
Platinum Member
You are literally reposting a pro posobiec/cernovich troll. Do you agree with this and other insane shit the account you are posting is amplifying?

:smh: :smh: :smh:

bro I just be posting shit, but it’s kool
If y’all think I’m pro-Putin or whatever

shit one time I was accused of being a chick

so it’s kool to think how you’ll think


Rising Star
the guy's there on the ground and didn't have to be. The author is playa hating from the sidelines. Anyone in his position would say whatever he had to if he thought it would benefit his cause.

it's on us to verify, which we did, and we acted accordingly. I don't think the US trusts the word of anyone involved nor should they.

For someone neutral he certainly seems anti-Zelensky
Well for one he's far from neutral being that he's a conservative and a anti-interventionist. So there's no way he's neutral.


Platinum Member
These guys are supposedly fighting propaganda by posting propaganda from rightwing nuts, Neo Nazi, alt-right, conservatives, etc......

In otherwords very "reliable sources of truth".
Bro, I’m be 100 honest with you’ll…. I don’t know what many of those words mean. The other day I post an article and got laughed at because it was from a conservatives site…

I was like “oops” after the joke came
I quickly figured that wasn’t something I should’ve post…

Not that I have to explain this, but I’m far from a political heads….


Platinum Member
You aren't worried that you just happened to stumble upon white supremacist propaganda (white genocide) and it resonated enough with you to amplify it on a Black porn board? :smh: :lol:
:lol: shit I don’t be knowing who them owners and writers be :lol:

But I know from this point on, I’m get permission before I repost a tweet

is that fair enough?


Platinum Member
Good morning. With brutal tactics, Russia is gaining ground in Ukraine.​
Ukrainian soldiers cross a destroyed bridge.Chris Mcgrath/Getty Images​
A campaign of terror
The war in Ukraine is a mismatch.​
On one side is the Russian military, among the world’s largest and strongest forces. On the other side is Ukraine, a medium-sized country whose infrastructure is being destroyed during the fighting. Although Ukraine has powerful allies — like the U.S. and Western Europe — those allies have chosen not to send troops, partly because they do not see Ukraine as vital to their national interests and because they fear starting a larger war with nuclear-armed Russia.​
The reality of this mismatch explains the developments of the past 48 hours. After some surprising setbacks in the first few days of the invasion, Russia has since used brutal tactics, often targeting civilians, to make progress.​
Russian troops have taken control of areas in both the east and south of the country. In the east, Russia is hoping to isolate — and then crush — Ukrainian forces that for years have been battling Russia-backed separatists near the Russian border. In the south, the goal appears to be to control the Black Sea coast, potentially cutting off Ukraine from sea access.​
Russian-occupied areas as of 3 p.m. Eastern on March 2. | Source: Institute for the Study of War​
Russia has also intensified its bombing of Ukraine’s two largest cities, Kyiv and Kharkiv, from planes and missile launchers stationed outside the cities. (Here’s footage of bombs hitting a residential area of Chernihiv, a city on the route to Kyiv from the north.)​
The strategy, my colleague Eric Schmitt said, is “to terrorize the population and force them to flee, or beg their government to surrender — and to pummel Ukrainian government buildings to disrupt their wartime operations.”​
The humanitarian disaster is likely to increase in the coming days. “We cannot collect all the bodies,” the deputy mayor of Mariupol, a southern city, told CNN. The mayor said that the electricity was out and that Russia was blocking food from entering the city.​
More than a million Ukrainians, out of a population of about 40 million, have fled. Many have headed west, away from the areas where Russia is advancing, in the hope of entering bordering countries like Poland or Romania. A million more people are internally displaced.​
Lviv, the largest city in western Ukraine, is filled with people carrying suitcases, according to Valerie Hopkins, a Times correspondent there. Hotels are cramming people into rooms so that they do not need to sleep at the train station. Valerie spoke with one 20-year-old woman traveling with her mother who had packed only three sweatshirts, a pair of socks and her dog. The two of them had left everything else behind.​
Russia’s challenges
It still seems possible that Russia will not be able to win a quick victory.​
Russia does not yet control the skies over Ukraine, and its military is struggling to make much progress in the north, near Kyiv. A miles-long convoy of hundreds of military vehicles has largely stalled, about 18 miles from Kyiv. It is facing fierce Ukrainian opposition, as well as shortages of fuel and spare parts, a reflection of the failure to conquer Kyiv immediately.​
Morale among Russian troops may also be a problem. Pentagon officials told Eric that some Russian soldiers appeared not to have known that they would be invading Ukraine until the war began. Ukrainian officials quoted what they claimed was a Russian soldier’s text to his mother, recovered from his phone after he died: “There is a real war raging here. I’m afraid. We are bombing all of the cities together, even targeting civilians.”​
The U.S., E.U. and Britain are continuing to send arms to Ukraine’s military, over land routes. And the West has continued to impose sanctions, which seem to be inflicting significant damage on Russia’s economy.​
All of which raise the prospect that the war, which already seems to be somewhat unpopular within Russia, will become even more so.​
‘No matter what’
Still, Vladimir Putin is signaling that he will respond to setbacks with more destruction. He also seems willing to allow Russia to pay a high price, in both economic terms and soldiers’ lives.​
During a 90-minute call yesterday with French President Emmanuel Macron, Putin said that Russia would achieve its goal in Ukraine “no matter what.” In a televised address yesterday, Putin told Russians that he was determined to fight the war.​
Paul Poast, a political scientist at the University of Chicago, pointed out on Derek Thompson’s “Plain English” podcast that Russian leaders have a long history of accepting large casualties among their own troops to win wars. “I’m starting to think that that is what they’re expecting is going to happen here,” Poast said. “It doesn’t matter about the morale, it doesn’t matter if the equipment breaks down. They’re just going to be able to overwhelm eventually the Ukrainians because they don’t expect direct military involvement by the West.”​
There are other plausible outcomes, though. The Ukrainian resistance could prove so stout that Russia finds itself in a yearslong quagmire. Or Western sanctions could create such instability in Russia that Putin loses support among the officials around him.​
Regardless, the coming weeks are likely to be filled with tragedy for Ukraine.​

