
Platinum Member
I read a couple times this was actually the plans of Ukraine. They was planning to go after Crimea, they wanted that shit back.



Platinum Member


Platinum Member
Someone trying to say these ain’t who they say they’re

I meant they kinda are but

Then someone say it Russia propaganda



Platinum Member
Ukraine war Russian soldier 'admits 25,900 dead' in intercepted call

By Chris Pleasance for MailOnline 15:42 28
Apr 2022, updated 11:03 30 Apr 2022

  • Ukraine's secret service claims to have intercepted a Russian soldier's call
  • In it, he says the Kremlin's troops 'have been f***ed up' with thousands killed
  • Soldier puts true death toll at 25,900 - higher than Ukraine's estimate of 22,800
  • British ministers told death toll is 15,000, but true figure may never be known

A Russian soldier has been caught confessing that almost 26,000 troops have died fighting in Ukraine, according to a call intercepted by .
'Our boys have been f***ked up, f***ing f***ed' the soldier tells a comrade in a transcript of the call posted online by Ukraine's secret service.
'The official tally is one thing, but I'll tell you now - 25,900 have died. That's in two f***ing months,' he adds.

In another part of the intercepted call, a second soldier talks about the harrowing death of one of his senior commanders.
Russia's military has lost 25,900 troops in just two months in Ukraine, according to a call by one of Putin's men intercepted by Ukraine (pictured, Russian soldiers tend to their wounded)The soldier claims Putin's army has 'been f***ked up' by Ukraine's troops and that commanders are lying about the true scale of the disaster (pictured, soldiers in eastern Ukraine)
'The commander of the brigade flew in. His intestines were scooped up and put back in his stomach,' he says.
'They sent him off on a chopper. They took him to Russia, and that's where his heart gave out. '
Neither of the accounts can be independently verified, but the tally of dead roughly correlates with what Ukraine is claiming - that 22,800 Russians have been killed.
The account of a commander being killed - likely a colonel - also tallies with official data collected from Russia that suggests many high-ranking officers have died.
While the Russian government has given only infrequent updates on the number of deaths suffered by its armed forces, announcements by local governments and newspapers suggest at least 317 officers have died fighting.
That marks an extraordinarily large number of officers to lose in two months of fighting, and has likely contributed to Russia's poor battlefield performance.
Due to delays in reporting deaths, some dead being impossible to identify, and deliberate cover-ups, the true figure of officer deaths is likely to be far higher.

Ukrainian troops are pictured installing a machine gun on top of a tank during repair works after fighting against Russian forces in Donetsk
Ukrainians open fire on Russian positions using rocket artillery as they continue to battle Putin's forces in the country's east

Smoke rises over the train station in the Ukrainian city of Lyman, in Luhansk, as Russian forces bear down on the area earlier today

Russia is now into the third month of its 'special military operation' in Ukraine which was expected to last just days and end with the toppling of the government.
President Volodymyr Zelensky remains in control of the country and the Ukrainian military retains control over most of its territory, 63 days later.
Having failed in its mission to take Kyiv, Russia has retreated from the northern parts of Ukraine and refocused its efforts on seizing areas in the eastern Donbas region.
Heavy fighting is underway there today, with Ukraine saying Russia is trying to push south from a city called Izyum to Donetsk in order to encircle their troops.
At the same time, Russian forces are attacking into the city of Popansa - further to the east - to try and fix the Ukrainian defenders in place.
Further to the south, in Mariupol, members of the Ukrainian marines and Azov battalion are still holed up inside the Azovstal steel works - claiming Russia has used banned phosphorus bombs to try and flush them out.
To the west, in Kherson - the only major city captured by Russia so-far - explosions were reported overnight which took down a TV mast.


A member of the Ukrainian military rests on a bench in a forward position in a frontline village near Velyka Novosilka, Donetsk

The attack, which appears to have come from Ukraine, took Russian state channels which had been broadcast in the city off the air.
Meanwhile local officials delayed plans to hold a referendum in the city to create an independent republic, but did announce that the local currency will soon be swapped to rubles.
Even further to the west, in Transnistria - a breakaway region of Moldova occupied by Russian forces - locals reported being sent texts warning them that Ukraine could attack at any moment.
It comes after several explosions in the region took down TV masts and damaged government buildings.
Russia says it is 'alarmed' by the attacks, but Ukraine denies them - saying they have been staged in order for Moscow to justify spreading its war across borders.


