
Rising Star
I have no problem saying the US shouldn't arm nazis, but they should start with eliminating them from their own ranks.

So using your logic, we should arm the Nazi’s because they are white supremacists in the US army? And we all know that the government isn’t going to do anything about that. So arming Nazis is ok then, is that what you are saying?

What about my point that we’ve been here before. Arming radical ideologists in Muslim countries.

Then why do you believe the narrative of the RU government controlled media, about not harming civilians?

I don’t believe the narrative fromRU. You keep trying to say that I support Russia, I don’t. I’ve called Vlad evil, I’ve said that the people there are animals and liars, what more do you want?

I am pointing out that OUR government is doing what it did in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other wars. Tell lies geared towards drawing us into a war. Remember when they said Susan used chemical weapons, or that he had committed a massacre, or that he was developing nuclear weapons? They are doing the same thing here. I’m not saying that because of some bullshit of Russian news.

What are your central points, NAZIS WITH WEAPONS, BAD?

The point I’m trying to make is that we are pushing the US into a deeper and deeper ditch. What are the possible outcomes of the war? Have you considered?

Let me break it down for you:

1. Russia wins and takes over the govt (most likely outcome). Consequences: US gets embarrassed by not stopping them and Russia gets emboldened. Possibly threatens Eastern European NATO members.

2. A stakemate (second most likely): Ukraine is a failed state like Syria. The armed Nazis who we’ve armed become warlords and become a symbol for Nazis around the world (Think White Al Quada)

3. Ukraine wins (very unlikely). Vlad cuts and runs because he’s losing and tries to stabilize his political position at home. Consequences: The second largest nuclear power in the world has an unstable government and a coup could occur. Now Russia has a new leader (likely military) who has control over all their nuclear weapons.

Do these sound like good options? And those are just the geo-political outcomes. Each of them would likely wreck the world economy.

What I would like to happen? The US steps in, signs a deal to never allow Ukraine or any other Eastern European country into NATO, and we all try and go back to the way shit was 6 months ago.

I’m not saying this because I like or support Putin, but because I don’t want to be locked in fuckery for the next 20 years.

We should have never tried to expand NATO in the first place.

Also, you neglected to respond to these.

Who on here is cheering Nazis? You and everyone else that thinks we should continue to arm them.

What about the massacre? The Russians might have done it, they’re savages. But I don’t believe it just because the Ukrainian liars say it. Whether they did so or not, IDGAF. I’m worried about people here in the US.


Platinum Member
Man I need y’all help…. Im trying to figure out the easiest way to explain this

I feel like if we take Mexico and split it up….

the northern half join the United States(Russia), then those fucks decided it wants to free the southern part of cartel folks(Ukraine)… so the
north go after them with military personnel and cartel members

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I agree with you. Its crystal clear they couldn't give a damn about nazis. They only want us to join the maga hat criticism of our government's current leadership for taking sides against its most renowned antagonist of the last few generations. If there weren't a dem in the white house right now, they'd be all for the side Biden is supporting. Thant is unless their standard bearer, tRump was in office, because he'd have done a deal to trade ukraine for greenland immediately.

:lol: 100%. Never forget the polling on striking Syria:

A new Washington Post-ABC poll on President Trump's missile strike in Syria has an interesting partisan breakdown when compared to hypothetical support for strikes by President Obama in 2013:

  • Democratic support: 38% support in 2013, 37% support in 2017
  • Republican support: 22% support in 2013, 86% support in 2017
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You wrote all this to try and minimize the impact of the Nazis in Ukraine. They are the most dangerous Nazis in the world today. Before the war, the Above battalion was more than 2,000 strong and filled with battle tested fighters. Since the war, they've been recruiting all over Ukraine, including openly in Kiev. Their numbers could be 10 fold - no one knows.

Imagine an army 20,000 strong with missiles, guns, and tanks and a sole agenda of taking over the world for the white race. The world has never seen anything like this since World War 2. And its being funded and promoted by Us.

I guess your point was that the Russians have Nazis too. Yeah, I bet they do. I don't want the US to fund and arm Russia's Nazi's either.

To sum up the difference between me and you - you think it makes SENSE for the US to give missiles to people whose sole purpose in life is to murder you and your entire family. I think that's a bad idea.

But continue talking up Ukraine, and supporting the president as he gives weapons to Nazis while he refuses to even consider reparations for us. Carry on.

Illogic and facts that aren't actually factual? Let me guess, you are an anti-vaxxer aren't you? :smh::lol:


Platinum Member
No great desire to negotiate after atrocities by Russia, but it must be done - Zelensky
06.04.2022 21:17

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said that after evidence emerged of atrocities carried out by the Russian military, he has no great desire to hold talks with Russia, but they are necessary to save the people.
He said this in an interview with Turkey's Habertürk television channel, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.
"After what we saw, frankly speaking, there is no great desire to negotiate with the Russian Federation, because we understand who we are dealing with," Zelensky said.
At the same time, he noted that regardless of the desire, steps must be taken every day to save as many people as possible.
"In any case, we must find even small opportunities for the negotiation process. Without this, I think it is difficult to end the war," he said.
In this context, Zelensky emphasized the importance of the mediation mission of certain leaders, including Turkey.
On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the beginning of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Russian troops have been shelling and destroying critical infrastructure and residential areas of Ukrainian cities, towns and villages using artillery, multiple rocket launchers and ballistic missiles.