Bro we might need to go back to posting pussy pic and fuck flicks


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:lol: shit I don’t be knowing who them owners and writers be :lol:

But I know from this point on, I’m get permission before I repost a tweet

is that fair enough?

You don't know who cernovich is and you don't understand why actual nazis support Putin/Russia?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:lol: shit I don’t be knowing who them owners and writers be :lol:

But I know from this point on, I’m get permission before I repost a tweet

is that fair enough?
Nobody looks that deep other than them. Crazy thing is the left wing sources be just as bad but because it's what they believe it's supposedly 100% accurate lmao


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Bro we might need to go back to posting pussy pic and fuck flicks


Bro let me tell you...

This is stuff is depressing as f*ck

And I got a whole lot of Russians at my old office

They telling me this is going be a global event soon enough.

And what folks keep missing is these Ukraine cats REAL AS HELL they don't back down

And we seeing YET AGAIN how black folks are treated around the globe

We gotta stop all this infighting division self hate ADOS stuff

Cause these white folk in power don't give a single solitary f*ck

We REALLY need a financial investment thread on how to cake off this before it gets any realer.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nobody looks that deep other than them. Crazy thing is the left wing sources be just as bad but because it's what they believe it's supposedly 100% accurate lmao

You can't project your way out of amplifying white supremacists. :smh: You know damn well there is no way a Black person just causally starts amplifying white supremacist taking points. :lol: All of the cacs who were posting blurry covid memes are now "somehow" all posting pro russian propaganda because the ethnostate is looking real suspect on the global stage:

White nationalist groups in the United States do not operate in a vacuum, however. The transnational connections between such groups—especially between organizations in the United States and Russia—are deeply troubling. In 2004, white supremacist David Duke called Russia the “key to white survival,” while another white supremacist, Richard Spencer, recently characterized Russia as the “sole white power in the world.” With Russian President Vladimir Putin serving as a beacon of hope for many white supremacists in the United States, it comes with little surprise that there are connections between the nationalist groups of both of these countries.



Platinum Member
You don't know who cernovich is and you don't understand why actual nazis support Putin/Russia?
I swear on my BGOL account, I don’t know any of that technical info…

thats Why I find it laughable y’all coming at me, as I’m Pro Putin because I’m copying and pasting :lol:


Rising Star
Nobody looks that deep other than them. Crazy thing is the left wing sources be just as bad but because it's what they believe it's supposedly 100% accurate lmao

So you're just a useful tool. Whatever they send you, you just put out. Got it...


Platinum Member
Cats really in here rooting for Vladimir “Thanos” Putin to get him another Infinity Stone :smh: :smh:
Bro it’s crazy u stated this because the other day I was thinking about the endgame and this war.
Thought about asking someone to make a meme or gif for those thoughts but

I didn’t figured it might’ve came across the wrong way.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bro it’s crazy u stated this because the other day I was thinking about the endgame and this war.
Thought about asking someone to make a meme or gif for those thoughts but

I didn’t figured it might’ve came across the wrong way.
Nah its that way. Look at all the former satellite USSR countries as the scattered infinity stones. Slowly but surely Thanos Putin been trying to collect those back. Georgia, Belarus, now Ukraine. What’s next?

Anyway, I hope that bitch ass cracka fail. Him and his worshipers.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
French news

Pro russian propaganda from a Qasem Soleimani tribute account concerned about "genocide" in Donbass? :lol: The original "justification" was bullshit but that was still much better than this low effort shit.

For those interested in seeing how far they originally went to justify this "special military action":

At Bellingcat we have been keeping track of some of the disinformation used by the Russian state and its proxies to justify its war against Ukraine. However, no other event has gone quite so far as this one, namely using bodies to try and fake an IED attack.



Platinum Member
Pro russian propaganda from a Qasem Soleimani tribute account concerned about "genocide" in Donbass? :lol: The original "justification" was bullshit but that was still much better than this low effort shit.

For those interested in seeing how far they originally went to justify this "special military action":

At Bellingcat we have been keeping track of some of the disinformation used by the Russian state and its proxies to justify its war against Ukraine. However, no other event has gone quite so far as this one, namely using bodies to try and fake an IED attack.

So that shit fake, mannn

how to know what’s real

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
how to know what’s real

You’ll never know the full truth. So my solution is:



Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
So that shit fake, mannn

how to know what’s real
Not fake, click thru to the page on French news site. Everything posted on BGOL has to be debunked, and proven fake. I don't know the purpose of posters agendas, either they don't want to see what's going on or just want to negate from what's going on.

It's whatever, I'm not debating with what's going on.

Watch Taiwan now its next up.