
Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Listening to the news this morning on what is going on over there.

American news media is mainly focused on “War Porn” and mainly putting its focus on what Russia is doing. I noticed they have created a narrative that Ukraine is weak and unable to defend itself.

This siege has stretched out for 10 days now due mainly because of Ukrainian resistance and it’s looking like the Russians were not prepared for a long battle for whatever reason.

That 40 mile Russian convoy that has been sitting outside of Kiev for a week now and has barely moved. I learned that the convoy is stalled due to logistical and mechanical issues. Some of the equipment has been abandoned from Russian troops going AWOL. The Ukrainian’s have slowly attacked the convoy taking out a number of vehicles.

I also heard on the news this morning that a small number of Russian units have been observed thru-out Ukraine fighting amongst each other. Confirmation has not been made if it’s true at this writing.

Another report has come that Ukrainian pilots are in NATO countries requesting fighter planes even if they are used, to be able to provide better air superiority over the skies of Ukraine. NATO seems to be stalling on their request for some reason.

It’s being speculated that Russia plans on taking over all the nuclear reactors, shut down the power thru-out the country hoping to put Ukrainian’s into a level of desperation where they will stand down and surrender. It’s up in the air if that would be successful being the country is entering the warmest part of the year allowing them to prepare to get thru the winter later in the year for 2022/2023 from outside support.

It’s looking like this siege is going to stretch out for some time. And it’s slowly looking like it’s gonna drop out of the mainstream news cycle by April 1st with the general world population losing interest in what’s going on over there, unless something extraordinary happens. Similar to the US involvement in Iraq/Afghanistan.

We will wait and see.
Good summary. Its refreshing to see aside from all the Putin nut hugging and the Russian propaganda proliferation throughout this damn thread.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

After shooting down that Russian chopper
Ukraine flexed on them ninjas like.....

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So how is Putin's 5D chess skills working out for him afterall? :lol:


Look at this list of just the things they can document/verify. How the fuck does this happen when invading a neighboring country that is flat? :smh: :lol:

Russia - 701, of which: destroyed: 274, damaged: 10, abandoned: 147, captured: 269

Tanks (105, of which destroyed: 30, damaged: 2, abandoned: 24, captured: 48)

Armoured Fighting Vehicles (74, of which destroyed: 26, abandoned: 15, captured: 32)

Infantry Fighting Vehicles (98, of which destroyed: 33, abandoned: 24, captured: 39)

Armoured Personnel Carriers (37, of which destroyed: 11, abandoned: 9, captured: 17)

Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Vehicles (4, of which destroyed: 2, captured: 2)

Infantry Mobility Vehicles (28, of which destroyed: 15, damaged: 1, abandoned: 2, captured: 9)

Communications Stations (8, of which destroyed: 2, abandoned: 4, captured: 2)

Engineering Vehicles (29, of which destroyed: 10, abandoned: 6, captured: 13)

Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (27, of which captured: 27)

Man-Portable Air Defence Systems (3, of which captured: 3)

Heavy Mortars (3, of which captured: 3)

Towed Artillery (9, of which destroyed: 4, abandoned: 3, captured: 2)

Self-Propelled Artillery (15, of which destroyed: 3, abandoned: 8, captured: 4)

Multiple Rocket Launchers (16, of which destroyed: 6, abandoned: 2, captured: 8)

Self-propelled Anti-Aircraft Guns (7, of which destroyed: 5, abandoned: 2)

Surface-To-Air Missile Systems (20, of which destroyed: 8, damaged: 1, abandoned: 3, captured: 8)

Jammers And Deception Systems (1, of which damaged: 1)

Aircraft (9, of which destroyed: 9)

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (2, of which destroyed: 1, captured: 1)
  • 1 E95M (likely used as unmanned bait in order for Ukraine to reveal the location of air defence systems): (1, captured)
  • 1 Orlan-10: (1, destroyed)

Helicopters (10, of which destroyed: 7, damaged: 1, abandoned: 2)

Logistics Trains (2, of which destroyed: 2)

Trucks, Vehicles and Jeeps (223, of which destroyed: 99, damaged: 6, abandoned: 43, captured: 73)



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Damn near half of all the planes/helicopters they have shot down happened today:

9 aircraft and helicopters of enemy were shot down in 24 hours, among them one of the newest Russian Su-34s in Chernihiv.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Good summary. Its refreshing to see aside from all the Putin nut hugging and the Russian propaganda proliferation throughout this damn thread.

