Bruh, how many times in how many years has chicks wanted to check phones seeing you or anyone texting and you smirking or something. Since when does it have to become physical?
I would of locked my phone and said FOH. Be mad all you want.
If I was a celeb, that's even more excuse for me to say, oh some groupie or my such and such assistant.
Never something as a text would make a man have to use hands.
Unless, I'm sure she making it more than what it may be, but if she went to the police and they took pics of bruising or redness, then it's a wrap.
And this response right here would’ve got you in an altercation brother! With women you have to do the total opposite. I don’t know why it’s like that it just is!
She says let me see your like here you go, if you have something to hide act like you don’t have anything to hide. When I meet up with my old lady, every chick gets block and sometimes muted. All IG and social media accounts notifications off. Ringer straight on, every bitch photo gets place in to spots the hidden folder or the fake calculator photo app. Sometimes I may delete the photo and email myself the picture with my job title in the subject box.
Overall when she ask be like here you go, but since JM didn’t she amp the shit up even more and now you have an unfortunate altercation.