Rising Star
I got banned from a few because I was posting links to this and labeling them "what the zionist don't want you to see". :lol:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Question:

More than a week into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Russian Air Force has yet to commence large-scale operations. Inactivity in the first few days could be ascribed to various factors, but the continued absence of major air operations now raises serious capability questions.

The Answer:



Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Russia Declares Ceasefire in Ukraine From 07:00 GMT to Open Humanitarian Corridors for Civilians

Russia has declared a ceasefire in Ukraine as of 06:00 GMT in order to open humanitarian corridors for civilians.

"Today, on 5 March at 10 a.m. Moscow time, the Russian side declares a ceasefire and opens humanitarian corridors for the exit of civilians from Mariupol and Volnovakha", the Russian Defence Ministry told reporters on Saturday.

The ministry added that the humanitarian corridors and exit routes have been agreed upon with the Ukrainian side.
This comes after the ministry reported the catastrophic humanitarian situation in most of Ukraine, with the cities of Kiev, Kharkov, Sumy, Chernigov, and Mariupol being the hardest hit by the humanitarian crisis.

Ukrainian presidential aide Mikhail Podolyak, for his part, said that about 200,000 people are trying to evacuate from Mariupol, while "20,000 people also want to leave [the city of] Volnovakha [in the Donetsk region]".

That means... ANY CIVILIANS STAYING are staying to do battle with Russia. ANY claims that Russia is attacking civilians will be met with "we gave you the opportunity to leave"


Platinum Member
Russia Declares Ceasefire in Ukraine From 07:00 GMT to Open Humanitarian Corridors for Civilians

Russia has declared a ceasefire in Ukraine as of 06:00 GMT in order to open humanitarian corridors for civilians.

"Today, on 5 March at 10 a.m. Moscow time, the Russian side declares a ceasefire and opens humanitarian corridors for the exit of civilians from Mariupol and Volnovakha", the Russian Defence Ministry told reporters on Saturday.

The ministry added that the humanitarian corridors and exit routes have been agreed upon with the Ukrainian side.
This comes after the ministry reported the catastrophic humanitarian situation in most of Ukraine, with the cities of Kiev, Kharkov, Sumy, Chernigov, and Mariupol being the hardest hit by the humanitarian crisis.

Ukrainian presidential aide Mikhail Podolyak, for his part, said that about 200,000 people are trying to evacuate from Mariupol, while "20,000 people also want to leave [the city of] Volnovakha [in the Donetsk region]".

That means... ANY CIVILIANS STAYING are staying to do battle with Russia. ANY claims that Russia is attacking civilians will be met with "we gave you the opportunity to leave"

Does this mean time to move equipment around with no chance of get fired upon?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Russia Declares Ceasefire in Ukraine From 07:00 GMT to Open Humanitarian Corridors for Civilians

Russia has declared a ceasefire in Ukraine as of 06:00 GMT in order to open humanitarian corridors for civilians.

"Today, on 5 March at 10 a.m. Moscow time, the Russian side declares a ceasefire and opens humanitarian corridors for the exit of civilians from Mariupol and Volnovakha", the Russian Defence Ministry told reporters on Saturday.

The ministry added that the humanitarian corridors and exit routes have been agreed upon with the Ukrainian side.
This comes after the ministry reported the catastrophic humanitarian situation in most of Ukraine, with the cities of Kiev, Kharkov, Sumy, Chernigov, and Mariupol being the hardest hit by the humanitarian crisis.

Ukrainian presidential aide Mikhail Podolyak, for his part, said that about 200,000 people are trying to evacuate from Mariupol, while "20,000 people also want to leave [the city of] Volnovakha [in the Donetsk region]".

That means... ANY CIVILIANS STAYING are staying to do battle with Russia. ANY claims that Russia is attacking civilians will be met with "we gave you the opportunity to leave"

Old ladies and kids being arrested in Russia for protesting, Editor in Chief for RT quits in protest of War but here you are again happily posting bullshit from Sputnik. Russians don't even believe this bullshit but here you are dutifully committed to your task.:lol:

Also, have they found the Ukrainian/US joint venture Soros biolabs yet? :lol: See, you have to act quickly or the Ukrainians will unleash the zionist mutants they have been working on. They come with their Gates Chip preloaded...




Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Old ladies and kids being arrested in Russia for protesting, Editor in Chief for RT quits in protest of War but here you are again happily posting bullshit from Sputnik. Russians don't even believe this bullshit but here you are dutifully committed to your task.:lol:

Also, have they found the Ukrainian/US joint venture Soros biolabs yet? :lol: See, you have to act quickly or the Ukrainians will unleash the zionist mutants they have been working on. They come with their Gates Chip preloaded...


Grow up and find something else to do other than trolling.

All this shit is beyond your level of maturity yet you making posts looking for likes on BGOL.

