Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I know dudes like him, nothing new honestly he made a business decision...

Question you really gotta ask is why did he ditch the sister for the white girl?

If he kept the sister where would he be now?

Sister made it know she wasn't a citizen so it was a business agreement.

Where did you read she wasn't a citizen?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's almost like he forgot he served 4 years as President and didn't "clean it up" when he had the chance.

And to be fair.. you may get shot. .. possibly mugged. But highly unlikely you'll get raped.

The District.
A big sticking point for me is that he continually does this. He's still trying to run as if he is a fresh candidate when he served an entire term as president. He constantly talks about all of the things that he is going to fix or clean up, but he has no explanation for why he didn't do that while he was in office.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Llistening to this and the host seems to have some of the details wrong.

Donalds 1st wife wasn't pregnant, but he divorced her to marry the second wife who was.

I think the 1st wife was a US citizen, she married him for Florida residency to be able to atrend school there. There is no "anchor baby." I don't know if that gets corrected or not.

In the read it was poorly worded, but it didn't allude to their being an anchor baby or his first wife was pregnant...

I will say tho, she should've declined that interview... As much as we can agree they Donalds is an agent, she also made herself look questionable with some of her decisions...
I know dudes like him, nothing new honestly he made a business decision...

Question you really gotta ask is why did he ditch the sister for the white girl?

If he kept the sister where would he be now?

Sister made it know she wasn't a citizen so it was a business agreement.
Are you implying that by leaving the Black woman and going to the white woman he leveled up?

The article never stated she wasn't a citizen - said she wasn't a resident (of Florida)...