Platinum Member
Zelenskyy asks EU to agree on Russian oil embargo

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has called on the EU and other allied nations to reach a unanimous agreement for an embargo of Russian oil. In his latest video address, the Ukrainian President iterated that Moscow has been cashing profits from the EU and fuelling its war in Ukraine. Russia does not take the peace talks seriously, said Zelenskyy, adding that the "democratic world" must cut off Russian energy reliance. He also asked the world to ban the Russian banks be completely from the international finance system.
"Some politicians are still unable to decide how to limit the flow of petrodollars and oil euros to Russia so as not to put their own economies at risk," Zelenskyy said. "The only question is how many more Ukrainian men, how many more Ukrainian women, the Russian military will have time to kill in order for you, certain politicians - and we know who you are - to find some determination."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Who on here is cheering Nazis? You and everyone else that thinks we should continue to arm them.

Because you believe I've been cheering nazis, for saying they are in Ukraine and RU alike, armed and dangerous. Actually, in every predominantly Arian/Anglo nation on earth.
What about the massacre? The Russians might have done it. ...
And, because you believe the russians MIGHT HAVE DONE IT.

I'm done with you. I didn't call you a faggot, an idiot, or even a CAC, but I see you for what you are, a tool of the shadow men that would sway the minds of black men that gather here in a direction that is against their best interest. Good day. :cool:


Platinum Member
Gen. Milley Undercuts GOP Criticism of Biden on Ukraine: Putin Not Deterrable | National News | US News

Army Gen. Mark Milley, the top U.S. military officer, undercut Republican claims that President Joe Biden could have effectively deterred Vladimir Putinfrom invading Ukraine, saying any meaningful pressure on the Russian leader would have led to armed hostilities between the former Cold War foes.
“I’m not sure he was deterrable,” Milley said of Putin, who ordered an unprovoked invasion of the former Soviet state six weeks ago. “This has been a longstanding objective of his that goes back years.”
“The idea of deterring Putin from invading Ukraine, deterring him by the United States, would have required the commitment of U.S. military forces, and I think that would have risked armed conflict with Russia, which I certainly wouldn’t have advised,” the general said.
Milley, the seasoned combat veteran who has come under fire repeatedly by Republicans for what they consider his perceived “wokeness,” was responding to questions from Rep. Scott DesJarlais during the previously scheduled House Armed Services Committee budget hearing. The Tennessee Republican followed on repeated questioning from other members of his party who claim foreign policy weakness from Biden – including the fallout from the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan – invited the timing of Putin’s invasion.
DesJarlais’ question specifically centered on whether the U.S. had learned anything from Ukraine about how it could effectively deter the invasion of Taiwan by China – another autocratic government that has similar goals of forcibly seizing territory it considers its own.
Republicans have repeatedly criticized Biden’s attempts to exact pain on Russia for its invasion while not inadvertently expanding the war in Ukraine, which has begun retaking territory from the invading force of Russian troops, foreign fighters and mercenaries. They draw particular attention to the U.S. decision to supply Ukraine with drones, anti-tank missiles and other weapons but stopping short of other equipment, such as Soviet-style Mig fighter jets that Ukrainian pilots can fly. Defense officials have previously explained that they assess the import of Migs would needlessly provoke Russia in a way ground-based weapons would not.
Milley on Tuesday faced questions that have also harangued the Biden administration about its decision to rely on the imposition of sanctions against Russia.
“Sanctions have a very poor track record of deterring aggression, but they are a means of imposing significant cost,” Milley said. “Those significant costs – the sanctions in combination with the foreign export controls – are breaking the back of the Russian economy as we speak.”
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who testified alongside Milley, faced direct questions later about whether the scenario in Ukraine applies to China and Taiwan.
“It’s not advisable to make direct comparisons between Ukraine and Taiwan,” Austin said, dismissing as “hypothetical” the suggestion that U.S. military forces could effectively deter China. “These are two completely different scenarios, different theaters.”
“As the world looks at this,” Austin added in response to questions from Rep. Mike Gallagher, Wisconsin Republican, “they’ve been impressed by the commitment, the resolve of many countries of the world to resist that kind of behavior.”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is it

It sounds like the grad when firing. Also, what is that twitter account? :lol: My spanish isn't the best but every post is about the 3rd world war, jesus returning soon and weird apocalyptic shit :lol:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The United States assesses that Russia is suffering failure rates as high as 60% for some of the precision-guided missiles it is using to attack Ukraine, three U.S. officials with knowledge of the intelligence told Reuters.

