Boebart getting felt up in the theater - watch where her hand goes.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Damn I didn’t know that bitch had a fire body like that



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Wow. That's basically a laundry list of everything you don't do at a live theater show, all wrapped up in one miserable person. I guess she's used to going to outdoor concerts or something less regimented (although a lot of this would still be rude there, too).

I want her punished though.

Especially because it was bad enough she comported herself like a cheap whore as an elected official...

But she LIED.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She is a direct illustration of the decline of the society who elected her.....

This bitch is a full adult getting her titties groped in a public theater.........

and she is a lawmaker in Congress.


I want her punished though.

Especially because it was bad enough she comported herself like a cheap whore as an elected official...

But she LIED.


They are banning books and trying to legislate people's lives etc. all to "protect the children" while this dumb bitch is engaging in sex acts in a theater with kids in it. :smh: Imagine if this was AOC...

Also, another GOP family values mother whore got exposed today.

Governor Kristi Noem, “God-Fearing” Family Woman, and Corey Lewandowski, Trump Creep, Reportedly Had “Yearslong” Affair​

It’s always the ones who insist that marriage is “a special, God-given union between one man and one woman” that forget how to count.

A “family values” Republican, Noem has three children with her husband, Bryon. They’ve been married for over 30 years. Lewandowski married his wife, Alison, in 2005, and they have four children.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
y'all betta leave Bobo alone


:lol: My wife pointed out when those "modeling" pics were discovered that these are the same cacs outraged by Michelle Obama wearing a sleeveless dress...



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
:lol: My wife pointed out when those "modeling" pics were discovered that these are the same cacs outraged by Michelle Obama wearing a sleeveless dress...

Tell you queen...

She is outstanding with that observation