Book of Boba Fett Trailer!!!!


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
I enjoyed it but it should have been better.

The flashbacks were more interesting than the present day.

Luke should have allowed Grogu to get both. I don't understand,why he's hellbent of keeping the Jedi old ways. It's one of the reasons,why so many turned to the dark side or said fuck both the Jedi and Sith. This whole not getting attachment shit makes no sense.

Speaking of Luke,the CG looked great in some scenes and look awful in others. With that said,it does look better.

If,they're gonna keep it 30-35 minutes long;can we get more episodes then.

Jennifer Beal still looks good...

The Power Rangers are annoying and have no place in the story. They look like hipsters from the year 3046 or something. Unless,they're gonna write them better in season 2.

I wonder,if Ahsoka is looking for Erza. That would be great on her show...imo

And,Im looking forward to season 3 of the Mandalorian..


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
I enjoyed it but it should have been better.

The flashbacks were more interesting than the present day.

Luke should have allowed Grogu to get both. I don't understand,why he's hellbent of keeping the Jedi old ways. It's one of the reasons,why so many turned to the dark side or said fuck both the Jedi and Sith. This whole not getting attachment shit makes no sense.

Speaking of Luke,the CG looked great in some scenes and look awful in others. With that said,it does look better.

If,they're gonna keep it 30-35 minutes long;can we get more episodes then.

Jennifer Beal still looks good...

The Power Rangers are annoying and have no place in the story. They look like hipsters from the year 3046 or something. Unless,they're gonna write them better in season 2.

I wonder,if Ahsoka is looking for Erza. That would be great on her show...imo

And,Im looking forward to season 3 of the Mandalorian..
I don't think there's going to be a session 2 I think this show was just .want to bridge a gap between sesson2 and 3 of Mando. There's a possibility though because the hutt twins angle hast been tied up. They left boba that rancor a dipped because they knew war was coming. They're prolly waiting for the winner to emerge then take him out.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
I love the Tusken Raider story...

They remind me of American Indians. That dance they did for his initiation was lit. It was just native warrior culture, fighting against unbeatable odds coupled with modern technology.


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
I love the Tusken Raider story...

They remind me of American Indians. That dance they did for his initiation was lit. It was just native warrior culture, fighting against unbeatable odds coupled with modern technology.

american indians?


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
American Indian, Native American, American Aboriginal, Indigenous American... Pick One.

The people who were here (The Americas) before Columbus so-called discovered them and the land they were already on.

I don't pick one. I adhere to what those people prefer to be called.

american indian is a colonizer term. You wouldn't happen to be...


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
I don't pick one. I adhere to what those people prefer to be called.

american indian is a colonizer term. You wouldn't happen to be...
It doesn't matter if you picked one or not, you know what I meant. I think you may need to do some more research though.

There are plenty of so-called "North American Natives" who prefer to be called "American Indian." Or, they desire to be called by their tribal names ie: Shawnee, Comanche, Apache, Chikasaw, Ojibwe etc...

They're using American Indian (now) to differentiate themselves from "First Nations" (who are in Canada); Aboriginal (which can include First Nation tribes and the Inuit (of Alaska); and the Native tribes in the U.S. and the South American tribes.

And to your statement: "You wouldn't happen to be..." Damn, you got me... I'm a Brother from South Central Los Angeles, who just found out last year that I have American Indian ancestry.

And just so you know I'm not just talking out of my ass. I'm currently doing research on the white washing and paper genocide of the American Indians here in the United States. There are people who the Government call "Freedmen." Some of the American Indians had African slaves (The Cherokee, The Choctow, The Chickasaw, The Creek, and The Seminoles). But, it's coming to light that these so called "Freedmen" were actually American Indian as well.


Rising Star
I enjoyed it but it should have been better.

The flashbacks were more interesting than the present day.

Luke should have allowed Grogu to get both. I don't understand,why he's hellbent of keeping the Jedi old ways. It's one of the reasons,why so many turned to the dark side or said fuck both the Jedi and Sith. This whole not getting attachment shit makes no sense.

Speaking of Luke,the CG looked great in some scenes and look awful in others. With that said,it does look better.

If,they're gonna keep it 30-35 minutes long;can we get more episodes then.

Jennifer Beal still looks good...

The Power Rangers are annoying and have no place in the story. They look like hipsters from the year 3046 or something. Unless,they're gonna write them better in season 2.

I wonder,if Ahsoka is looking for Erza. That would be great on her show...imo

And,Im looking forward to season 3 of the Mandalorian..
I don't think there's going to be a session 2 I think this show was just .want to bridge a gap between sesson2 and 3 of Mando. There's a possibility though because the hutt twins angle hast been tied up. They left boba that rancor a dipped because they knew war was coming. They're prolly waiting for the winner to emerge then take him out.
Mando should have never been in Boba; they did that to save this bullshit
Why was the spice trade killing the city or the small towns?
Why couldn't they come to a financial agreement?
How did Boba take over jaba seat?
Why did the other families turn against him? Why didn't the other families want the seat?
Why did Luke ask Ahsoka that dumb ask question?
Why didn't they just fly to help his other crew? Hell why didn't fly over the droids and pikes?
How did the wookie survive? How was he limping and not limping?
I have so many more questions; shit started out ok and became worse and worse...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Last episode was damn good, Cad is not supposed to go out that easily though.



