Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
After all is said and done this is the problem



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn! Unfortunately I think the coon is right. I listened to it again a few times and it did sound like he said college as he was running out of breath.

College doesn’t end with a D. He said Colored. You also don’t need to put college in front of sorority, it’s redundant considering fraternity and sorority are college things anyway. It’s like saying I drive a Lexus Sedan Car. You don’t need to say Car.

I think he said college also.

I will admit that on my first listen, it didn't necessarily sound like colored. It was playing in the background, and my brain didn't register it as that.

Having said that, it doesn't exactly sound like college, either. My guess is that he caught himself mid-thought about to say one thing and then stumbled into the other. But fuck him, anyway, because he was making a trash point regardless. He doesn't get the benefit of the doubt.
They slowed it down and replayed it like 6 times in a row on Urban View and its clear he said colored.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Notice he didn't say that they should have to pay more municipal, state, federal taxes, etc. I guess he forgot that one:lol:

Shit, also his idea would include the birthright citizen children of illegals, and those illegals would get to control the votes of their American citizen his own words.


this guy is an idiot

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Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor

I’m glad he did that executive order because Trump told the Republicans not to work with Biden on this issue and Biden just did it his damn self. Listen, I’m not against legal immigration if you do the right paperwork, but I don’t want anybody just coming in this country without knowing their background. Immigrants do have a place in this country, but not everybody can be over here.