Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member


Rising Star
Platinum Member
fox's core demographic is dying
thank god


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
fox's core demographic is dying
thank god

Yes and no. The problem is ideas, like hate, are contagious. With the rise of Trump, it has shown that not even black folks are immune. White folks are being manipulated, as are Black folks and other people of color, who are being divided so we can all be conquered.

So, the younger folks may not be watching fox, but the hateful rhetoric has taken hold in a new generation, and the societal safe guards are no longer in place, such as authority figures in in government, churches etc who used to at least pay lip service to racial equality and tell people racism was bad. We've had years of government and religious figures validating hate and racism, helping to erode the internal voice that would at least cause someone to pause and think. When racism is no longer bad, there is no discord in being racist and thinking you are a good person or a good Christian at the same time.

These folks aren't watching fox, but the are being radicalized online and targeted on campuses etc. People love hearing all their misery in life is caused by others stealing or being given what belongs to them. They have a grievance to hold on to. Racial targets are a more solid concept than the system in place and easily identifiable and easy to strike out at. Add to that fear from seeing so much diversity in the population, and people struggling, it's easy to trigger and manipulate folks into bad thoughts which lead to bad acts.