
Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
@Mask Listen to this audio from this Australian who has a podcast about what is going on between Ukraine/Russia



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So that shit fake, mannn

how to know what’s real

This has been the Russian MO in that region forever. Go back to 2014 and read the first reports from the Russians about the airliner (MH17) that was shot down. We all know it was pro-russian "separatists" using a Russian Buk SAM system but they of course blamed the Ukrainians and tried to use it as a pretense for more bullshit (sound familiar yet?). :smh: The Russians went as far as to photoshop images to try to hide the fact that they provided the missile system actually used to bring down the plane.

Now, fast forward to today and you see the same implausible bullshit being offered. Think about the "justifications" offered in just the last week.

Russia must "protect" itself by invading because:

Zalensky, a jew who lost family in the holocaust, is actually sympathetic to Nazis and commands a military made up of drug addicted neo-nazis

There are bio-labs in Ukraine that the US will use to create a new covid bioweapon in furtherance of a Zionist plot

Russia, who is current using neo-nazi mercenaries belonging to a group named after hitlers favorite composer, is actually saving people from third reich levels of persecution by the Ukrainians, the real nazis.

It is all bullshit but it is happily amplified on here by the idiots. It is just like the covid misinformation campaign they ran that backfired and ended up driving domestic vaccine distrust instead of just sowing doubt in the West. :smh::lol:

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Platinum Member
You’ll never know the full truth. So my solution is:

:lol: fa real… we post this some one day it fake, we post some thoughts that we have
We’re quickly told to not to think this way

Shit I don’t drink but I think I’m take of this Strong ass run from Trinidad


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Are you saying his is an unbiased and objective take on the situation? Otherwise, why should we listen to him?
Then don't.

I don't get what's biased about what he's saying. Was sent to me by a friend out of South Africa.


Platinum Member
This Steve dude say everyone lying to us…

there has to be some truth in one of these fuckers stories



Rising Star
Of course you you just happened to find this cac that seems highly credible. :smh::smh::smh:

They be telling on themselves trying to play naive and shit. :lol:Like who just comes up on random ringwing post

When discussing black folk and racism they'll post something from Jesse Lee Peterson, Larry Elders, Ben Carson, Candace Owens, etc...:cmonson:
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The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
These photos have been discussed at the minimum in American news media, but extensively in foreign news outlets on Putin




The known fact is that Putin is a certified germaphobe, and he keeps his distance in fear of Covid. Speculation is coming out now that Putin is fully aware that there is a large and growing part of the Kremlin, military and Russian power brokers who are not happy with how things are playing out with Ukraine and with the world wide response.

All these high roller cats in the Russian Government and Russian private sector where making big money prior to the invasion off of Putin on the way he was running things. As long as the money was flowing in, they could care less what the Fuck he was doing.

Things are going sour right now and they are losing money. If you been around a long time, when mofos money start getting Fucked with, they gonna make sure things turn around quickly.

Intelligence analysts are suspecting thru these pictures that Putin is going into paranoid mode thinking/knowing the clock is counting down on when somebody or somebody’s are gonna make their move on him and go “The Ides of March” on his ass.

The pictures are showing his current paranoid state fearing somebody may have a bomb, poison narcotics or a firearm on them and he wants to keep his distance.

I heard on the news last night that his inner circle is becoming more smaller as things play out because of his fear.

He is not invulnerable the way he likes to make himself appear.

We will have to wait and see.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Then don't.

I don't get what's biased about what he's saying. Was sent to me by a friend out of South Africa.
I'm honestly trying to understand you. Are you saying "he isn't biased", or that you "don't understand his bias"?


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
These photos have been discussed at the minimum in American news media, but extensively in foreign news outlets on Putin




The known fact is that Putin is a certified germaphobe, and he keeps his distance in fear of Covid. Speculation is coming out now that Putin is fully aware that there is a large and growing part of the Kremlin, military and Russian power brokers who are not happy with how things are playing out with Ukraine and with the world wide response.