You smart


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
This was an article from February 23, 2022

Nuclear risk from war in Ukraine isn’t targeted missiles but accidental hits on reactors, safety expert warns

Kyiv nuclear safety expert Dmytro Gumenyuk told i while a direct attack is unlikely, military invasion raises the risk of possible accidental hits from missiles or artillery

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has found seven possible routes Russia could take to invade Ukraine around the country’s border
Ukraine’s nuclear power plants would pose a risk of radioactive pollution in Europe if caught in the crossfire of a Russian invasion, a Kyiv safety expert has told

The chance of a direct military attack on such facilities would be highly unlikely but a lack of high-precision weapons in the occupied Donbas suggests there could be an increased chance of sensitive facilities being hit accidentally.

If this happens, radiation could contaminate air, soil and waterways, affecting not only Ukraine but also Russia and much of Europe, according to Dmytro Gumenyuk, head of safety analysis at the State Scientific and Technical Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, a body within the state nuclear inspectorate.

Ukraine has 15 nuclear reactors in four power plants, which provide 52 per cent of the country’s electricity: Khelnitsky and Rivne in the northwest, and Zaporizhzhia and the South Ukrainian plants in the west and south respectively.

Some facilities including a nuclear waste storage site in the exclusion zone at Chernobyl – where in 1986 catastrophic failure at the power plant resulted in the worst nuclear disaster in history – lie close to the country’s borders, where Russia has amassed nearly 200,000 troops.

The plant at Zaporizhzhia is only about 150 miles from the front line in Donetsk, while the South Ukrainian plant is about another 160 miles further west.

While a direct attack is unlikely, military invasion raises the risk of possible accidental hits from missiles or artillery. On Tuesday the thermal power station at Shchastya, near the conflict line in Luhansk, caught fire amid shelling, leaving 40,000 residents without electricity.

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has found seven possible routes Russia could take to invade Ukraine around the country’s border
Mr Gumenyuk said: “Our NPP [nuclear power plant] wasn’t designed for military protection. Of course it wasn’t designed against tanks, bombs, missiles and so on.

“In case of a military attack it is not a long time for getting from Dontesk to Zaporizhzhia NPP, and of course taking into account the small distances from the Russian Federation, we could suppose that our power plants are not fully protected from military attack from our neighbour.”

A direct attack by Russia is unlikely. Lada Roslycky, founder of the Ukraine-based Black Trident defence and security group, said: “From a military perspective and a defence perspective it would be an idiotic action.”

However, she pointed out the separatists’ lack of high-precision weapons in conflict in the occupied Donbas does raise the chance of sensitive facilities being hit accidentally.

She also suggested that this could be part of a Russian strategy of fomenting uncertainty through psychological warfare, by holding out the threat of attacking such facilities. “I really don’t think they would do it [attack nuclear facilities] but it’s possible … it’s such a wonderful, brilliant instrument,” she said.

The Conflict and Environment Observatory (CEOBS) said it is “right to be concerned about Ukraine’s 15 ageing Soviet-design nuclear reactors”.

“The three reactors at the South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant and the six reactors at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant are the two sites most likely to be affected by a Russian invasion,” the observatory added.

The VVER 1000 pressurised water reactors at Zaporizhzhia each contain 163 assemblies – or structured groups of fuel rods. Each assembly contains about 500kg of uranium dioxide, making the total fuel inside one reactor about 80 tonnes.
Accidental my ass I think Russia Is at the point where if we can’t haven’t no one can have it


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Listening to the news this morning on what is going on over there.

American news media is mainly focused on “War Porn” and mainly putting its focus on what Russia is doing. I noticed they have created a narrative that Ukraine is weak and unable to defend itself.

This siege has stretched out for 10 days now due mainly because of Ukrainian resistance and it’s looking like the Russians were not prepared for a long battle for whatever reason.

That 40 mile Russian convoy that has been sitting outside of Kiev for a week now and has barely moved. I learned that the convoy is stalled due to logistical and mechanical issues. Some of the equipment has been abandoned from Russian troops going AWOL. The Ukrainian’s have slowly attacked the convoy taking out a number of vehicles.

I also heard on the news this morning that a small number of Russian units have been observed thru-out Ukraine fighting amongst each other. Confirmation has not been made if it’s true at this writing.

Another report has come that Ukrainian pilots are in NATO countries requesting fighter planes even if they are used, to be able to provide better air superiority over the skies of Ukraine. NATO seems to be stalling on their request for some reason.

It’s being speculated that Russia plans on taking over all the nuclear reactors, shut down the power thru-out the country hoping to put Ukrainian’s into a level of desperation where they will stand down and surrender. It’s up in the air if that would be successful being the country is entering the warmest part of the year allowing them to prepare to get thru the winter later in the year for 2022/2023 from outside support.

It’s looking like this siege is going to stretch out for some time. And it’s slowly looking like it’s gonna drop out of the mainstream news cycle by April 1st with the general world population losing interest in what’s going on over there, unless something extraordinary happens. Similar to the US involvement in Iraq/Afghanistan.

We will wait and see.