BREAKING: Jonathan Majors avoids jail time in assault and harassment sentencing


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh no bro...hope it isn't so. But I know either way he's going to get blacklisted and whatever else term people are using these days.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Now if the accuser was white and the victim was black,,Coondance and Jason Chickenstock would come with their capes flapping in the wind. We we are accused and the alleged victim is white, white people double down on us.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
He is innocent until proven guilty but black women always had issues with this dude. I don’t know if it was black women gut feelings or they just didn’t give a fuck about him, but their intuition was correct if this allegation is true. Also, that is not a pretty white woman brothers if you date white women make sure they look decent. I am not into white women (once in a while I might smash a pawg) but if I was to seriously date a white woman she has to be extremely pretty.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I really wish Peeps would stop making jokes when shit like this happens.
It's like some of US get off on allegations of a Black Man falling from grace and shit.
I tend to expect that from WHITE Folks. WE will always be GUILTY in their eyes
But when a lot of US fall for this without any evidence of proof yet,
Shit's extremely disappointing.

WE tend to forget that Black Men used to get lynched over false allegations.
Yet, these days WE tend to follow the WHITE Programming.
Especially when it comes to Black Men.

I really hope Majors didn't do the shit He's accused of.
WE were practically living in HIS World.
Now THIS all of a sudden comes up?
Until some detailed evidence, I'm calling BULLSHIT on this.
Especially considering what's happened to Michael Irvin, Tiger Woods, and even the Average Brother of late.

And do we even know if this chick is White?
What if she's Black?

God Dammit

Shaddyvillescrub’s Idol
BGOL Investor
I hope every negro with a white girl fetish does real time over them white hoes.
I wish Kobe would’ve done at least 10 years for his alleged anal raping.
Black men have been losing since we’ve come into contact with these white hoes and we still haven’t learned.
I mean, you create bullshit like Entroprofatho when you breed with these once a week bathing, non-foot washing hoes.
Oh well, no sympathy from me. I hope he gets life in prison for laying with that white hoe then laying hands on her. Then maybe niggas will learn… No you all still won’t learn.​

older version

A version older
4:44 PM PT -- Here's what allegedly happened in the lead-up to this. Per our law enforcement sources, police were told that the alleged victim is Majors' girlfriend -- and, according to her, they got into an argument while in a taxi returning home from a bar in Brooklyn.

Our sources say police were told the girlfriend saw another woman texting Majors, and she confronted him -- trying to sneak a peek at his phone. We're told the alleged victim/GF claims this got Majors mad, and that he allegedly grabbed her hand and allegedly slapped her.

We're also told the alleged victim claims he put his hands around her neck during this. Our sources say the woman was dropped off somewhere and that JM spent the night elsewhere. It appears the girlfriend went to police the following morning (Sat.) and reported a crime.

Getting a text from another woman and him trying to hide it - believable
Getting her hand smacked while she was trying to forcefully grab his phone - believable

Now she has proof and knows she is not the only one
Getting choked - Calling cap- that's her way of paying him back and cashing in instead of breaking up


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
This cat is riding high on the success of “Creed 3” and “Antman”.

Saw on the news last week that the first Creed movies shot up on viewership ratings recently on streaming.

Along with Loki season one. And he is in Loki season 2 which is scheduled to drop in a couple months along with whatever other cameos he has scheduled between now and the next Avengers movie in 2025.

Being this chick is the mother of his daughter, hopefully they all cool down and she drops the charges. Both of them right now need to act as adults and think about the child first, not themselves.

We will wait and see….


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Getting a text from another woman and him trying to hide it - believable
Getting her hand smacked while she was trying to forcefully grab his phone - believable

Now she has proof and knows she is not the only one
Getting choked - Calling cap- that's her way of paying him back and cashing in instead of breaking up
Agreed, and then to wait til the next day to go to the police.

Its like someone committing a crime. They wait to figure out the narrative they gonna create to get their story straight in their mind and act out all scenarios to make sure it sounds believable.

If you waited to the next day, you'd think about how you about to ruin dude life and maybe discuss it with him. But nah, I'm playing victim.

Something seem off to me


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I thought people put entrepregnant on ignore. I see people quoting him. Dude is always trying to bring attention to himself.
BGOL loves that dude for some reason...he is clearly trolling and makes no attempt to hide it but they just keep on responding


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Official book of Man Codes Rules and Regulations states that:

Once anybody Man, Woman, of sound mind calls the kkkops on you..

Its a wrap, cut em off and neva look back!!!

If she done it once she will do it again, its also a sign she will tell

all your business.. I hope they aint married and she knows where he

keeps his offshore accounts...

Its crazy how this bruh One minute is Squeaky clean... and JUST LIKE THAT,

painted as a woman abuser, even tho the facts aint even out yet..

all a becky gotta do is point at a bruh and cry,

and here come the mob with the ropes....

I say based on that, we should give him the benefit of doubt..

Willie D raised some great points and I agree....



Electric Relaxation
BGOL Investor
We can all say “Innocent Until Proven Guilty” but we ALL should know how this works.

A black man put his hands on a white woman. Even if it isn’t true, the fact that it’s alleged may be enough. That’s an grade A offense in the court of public opinion.

Now add that a bunch of WHITE people are claiming he’s this animal abuser since college and it may be a wrap.

Emmit Till isn’t as long ago as you think.

This dude was in Lovecraft Country, a show that basically outright said white people are evil and he still went with the most basic white chick ever.

We shall see how it plays out, but it does not look good


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yep I hated this happened to him, but he set his self up for this. When you get a little famous and a little money, you have to move differently.
Move differently and MOVE TO... (to something better.)
A lot of the white male white actors have done it.
And he isn't even married.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Move differently and MOVE TO... (to something better.)
A lot of the white male white actors have done it.
And he isn't even married.
You can move to something better, but you still have to look out for the pitfalls. By the way, there are some good women in the hood if you catch the right one.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Instead of speaking up

During the HEIGHT of #metoo...

These muthafukas instead SAVED this little bit of information in the stash.

For JUST the right moment?

So even IF these abuse allegations are true?

These muthafukas ain't save this info out of fear for themselves or for the victims...

They did this to have a weapon if and when that black man ever succeeded

So what in the f*ck you call that?

Cause THAT ain't no ally.

That may be just as bad as an actual abuser.

Pimpslap Slim

The Villain
BGOL Investor
and just like that....

career gonna be dust