All these high roller cats in the Russian Government and Russian private sector where making big money prior to the invasion off of Putin on the way he was running things. As long as the money was flowing in, they could care less what the Fuck he was doing.

Things are going sour right now and they are losing money. If you been around a long time, when mofos money start getting Fucked with, they gonna make sure things turn around quickly.

Intelligence analysts are suspecting thru these pictures that Putin is going into paranoid mode thinking/knowing the clock is counting down on when somebody or somebody’s are gonna make their move on him and go “The Ides of March” on his ass.

The pictures are showing his current paranoid state fearing somebody may have a bomb, poison narcotics or a firearm on them and he wants to keep his distance.

I heard on the news last night that his inner circle is becoming more smaller as things play out because of his fear.

He is not invulnerable the way he likes to make himself appear.

We will have to wait and see.
Dude is freaking paranoid right now


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
I'm honestly trying to understand you. Are you saying "he isn't biased", or that you "don't understand his bias"?
I don't see what you see as him being biased.
He's relaying information as he's received it.
You think he has an agenda behind it then ok.

Then disregard what he's saying. He must being paid to say what he's saying right?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
These photos have been discussed at the minimum in American news media, but extensively in foreign news outlets on Putin




The known fact is that Putin is a certified germaphobe, and he keeps his distance in fear of Covid. Speculation is coming out now that Putin is fully aware that there is a large and growing part of the Kremlin, military and Russian power brokers who are not happy with how things are playing out with Ukraine and with the world wide response.

All these high roller cats in the Russian Government and Russian private sector where making big money prior to the invasion off of Putin on the way he was running things. As long as the money was flowing in, they could care less what the Fuck he was doing.

Things are going sour right now and they are losing money. If you been around a long time, when mofos money start getting Fucked with, they gonna make sure things turn around quickly.

Intelligence analysts are suspecting thru these pictures that Putin is going into paranoid mode thinking/knowing the clock is counting down on when somebody or somebody’s are gonna make their move on him and go “The Ides of March” on his ass.

The pictures are showing his current paranoid state fearing somebody may have a bomb, poison narcotics or a firearm on them and he wants to keep his distance.

I heard on the news last night that his inner circle is becoming more smaller as things play out because of his fear.

He is not invulnerable the way he likes to make himself appear.

We will have to wait and see.

I said a few days ago that is highly ironic that the man who unleashed a lot of the covid misinformation is deathly afraid of contracting it. :lol:From an opposition paper so grain of salt and all of that but this shit is hilarious:

“The life of Russian officials close to the president has been made much more difficult. Now they have to donate faeces several times a week. It’s all about, we hope, increased security measures.
We all heard about the extreme vigilance of the entire environment of the President of Russia towards his health. However, the concern for the body of the first person has reached a new level – if earlier employees who were to meet with Vladimir Putin had to spend a two-week quarantine (which in itself is very difficult, but more on that later), now they also take several stool tests once a week. Information about such a change to “Base” was confirmed by several informed sources.
As for the isolation itself, which should last two weeks: many employees are forced to spend almost the entire year in quarantine. As it became known to “Baza”, among the employees of the Presidential Administration and the FSO [Federal Protective Service, -LS] there are people who “served” more than 150 days last year – in solitary confinement. Because of this, many employees even began to have problems in their families – not every life partner is ready to accept the almost constant absence of the second half from home.
What does Kremlin-style isolation look like?
You are in a solitary room all the time. Under no circumstances should you bring alcohol, coffee, cigarettes and knives with you. Food is brought several times a day and placed on a special table near the door to the room. It is strictly forbidden to go outside, receiving parcels is also prohibited. And if there is any violation, the isolation will immediately stop and the violator will not be allowed to the event.”


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Two cats just running the wild thread takeover w right wing and fascist propaganda support posts