Breaking: Microsoft bought Bethesda for 7.5 Billion (Breaking Microsoft bought Activision/Blizzard!!!) Jesus Christ!!


BGOL Investor
All of this

Hell Sony tried to do it first with PlayStation now but they just don’t have the means to make truly valuable.. “putting it on an app” Sony still needs to buy systems.

Microsoft owns the PC market and they have Xbox.. they also have phones...

Think of millions of people subscribing to gamepass on PC, Android and Xbox..

Sony’s only real stream of income is console sales

Yet somehow Kats think console sales matter.
Plus they have to sell their consoles for a loss.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member


Damn got to let Nintendo get that one lol

This is crazy...

I mean they have the cash to fucking do it...........


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bye bye Gamestop. Bye bye physical media. This was a powerplay by Microsoft and video games are going the way of Netflix and streaming sites



Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
I wish u could show y'all the text messages I was having with someone that works closely with Microsoft. Basically MSFT has so much cash in hand they don't know what to do with it. They told me how they once gave a worker there $50k in stocks in top of her bonus cause she was due a promotion but they didn't have a spot for her just yet. Her financial advisor told her it would be work $500k in five years.