Bojack Horseman (Netflix exclusive)


Rising Star

Anyone else watching this on Netflix? I just finished watching the entire season on Netflix. It's a really good animated show. Edgy satirized humor. Obviously for adults. Looking forward to a 2nd season. The second to last episode is definitely my favorite. :dance:

Black A. Camus

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A coworker told me about the show, and tried to get me to watch it. I watched its trailer and immediately dismissed it because of its poor animation. Also, it just seemed stupid: a narcissistic horse running around trying to get laid. I don't get cartoons like that.


Rising Star
A coworker told me about the show, and tried to get me to watch it. I watched its trailer and immediately dismissed it because of its poor animation. Also, it just seemed stupid: a narcissistic horse running around trying to get laid. I don't get cartoons like that.'s about a lot more than that. Personally, I like how the show isn't drawn like other shows. Anyway, it's pretty good. Having watched the full thing, it actually does have a good deal of depth and tries to say something through all the humor. You just watched the trailor and made a judgement based off of that you say? :lol:

Black A. Camus

Rising Star
BGOL Investor's about a lot more than that. Personally, I like how the show isn't drawn like other shows. Anyway, it's pretty good. Having watched the full thing, it actually does have a good deal of depth and tries to say something through all the humor. You just watched the trailor and made a judgement based off of that you say? :lol:

That, and my friend watches other cartoons I just don't like. He likes Stroker and Hoop, SuperJail, and other rubbish like that. The only cartoon he was able to convince to me to watch regularly is Rick and Morty. Other than that cartoon, he generally has bad taste, so I figured Bojack was just an example of his bad taste manifesting.


Rising Star
Writing wise, Rick and Morty is the best thing going. I watched about five episodes of Bojack, it was okay. The dibs on muffins episode was funny to me, but it was nothing I'd have to watch routinely. Meanwhile, I can watch Rick and Morty reruns and still catch little shit that will leave me impressed.


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
bojack was wack imo but I have to check out that rick + morty joint...I keep hearing about that


Rising Star
Rick and Morty is cool, but not as good as Bojack. The humor is better written on Bojack.

BGOL Investor
A coworker told me about the show, and tried to get me to watch it. I watched its trailer and immediately dismissed it because of its poor animation. Also, it just seemed stupid: a narcissistic horse running around trying to get laid. I don't get cartoons like that.

Poor animation has nothing to do with good story telling.

Black A. Camus

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Poor animation has nothing to do with good story telling.

True. Still, animation quality is a subjective criteria I use to determine if a cartoon is worth watching. If it's poorly drawn it usually won't draw me in to get to the story telling. In my opinion, the Youtube trailer wasn't funny at all; that, plus it poor animation, led to my determination that it wasn't worth my time.


Thats crazy i just finished watching the show and logged on here and saw this thread. My honest opinion i thought the show was a little above ok it could use some work but the story is pretty good i just don't care for some of the characters. For example his co star is annoying as fuck not the guy roommate the girl who used to star on the show with him. The muffins episode was the funniest one out of the whole season. It does have layers though but you have to get through some boring episodes to to really see where its going. The episode where he went to see his friend who brought him on was deep and i like the fact that no one questions princesses new boyfriend except bojack but he just comes off like a hater LMAO.

Swizz Heat

The I'm not amused MOD
BGOL Investor
Yeah, I seen a few eps and it's funny, I'll watch the rest. Reminds me of The Critic in writing style and animation.



Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Reviews on BGOL are mixed, as usual. Can we all agree that the intro theme music is tight?

closing credits too. Can't believe those are the same guys who did "tongue tied" a couple years ago.

Couldn't believe that Todd was Jessie from Breaking Bad either. It seems like a big step step down, but then again what wouldn't?


X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
is it just me or the theme song at the beginning makes me think Scarface is bout to drop a verse lol!!


Most of you niggas are dumb sheep.
One of the funniest cartoons around. Another one you gotta see on Netflix is "f is for family". Another Netflix cartoon.


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
idk why but the animation for this shit fucking irks me to the point I can't watch it


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
man just watch it

its a great show

especially season 2

bruh I can't...I tried...something about the animation...and the weird looking talking animals...shit just creeps me the fuck out...totally inexplicable