they should take Halo from 363 and let one of their new studios arm wrestle for it.. lol
No going to lie.. Id software handling Halo would be a fucking Dream come true.
they should take Halo from 363 and let one of their new studios arm wrestle for it.. lol
Studios playing around with other franchises would be a dream come true for real.No going to lie.. Id software handling Halo would be a fucking Dream come true.
Those games are old and tired
Sonys gonna get the fresh new big thing in games
Microsoft and Sony are playing different games right now....
Everything Microsoft has done are “we don’t care about console sales” ... it’s about that game pass.
Yeah man, all about game pass. I don't get how folks can't see this shit. I'm a diehard PC gamer. Hate paying for shit and even I buy subscription services for games. People have to think big picture here and think about ALL gaming.Gamepass has 15 million people paying average 15 bucks a month... what is that ... over a billion a year. What if they get up to 30 or 50 million combining PC, Android, and Xbox game pass users. This is where they get that money.
You don't know what this means...?
Well for one it means... ahh....hold on it coming to me
It means.....ahh ahh....
Sony don't have cash like that.Sony will try it's best to counter this. Look for Sony to buy some Japanese Studios (Capcom, Square-Enix) or get some permanently exclusives. Sony can't afford Ubisoft, Take-Two, or Activison so that's out the question. So Xbox has it's first Japanese studio I would say then need one or two more. Xbox has the shooter and RPG covered, they need to focus on fighting and maybe Japanese RPG\single player game.
Just say you don't have any Xbox friendswhy would it not be about salesXbox one was a better system than the ps4 I have both, but everyone I know who plays has the ps4, when I play online there are always more people online especially late on the ps4 which makes it a more fun experience in my opinion so sales matter.....
Those games are old and tired
Sonys gonna get the fresh new big thing in games
Sony will try it's best to counter this. Look for Sony to buy some Japanese Studios (Capcom, Square-Enix) or get some permanently exclusives. Sony can't afford Ubisoft, Take-Two, or Activison so that's out the question. So Xbox has it's first Japanese studio I would say then need one or two more. Xbox has the shooter and RPG covered, they need to focus on fighting and maybe Japanese RPG\single player game.
I'm going to keep letting you think it's about console sales
carry on..
Microsoft is are worried about these guys Amazon, Google, Apple and Tencent. They don't care if Sony sells more consoles then them. They want to lock down cloud gaming before the big boys grab a hold of it. And in order to do that you need content. (EA on gamepass and now buying Bethesda) Sony got their eyes on the big boys too. Fanboys got their eyes on console sales.
That's why Apple wont allow xcloud on IOS.
Microsoft has more money in CASH than Sony's entire market cap. If they think it was necessary they probably would have done it by now, assuming that there are other companies willing to sell to either.
Doom eternal just dropped this year...
Starfield hasn’t released yet
deathloop is going to be on gamepass
The new elder scrolls will be on xbox
The new fallout will be on xbox
There is still an unannounced game that Bethesda is working on that’s going to be on Xbox
Bethesda just created a new studio a couple years ago that hasn’t released anything yet...
These are all new things.
I got one!!
what!? where i can't even find it live anywhereyesss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got one!!
what!? where i can't even find it live anywhere
Did Amazon even put there's up?
amazon is tripping