If you really want better info on whats going on, I'd recommend going on Reddit and follow the economic/ stock threads (not political threads). They give a more unbiased view & analysis since their main concern is how will this war effect people's pockets instead of chearleading Ukraine or Russia.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
So how is Putin's 5D chess skills working out for him afterall? :lol:
Putin is a spy. Not a military planner. Walmart and Amazon would have done this much better.

Infantry wins battles but logics wins wars. Supply chain is everything.

The Russians only have a 45-90 mile supply chain away from its boarders.

Russia can defend itself but it can invade anyone.

Boxing fans will tell you Ukrainians got heart and Russians don't.

Ukrainians were raised to be the muscle for the USSR while Russia was the brain.

Russia produces chess players while Ukraine produces warriors.
Chess is a great game but all the chess pieces in life dont have the same power.

God know how many breeding experiments have been done there. Look at the Klitschko brothers. They may not have rhythm but they are athletic as fuck for white men. Even the white women in that area are known for their looks in comparison to the rest of Europe. Ukraine also has Nazi ties. Those people have literally been born and bred for war.

Putin now has to use modern weaponry (bombs n shit) and special forces to clean up the job the conscripts couldn't do.

All the "peace" talks are because the Russia army need to resupply.

Go check my first statements about the invasion. I stated that the Russians had 3-4 days of suppies and it seems like they got 7-10 days of ammunition.

The Ukrainians need to be cautious about the convoy outside of Kyiv. They hit the Russian fuel trucks with Molotov cocktails to shut down the fuel supply. The Russians may be building a fuel pipeline so that they can advance their supply chains.

I have to give the Ukrainians credit bur Im not supprised. The Ukraines are known for their heart and toughness while the Russians are known as thinkers. Once Putin brings in some modern equipment things may change but I think vwecare seeing the end of Russia as we know it.

Putin is gonna bankrupt the country on a failed invasion and occupation. They dont have the pockets or the willpower the US has to occupy you for an entire generation.

You can say the US is wesk if you want be we will kill ALL you standing leaders while tearing you country to shreds. Putin doesn't have that power. He should have stuck to the spy propaganda of making America kill itself. Now he united the world and put the petty problems on hold.


Rising Star
Putin is a spy. Not a military planner. Walmart and Amazon would have done this much better.

Infantry wins battles but logics wins wars. Supply chain is everything.

The Russians only have a 45-90 mile supply chain away from its boarders.

Russia can defend itself but it can invade anyone.

Boxing fans will tell you Ukrainians got heart and Russians don't.

Ukrainians were raised to be the muscle for the USSR while Russia was the brain.

Russia produces chess players while Ukraine produces warriors.
Chess is a great game but all the chess pieces in life dont have the same power.

God know how many breeding experiments have been done there. Look at the Klitschko brothers. They may not have rhythm but they are athletic as fuck for white men. Even the white women in that area are known for their looks in comparison to the rest of Europe. Ukraine also has Nazi ties. Those people have literally been born and bred for war.

Putin now has to use modern weaponry (bombs n shit) and special forces to clean up the job the conscripts couldn't do.

All the "peace" talks are because the Russia army need to resupply.

Go check my first statements about the invasion. I stated that the Russians had 3-4 days of suppies and it seems like they got 7-10 days of ammunition.

The Ukrainians need to be cautious about the convoy outside of Kyiv. They hit the Russian fuel trucks with Molotov cocktails to shut down the fuel supply. The Russians may be building a fuel pipeline so that they can advance their supply chains.

I have to give the Ukrainians credit bur Im not supprised. The Ukraines are known for their heart and toughness while the Russians are known as thinkers. Once Putin brings in some modern equipment things may change but I think vwecare seeing the end of Russia as we know it.

Putin is gonna bankrupt the country on a failed invasion and occupation. They dont have the pockets or the willpower the US has to occupy you for an entire generation.

You can say the US is wesk if you want be we will kill ALL you standing leaders while tearing you country to shreds. Putin doesn't have that power. He should have stuck to the spy propaganda of making America kill itself. Now he united the world and put the petty problems on hold.
Bottomline Putin fucked up and exposed Russia.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Ukranian team shooting down a Russian attack helicopter..... they went Snap, Crackle, Pop.... made me wanna turn my Xbox on.... where the fuck is that Russian prostitute @Nzinga at? Is he one of those cheap conscripted $25/month Russia soldiers?

Shit made me think of this..... :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yep Russia is very weak right now they exposed their selves to the damn world.

Yeah...growing up..I was always low key worried about war with Russia only because of the size and the ish they talk. Guess growing up I always looked at Russians as enemies because of movies and ish.