Platinum Member
this what many people been wondering about

why Z didn’t want these folks to surrender
(Actually read that Azov folks kinda do what they want, but that’s a different topic)

there was like 4 times they could’ve came out but didn’t.
Shit to be honest they could’ve let the women and children out but they didn’t

shit I think the French people was trying their best to evacuate people out

I think 3 helicopters were shot down trying to remove folks

now we here this
(True or false, ummmm idk but seem like we might find out one day)


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Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Am I the only one that noticed that Pelosi looked like she didn't have a worry in the world? And that Adam Schiff looked shook as fuck, like he was thinking... "Lord can we please leave, Lord can we please leave....NOW!!!"



Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Yo @Mask can you find the video of this frontline attack on Russia... Morning Jow showed it in their fourth hour.... along with this I've heard various reports of their new top General Valery Gerasimov, being hurt in the knee or leg
Russian general, 200 soldiers said killed in Ukrainian military strike
Reports say Kyiv attacked the position in Russian-controlled east shortly after it was visited by Russian military chief Gerasimov

Reports from Ukraine Sunday and Monday indicated that a Russian general and some 200 soldiers were killed in an attack launched by Ukrainian forces on Saturday evening in the Russian-controlled city of Izium.

The attack may have been targeting the Russian military chief Gen. Valery Gerasimov, who had left the location just prior to the attack.

A senior Ukrainian official and two US officials confirmed the details to The New York Times.

Russia has not yet confirmed the death of Maj. Gen. Andrei Simonov, who was identified by reports as the general killed in the attack.

According to the Times, Gerasimov visited risky front-line positions in eastern Ukraine last week in an effort to aid Russia’s floundering offensive there. Kyiv learned of his visit and launched the strike on a position he had visited, a school in Izium, but was too late to hit him.

The attack highlighted the precarious state of the Russian military offensive, with Moscow seemingly sending its highest-ranking uniformed officer and a top ally of President Vladimir Putin to a dangerous spot. Gerasimov is credited as being one of the three people — along with Putin and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu — responsible for plotting the war’s course from the beginning.

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu (right) and chief of the general staff Valery Gerasimov attend a meeting with Russian President in Moscow, on February 27, 2022

Several Russian generals have been killed since Moscow launched the invasion of February 24, including a top general killed during battle in March during a similar trip to motivate troops.

Western analysts believe Russian forces are facing major logistics and coordination obstacles while under continuous fire from Ukrainian forces. The morale of Russian troops is seen as a problem by some analysts, who have highlighted reports that the tens of thousands who had been deployed for weeks on the border may have only found out they were being sent to war at the last moment.

Russian general, 200 soldiers said killed in Ukrainian military strike | The Times of Israel



Platinum Member
Yo @Mask can you find the video of this frontline attack on Russia... Morning Jow showed it in their fourth hour.... along with this I've heard various reports of their new top General Valery Gerasimov, being hurt in the knee or leg
Russian general, 200 soldiers said killed in Ukrainian military strike
Reports say Kyiv attacked the position in Russian-controlled east shortly after it was visited by Russian military chief Gerasimov

Reports from Ukraine Sunday and Monday indicated that a Russian general and some 200 soldiers were killed in an attack launched by Ukrainian forces on Saturday evening in the Russian-controlled city of Izium.

The attack may have been targeting the Russian military chief Gen. Valery Gerasimov, who had left the location just prior to the attack.

A senior Ukrainian official and two US officials confirmed the details to The New York Times.

Russia has not yet confirmed the death of Maj. Gen. Andrei Simonov, who was identified by reports as the general killed in the attack.

According to the Times, Gerasimov visited risky front-line positions in eastern Ukraine last week in an effort to aid Russia’s floundering offensive there. Kyiv learned of his visit and launched the strike on a position he had visited, a school in Izium, but was too late to hit him.

The attack highlighted the precarious state of the Russian military offensive, with Moscow seemingly sending its highest-ranking uniformed officer and a top ally of President Vladimir Putin to a dangerous spot. Gerasimov is credited as being one of the three people — along with Putin and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu — responsible for plotting the war’s course from the beginning.