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Platinum Member
The United States assesses that Russia is suffering failure rates as high as 60% for some of the precision-guided missiles it is using to attack Ukraine, three U.S. officials with knowledge of the intelligence told Reuters.


damn so only 4 outta 10….

Mannn I’m not sure about the militarization odds of these type of things buuuuuuuttttt
Ukraine best to be thankful

Some of their cities are royal fucked them again thats mostly shelling damages right, which is different?


Platinum Member
This is the main reason why I believe NATO has been restrictive with handing over their planes. If/when one of them shits gets shot down its towed to a lab in Moscow/St. Peters where its studied and re-engineered.
True and not only that…. From the small bit of shit I read about Ukraine and NATO… NATO kinda view Ukraine as unstable…. from the attacks on the Donbass area along with radical that opposed the President….

now I might’ve misunderstood that but that is what I got from the delaying membership


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
True and not only that…. From the small bit of shit I read about Ukraine and NATO… NATO kinda view Ukraine as unstable…. from the attacks on the Donbass area along with radical that opposed the President….

now I might’ve misunderstood that but that is what I got from the delaying membership
Yep. Instability is the other reason among a few others I forgot to mention.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
damn so only 4 outta 10….

Mannn I’m not sure about the militarization odds of these type of things buuuuuuuttttt
Ukraine best to be thankful

Some of their cities are royal fucked them again thats mostly shelling damages right, which is different?

They ran out of guided munitions which is why they are out there firing rockets like it is 1941 and they have the Katyusha. :smh:

You could say that intentionally targeting civilians is their MO (see Aleppo below) but I am starting to think that maybe the shortcomings of their military leave them with that as the only option. This shit is wild. :smh:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is the main reason why I believe NATO has been restrictive with handing over their planes. If/when one of them shits gets shot down its towed to a lab in Moscow/St. Peters where its studied and re-engineered.


Same with the javelins etc. They are sending older generation stuff intended for export to other countries for the exact reason you mentioned. Ukrainians are even using the night vision / thermal from the CLU since you can use it independent of the actual missile.
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Don Coreleone

Rising Star
The United States assesses that Russia is suffering failure rates as high as 60% for some of the precision-guided missiles it is using to attack Ukraine, three U.S. officials with knowledge of the intelligence told Reuters.

So there success rate is about the same as the United States Patriot missiles? Which was good enough.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So there success rate is about the same as the United States Patriot missiles? Which was good enough.

I don't think you can compare the two that way as one is being used in an offensive capacity while the other (Patriot) is purely a defensive system. There has been controversy over the real world effectiveness of the Patriot system since the Gulf war though:

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Platinum Member
How much will it cost to rebuild Ukraine's infrastructure?
In a video statement made last week, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy tried to reassure his people saying, "We will restore every house, every street, every city and we say to Russia: learn the word of reparations and contributions. You will reimburse us for everything you did against our state, against every Ukrainian in full."


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
I have no problem saying the US shouldn't arm nazis, but they should start with eliminating them from their own ranks.

Then why do you believe the narrative of the RU government controlled media, about not harming civilians?

What are your central points, NAZIS WITH WEAPONS, BAD?

Also, you neglected to respond to these.
HIT HER WITH THAT PEPPER..... make sure that you get it in her eyes so that she can't type



Platinum Member
Man I as we approached 50 days of this conflict…
I think there was a few underestimates who this started

• Ukrainian courage by Russia
• Amount of Russia missiles by the west, they have launch plenty…(some figured they would be out of ammo after 2 weeks)
• The depths Russia would go after warning the west not to intervene
• The joining and non joining against Russia
• The intel the West gathering and relying to Ukraine
• The preparation Russia had in their minds to keep fighting….(some didn’t think they would be still in Ukraine fighting)


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
:smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: OMG.... @praetor person on that bike was a 52yr old mother.... helped her two daughters cross the border into Poland while she stayed behind to help others. After spending a week helping to feed people sheltering in a shopping center, she tried to get a seat in one of the evacuating cars, but there was no room. So she decided to bike home. She was identified by the manicure that she had gotten with the heart on each of her fingernails... Irena Filkina

Woman killed in Bucha identified by manicure – Irina Filkina’s story on video – Ukraina Breaking News (


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Some of those Russian shitbag soldiers must have vacationed in China or North Korea at some point.... they killed the family dog of a Ukranian family... and ate it right in front of them..... :smh: :smh: :smh: :hmm:

sidebar: and where's the BGOL coon squad at? The three amigos of coonery... @xfactor @Megatron X and @Soul On Ice to talk about the war that ain't gonna happen and TMZ?



Platinum Member
man I feel when this is over and the bottom line truth comes out….. man of us really will say fuck Russia and fuck half of Them Ukrainians….

While the other half of us will still be like Fuck Russia but be glad America killed Saddam and Qaddafi :lol:

Then others will be like fuck Trump he didn’t kill Lil Kim :lol: