So how is Putin's 5D chess skills working out for him afterall?
Putin is a spy. Not a military planner. Walmart and Amazon would have done this much better.
Infantry wins battles but logics wins wars. Supply chain is everything.
The Russians only have a 45-90 mile supply chain away from its boarders.
Russia can defend itself but it can invade anyone.
Boxing fans will tell you Ukrainians got heart and Russians don't.
Ukrainians were raised to be the muscle for the USSR while Russia was the brain.
Russia produces chess players while Ukraine produces warriors.
Chess is a great game but all the chess pieces in life dont have the same power.
God know how many breeding experiments have been done there. Look at the Klitschko brothers. They may not have rhythm but they are athletic as fuck for white men. Even the white women in that area are known for their looks in comparison to the rest of Europe. Ukraine also has Nazi ties. Those people have literally been born and bred for war.
Putin now has to use modern weaponry (bombs n shit) and special forces to clean up the job the conscripts couldn't do.
All the "peace" talks are because the Russia army need to resupply.
Go check my first statements about the invasion. I stated that the Russians had 3-4 days of suppies and it seems like they got 7-10 days of ammunition.
The Ukrainians need to be cautious about the convoy outside of Kyiv. They hit the Russian fuel trucks with Molotov cocktails to shut down the fuel supply. The Russians may be building a fuel pipeline so that they can advance their supply chains.
I have to give the Ukrainians credit bur Im not supprised. The Ukraines are known for their heart and toughness while the Russians are known as thinkers. Once Putin brings in some modern equipment things may change but I think vwecare seeing the end of Russia as we know it.
Putin is gonna bankrupt the country on a failed invasion and occupation. They dont have the pockets or the willpower the US has to occupy you for an entire generation.
You can say the US is wesk if you want be we will kill ALL you standing leaders while tearing you country to shreds. Putin doesn't have that power. He should have stuck to the spy propaganda of making America kill itself. Now he united the world and put the petty problems on hold.