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu (right) and chief of the general staff Valery Gerasimov attend a meeting with Russian President in Moscow, on February 27, 2022

Several Russian generals have been killed since Moscow launched the invasion of February 24, including a top general killed during battle in March during a similar trip to motivate troops.

Western analysts believe Russian forces are facing major logistics and coordination obstacles while under continuous fire from Ukrainian forces. The morale of Russian troops is seen as a problem by some analysts, who have highlighted reports that the tens of thousands who had been deployed for weeks on the border may have only found out they were being sent to war at the last moment.

Russian general, 200 soldiers said killed in Ukrainian military strike | The Times of Israel

I didn’t run across nothing yet but the post I made on 5783.
Ukraine got word of a meet and send a gift.

These folks really doing the most to each other

Ukraine keep tagging Russian top brass which is understandable when they keep taking their asses to the frontline…

Russian strike tagging weapons depots that coming in from other countries..

Seem like the amount of troops that’s been killed ain’t as one sided as I thought.
The reporting or Lack of, having me think it’s only Russian troops getting mopped up.

I’m not saying it on Ukraine, because Russia can parade the numbers out like Ukraine parade their numbers out.
Then again maybe they do but only on Russia news channels..

Mannn you’ll know what fuck trying to make sense of this shit…

We just gonna enjoy the war porn but can we really do that because innocent people are get killed.
Direct and indirectly, people are leaving this place called earth.


Platinum Member
Some folks calling her a paid Russian actress in the comments

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Platinum Member
Russia Risks Losing Its Power in the Black Sea

By Jon Jackson On 5/2/22 at 1:58 PM EDT
Russia's long-held dominance in the Black Sea appears to be suffering due to recent setbacks its forces have faced against Ukraine, as well as from international opposition to Russia's war there.

Russia has historically laid claim to the body of water between Europe and Asia for centuries, and the Soviet Union maintained a dominant presence there following World War II. But after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia's power waned in the Black Sea due to a lack of funding, according to a 2000 Center for Naval Analyses report. However, Russia later regained much of its influence in the sea after invading and annexing the Crimean Peninsula in 2014. Now, its authority in the sea is once again threatened after being dealt a few key strategic losses by Ukrainian forces, according to several experts.

In late January, Russian President Vladimir Putin deployed more than 20 warships into the Black Sea during the military escalation before his forces attacked Ukraine on February 24. His Black Sea Fleet, which traces its origins back to 1783, was hit with a significant public loss after the flagship cruiser Moskva sunk in mid-April. Though Russian officials blamed a fire for the ship's destruction, Ukraine claimed two of its anti-ship missiles were responsible for sinking the vessel that became famous during the early days of the invasion.

On Monday, Ukraine's military chief said a drone destroyed two Russian Raptor-class patrol ships near Snake Island. Russia cannot replace these losses by deploying more ships to attack Ukraine because Turkey controls the straits between the countries and has announced no vessels can enter during the war.

Last week, British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace declared Russia had already lost its claims of power over the waters.

"The Russians can't control the Black Sea," Wallace told Sky News. "It's not theirs anymore."

Recent strategic losses may deal a blow to Russia’s power in the Black Sea. In this photo, a Russian Navy submarine is seen in the Bosphorus Strait on the way to the Black Sea on February 13, 2022 Getty Images
Russia still yields a lot of power in the Black Sea, though. Along with maintaining control of the Sea of Azov coastline between itself and Ukraine, Russia has also captured the Ukrainian port city of Mariupol. Ukraine's navy has not been a factor in the waters, as Russia managed to capture about a dozen ships from its fleet within the early weeks of the conflict.

A decisive factor limiting Russia's navy is Ukraine's ability to hit sea targets with surface-to-air missiles, according to Michael Petersen, director of the Russia Maritime Studies Institute and an associate professor at the U.S. Naval War College.

Speaking to Agence France-Presse, Petersen said the mobility of these weapon systems has made it difficult for Russia to find and destroy the missiles. Petersen also noted the strategic use of drones and mines in preventing Russian Navy forces from mounting an amphibious attack.

The rest of the countries bordering the Black Sea are either in NATO or want to join the alliance. Leaders from these nations are likely observing the success Ukraine has had in warding off Russia's Black Sea advances.

"Certainly Russia will be less secure in the Black Sea than they were before the war," Petersen told Agence France-Presse.