Rising Star
The mod gang or whatever looks out of place AF, akin to some Kathleen Kennedy meddling ("heyyyyy y'all, remember Power Rangers? I have an idea for a street gang that will give off some positive vibes, maaaan!!")

It was good seeing Mando and Boba on jetpacks kicking ass.
They reminded me of the Neutrinos from dimension X.
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The Dark Lord
BGOL Investor
I think Cad is still alive, after he was stabbed a red button near his chest was blinking... might be nothing but we've seen Fennec come back so why not Cad Bane?
I had this thought, too. He ain’t make it through the clone wars and the empire to die by Fetts cristy ass. Doing the math, Cad Bane is in his seventies. Might not even be old for his species so they ain’t done with him yet. His character is too important to th Star Wars universe.

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
They minus whale go ahead and cancel any plans for a season 2 of Boba. The last three episodes of this season were basically Mando season 3. People are clearly more interested in the further adventures of Mando & Baby Yoda. Boba has always worked better as a person who stands quietly in the background looking like a bad ass. Getting to know him has only confirmed that he is a boring character.

No way Cade Bane is dead. Whether it's Stars Wars or Marvel, Disney clearly don't kill off characters who can still generate money.
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We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
Next to Darth Maul, Cad Bane is my next favorite character. I'm hoping he isn't dead. Cad needs to go out like an "OG."

I wish they would have explored the Tusken Raider arc more, because I was really into that. The Tuskens were about their business and to Hell with anybody else's. They were all about the tribe.


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
The mod gang or whatever looks out of place AF, akin to some Kathleen Kennedy meddling ("heyyyyy y'all, remember Power Rangers? I have an idea for a street gang that will give off some positive vibes, maaaan!!")

It was good seeing Mando and Boba on jetpacks kicking ass.
The problem was they didn't match the atmosphere of tattoine they would've fit in on coruscant

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor

Why does the Darksaber get heavier for Mando in The Book of Boba Fett?

That's because of the Kyber crystal in it.

In Disney/Lucasfilm canon, light side users of the Force don't have that problem because they are the ones that awaken the Kyber crystal.

But Sith do need to bleed their crystals.








Each Kyber crystal is alive and has some kind of will of its own. Light side users have no problem using them, but for whatever reason dark siders need to break the will of their Kyber crystals.

And that reason seems half revealed with the Darksaber. Where if they don't bleed their crystals then what was happening to Din Djarin, would happen to the Sith. But not because of something as simple as mental state, rather Kyber crystals don't react well to the dark side users.

Unlike what some like to say the Kyber crystal is not the power source of the lightsaber. The Kyber crystal just focuses the energy of the real power source of the lightsaber.


“It's a Kyber crystal, which focuses the power of the lightsaber beam.”

- Star Wars: Master&Apprentice -


When Sabine Wren was training to use the Darksaber, Kanan Jarrus explained to her why the Darksaber was getting heavier.

He said “Energy constantly flows through the crystal. You're not fighting with a simple blade as much as you are directing a current of power. Your thoughts, your actions, they become energy. They flow through the crystal as well, and become a part of the blade.”

So because the Kyber crystal in the Darksaber is alive and it's the crystal that focuses the energy of the beam, then the mental state of the user influences the energy in the blade.

Din Djarin was having difficulty to use the Darksaber because his mind wasn't focused, and as the saber became heavier he thought he could compensate with physical strength. When the solution is mental stability.

Many people have used the Darksaber and they didn't need training to use it.

In The Clone Wars, Pre Vizsla while fighting Obi-Wan with the Darksaber he had no problem with the weight of the blade.


The problem was in Din Djarin and his mind, not in the Darksaber.

Those at Lucasfilm unknowingly gave a good explanation as to why the Sith need to bleed their Kyber crystals, and they didn't even realized it.


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
I enjoyed it but it should have been better.

The flashbacks were more interesting than the present day.

Luke should have allowed Grogu to get both. I don't understand,why he's hellbent of keeping the Jedi old ways. It's one of the reasons,why so many turned to the dark side or said fuck both the Jedi and Sith. This whole not getting attachment shit makes no sense.

Speaking of Luke,the CG looked great in some scenes and look awful in others. With that said,it does look better.

If,they're gonna keep it 30-35 minutes long;can we get more episodes then.

Jennifer Beal still looks good...

The Power Rangers are annoying and have no place in the story. They look like hipsters from the year 3046 or something. Unless,they're gonna write them better in season 2.

I wonder,if Ahsoka is looking for Erza. That would be great on her show...imo

And,Im looking forward to season 3 of the Mandalorian..
Legends understood that aspect of Luke's new Jedi order, it's a shame Disney didn't.