybody WINS.
And just hire Kevin Grevioux to write the script and stop bullshitting with all these other writers who don't have a clue.
He's the guy who created the whole
"Underworld" movie franchise!!! That's all they needed to GET STARTED...
Ssshhheeeiiit.... Kevin probably has at least 100 different Vampire & Werewolf movie ideas floating around in his head.
Or he can create a brand new one that has never been seen before.
That guy made 4 separate Underworld movies and each of those had a $22 million >> $35 million >> $50 million >> and $35 million production budget...
in that order.
Jesus Christ, imagine if Kevin Grevioux had a Marvel/Disney-level budget of about $100 million dollars to work with??
- The first Ant-Man movie had a production budget of $130 million.
- The first Doctor Strange movie had a budget of $165 million.
- But a new Blade movie doesn't even need that much.
- About $100 million should get it done, at the bare minimum.
With those 3 guys, Disney could add ANYONE ELSE to that cast/crew and it would make at least $700-$800 million at the box office, in the USA alone... because I don't see a new Blade movie making less than "Wakanda Forever" made at the box office.