Breaking: Microsoft bought Bethesda for 7.5 Billion (Breaking Microsoft bought Activision/Blizzard!!!) Jesus Christ!!


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Those games are old and tired
Sonys gonna get the fresh new big thing in games

Doom eternal just dropped this year...

Starfield hasn’t released yet

deathloop is going to be on gamepass

The new elder scrolls will be on xbox

The new fallout will be on xbox

There is still an unannounced game that Bethesda is working on that’s going to be on Xbox

Bethesda just created a new studio a couple years ago that hasn’t released anything yet...

These are all new things.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Microsoft and Sony are playing different games right now....

Everything Microsoft has done are “we don’t care about console sales” ... it’s about that game pass.
Gamepass has 15 million people paying average 15 bucks a month... what is that ... over a billion a year. What if they get up to 30 or 50 million combining PC, Android, and Xbox game pass users. This is where they get that money.
Yeah man, all about game pass. I don't get how folks can't see this shit. I'm a diehard PC gamer. Hate paying for shit and even I buy subscription services for games. People have to think big picture here and think about ALL gaming.

This is some serious forward thinking right here. Basically, if Netflix could have done this back in the day, they would have. That's where we are in gaming. Microsoft has the money to make what they want happen.

If they cop ubisoft they get the games and folks already subscribed. Not saying they will, but it's all about the recurring revenue and cornering the market.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
You don't know what this means...?
Well for one it means... ahh....hold on it coming to me
It means.....ahh ahh....

:roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2:



BGOL Investor
Sony will try it's best to counter this. Look for Sony to buy some Japanese Studios (Capcom, Square-Enix) or get some permanently exclusives. Sony can't afford Ubisoft, Take-Two, or Activison so that's out the question. So Xbox has it's first Japanese studio I would say then need one or two more. Xbox has the shooter and RPG covered, they need to focus on fighting and maybe Japanese RPG\single player game.
Sony don't have cash like that.


PhD in Trollin
BGOL Investor
why would it not be about sales:confused: Xbox one was a better system than the ps4 I have both, but everyone I know who plays has the ps4, when I play online there are always more people online especially late on the ps4 which makes it a more fun experience in my opinion so sales matter.....
Just say you don't have any Xbox friends


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sony will try it's best to counter this. Look for Sony to buy some Japanese Studios (Capcom, Square-Enix) or get some permanently exclusives. Sony can't afford Ubisoft, Take-Two, or Activison so that's out the question. So Xbox has it's first Japanese studio I would say then need one or two more. Xbox has the shooter and RPG covered, they need to focus on fighting and maybe Japanese RPG\single player game.

Microsoft has more money in CASH than Sony's entire market cap. If they think it was necessary they probably would have done it by now, assuming that there are other companies willing to sell to either.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Microsoft is are worried about these guys Amazon, Google, Apple and Tencent. They don't care if Sony sells more consoles then them. They want to lock down cloud gaming before the big boys grab a hold of it. And in order to do that you need content. (EA on gamepass and now buying Bethesda) Sony got their eyes on the big boys too. Fanboys got their eyes on console sales.

That's why Apple wont allow xcloud on IOS.

All of this

Hell Sony tried to do it first with PlayStation now but they just don’t have the means to make truly valuable.. “putting it on an app” Sony still needs to buy systems.

Microsoft owns the PC market and they have Xbox.. they also have phones...

Think of millions of people subscribing to gamepass on PC, Android and Xbox..

Sony’s only real stream of income is console sales

Yet somehow Kats think console sales matter.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Microsoft has more money in CASH than Sony's entire market cap. If they think it was necessary they probably would have done it by now, assuming that there are other companies willing to sell to either.

Microsoft could straight up Buy Sony right now if they wanted to. Like all of Sony. Sony is a public company and but for regulatory issues .. if they really wanted to they could end the console war tomorrow.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Doom eternal just dropped this year...

Starfield hasn’t released yet

deathloop is going to be on gamepass

The new elder scrolls will be on xbox

The new fallout will be on xbox

There is still an unannounced game that Bethesda is working on that’s going to be on Xbox

Bethesda just created a new studio a couple years ago that hasn’t released anything yet...

These are all new things.

I also need to add that the new Skyrim will be on xbox


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
what!? where i can't even find it live anywhere

I got fucking Extra lucky ..

I had it in my walmart cart at 10:00 exactly ..... but walmart said it it was out of stock... I never closed out that webpage .. and kept it in my cart..

I went around everywhere scrambling and couldn't find shit .... I almost gave up

I went back to walmart .... tried to pay one more time and it went through....

I almost gave up...