But now seeing how unorganized and skilled they are, only one im worried about is China. Only because I know how disciplined they are. I dont know ish about their military but I just know theyll at least be more organized than Russia. Shit...just look at them muthafuckas in the Olympics. Haha. They literally practice a skill from sun up to sun down


Platinum Member
Putin is a spy. Not a military planner. Walmart and Amazon would have done this much better.

Infantry wins battles but logics wins wars. Supply chain is everything.

The Russians only have a 45-90 mile supply chain away from its boarders.

Russia can defend itself but it can invade anyone.

Boxing fans will tell you Ukrainians got heart and Russians don't.

Ukrainians were raised to be the muscle for the USSR while Russia was the brain.

Russia produces chess players while Ukraine produces warriors.
Chess is a great game but all the chess pieces in life dont have the same power.

God know how many breeding experiments have been done there. Look at the Klitschko brothers. They may not have rhythm but they are athletic as fuck for white men. Even the white women in that area are known for their looks in comparison to the rest of Europe. Ukraine also has Nazi ties. Those people have literally been born and bred for war.

Putin now has to use modern weaponry (bombs n shit) and special forces to clean up the job the conscripts couldn't do.

All the "peace" talks are because the Russia army need to resupply.

Go check my first statements about the invasion. I stated that the Russians had 3-4 days of suppies and it seems like they got 7-10 days of ammunition.

The Ukrainians need to be cautious about the convoy outside of Kyiv. They hit the Russian fuel trucks with Molotov cocktails to shut down the fuel supply. The Russians may be building a fuel pipeline so that they can advance their supply chains.

I have to give the Ukrainians credit bur Im not supprised. The Ukraines are known for their heart and toughness while the Russians are known as thinkers. Once Putin brings in some modern equipment things may change but I think vwecare seeing the end of Russia as we know it.

Putin is gonna bankrupt the country on a failed invasion and occupation. They dont have the pockets or the willpower the US has to occupy you for an entire generation.

You can say the US is wesk if you want be we will kill ALL you standing leaders while tearing you country to shreds. Putin doesn't have that power. He should have stuck to the spy propaganda of making America kill itself. Now he united the world and put the petty problems on hold.
Damn good break down


Slayer and Lord of Mid West Heaux
BGOL Investor
The only way Russia gets back above water is a dead putin. That could literally reset their economy. Give it some more time. Russians are fed the fuck up with losing everything whether that be billionaires or the middle class. Let's see who comes out crying at Putin's funeral.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bottomline Putin fucked up and exposed Russia.
NATO does not defend the interests of the people of Europe. It embodies the interests of the global elite, who benefit from feeding the military-industrial complex. NATO is an instrument of the military and the weapons manufacturers. To exist, it needs an enemy. NATO’s role will always be to secure its own existence and its controllers’ cashflow, by creating enemies.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The only way Russia gets back above water is a dead putin. That could literally reset their economy. Give it some more time. Russians are fed the fuck up with losing everything whether that be billionaires or the middle class. Let's see who comes out crying at Putin's funeral.
Russians armed with obsolete weaponry transported by horses defeated Germany in WWII.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Yeah...growing up..I was always low key worried about war with Russia only because of the size and the ish they talk. Guess growing up I always looked at Russians as enemies because of movies and ish.

But now seeing how unorganized and skilled they are, only one im worried about is China. Only because I know how disciplined they are. I dont know ish about their military but I just know theyll at least be more organized than Russia. Shit...just look at them muthafuckas in the Olympics. Haha. They literally practice a skill from sun up to sun down

It came out in the early 1990s after the fall of the Warsaw Pact that Russia had lied about the amount of nuclear warheads, ICBMs they had along with military equipment.

The US and Russia had a agreement to allow inspectors to go into each other’s countries to observe the destruction of military equipment and and they discovered the mofos didn’t have what they claimed.

Also, when you watch those big military parades they always used to do at Red Square in the Kremlin. It came out that all that equipment was fake and was built for parade display.

Russia has been a big fake since the end of WW2 making the world think they were the Big Dog.

It’s become clear that the US/NATO could actually conduct a large scale offensive strike against Russia if it wanted. That will never happen, but it explains why Russia has always been in panic mode since the end of WW2.

I’m now thinking that General Payton was right when WW2 ended. He knew they were weak and full of shit and recommend the US take them out ASAP. Historians will now go back and review Pattons statements along with data they have now and we might get confirmation his vehicle accident was actually a conspiracy to get rid of him.

Time will tell.


Wait for it.....
OG Investor
Millions of Russians died and they didn't just have horses.
:yes:True ........

Russia 20 million. Poland 5-8 million. Ukraine 4 million. Japan 3.1 million. Germany 2 million, Great Britain 400K...... America 300K

World wars ain't no joke.:smh:
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